What's the literary equivalent of this?
What's the literary equivalent of this?
Latent homosexuality?
Strong black men?
My diarrhea tübjörnest
>Latent homosexuality?
What kind of culture would produce a person who assumes that every display of physical excellence by a man is inherently homoerotic somehow? Hmm. Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Probably any gay romance paperback
>t. fag
Ebin of garugamesh
Paladin of Shadows
either that or gay erotica
A Squeeze of the Hand in Moby-Dick
My diary desu
The Iliad when Achilles finally sorts himself out.
Mason & Dixon
Huckleberry Finn
Gilgamesh and Enkidu
>Two strong men shake hands
These are the thoughts which pop up in the head of a leftist:
>Latent homosexuality?
>Strong black men?
And we're suppose to take leftist men seriously.
You forgot 'solidarity' and 'strength', me'senpai'lord
Fuck I came to say son & xon
Greater Ajax and Teucer the Archer in the Iliad
It's ok, just admit that you're gay faggots
Veeky Forumslit/
Storm of Steel by Yukio Mishima
Getting swole and also homosexuality
I thought brotherhood.
>Similar to fellowship.
>Fellowship of the Ring
You're welcome.
If you don't see how paper thin obvious it is that "Predator" is a metaphor for the AIDS epidemic I don't know what you're doing on a literature board
Cold mud = condoms?
The hiding of "body heat". The constant exuding of his biological energy which attracts the interest of the (sexual) Predator.
Repression of the clearest kind.
What is da choppa? How does Predators (2010) fit into this?
The need to return to civilization. Escaping from the primal habitat where their base desires are not protected by social reinforcement.
Later Predator movies lost sight of this deeper symbolism and as a result are just boring SciFi films that no one cared about
That seems like a lot of projecting to me. I think you're a repressed SF fan.
N-no you don't know anything about me
You're just another self-hating closet trekkie.
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.
Apophthegmata Laconica
Sokath, his eyes open!
shut the fuck up faggot
>What kind of culture would produce a person who assumes that every display of physical excellence by a man is inherently homoerotic somehow?
Ancient Greece
They mostly sexualized boys.
What's the literary equivalent of this?
The rise of modern Feminism created this.
Feminists characterize all strong male friendship as gay. It's all a strategy to increase emotional dependence on women.
This is the same reason Feminists vehemently oppose the creation of sex robots.
Chomsky vs Foucault
Moby dick, Robinson crusoe in abridged version, gilgamesh