3x3 thread

Been a while since I last saw one.

no bully

>inb4 I get roasted for liking le fatman

But what was Father Zosima's tax policy?


>le spook face maymay
>Neech and Dosto together
>that third row
Is this bate?


Is it bad that I recognize all the authors from this?

>Neech and Dosto together

Should I think less of him because I don't agree with him? He's a brilliant writer.

>that third row

I like cosmic horror and big complex works of fiction. Bite me.

>brilliant writer
Oh wait, are you saying you agree with Nietzsche and not Dostoevsky?


>Neech and Dosto together
Every nutjob has their trick but ultimately their way of thinking is not that different and they start from the same point.







>reading Wittgenstein and Heidegger


is The Beetle Leg a good starting point for Hawkes?

Y-You actually unironically read books?

read? for heaven's sake, I just want it to look good on my shelf :)

> He doesn't buy books to eat them and acquire their essence



Who's bottom-center supposed to be?

Not him, but where is the problem with that?


>Cosmic horror

Somebody recommend me good cosmic horror books. I've already read most of memecraft and I read Junji ito's mangas.

Loved them both but now I want more.



Jesus, was that butchering intentional ?

Who's qtpie in the middle?

Aylin Tezel.

Am I getting memed on? She's an actress,

kerker means prison in german. maybe it was just a joke, i dont know danish.



Kierkegaard means Graveyard. Literally however, it means: "Churchyard".


This meme gets me everytime.

It's not bad. I started with The Cannibal a few years ago and didn't get it, then moved on to The Lime Twig and The Beetle Leg and loved them both and eventually went back. His later work is more accessible, you could start with Travesty or Death, Sleep, And The Traveller if you wanted.

Alright, rate me.


That's not a rating.

rate me fags


1 for making me respond

And 1 for all the time you wasted making it, to show anonymous people how bad and pretentious your taste is

is stoicism just nihilsm without the gay part or is it the other way around


Definately the other way around. Stoicism promotes the parts of life that mean absolutely nothing while suppressing both the ability to recognize that and the hope for anything more.
Anyone with an intelligent commitment to stoicism would only logically kill themselves.

>stirner, neechee and camus
what's cognitive dissonance like?

Its clearly a bait graph

>leave Veeky Forums over a year ago just when this stupid shit got started
>peek back in briefly and people are posting now like it's normal
good riddance

>people are having fun waaaah

Yeah good riddence

Who are the top right, the left middle, and the bottom middle?

Camus, Mill, not sure

Frank Herbert

Woe is me.

>3x3 threads popped up last year

I cant remember a time they didnt exist.

Why? I'd understand Crowley, but LaVey was a mere clown.


'Sup reddit

detected the pseud



That cover is damn patrician.

Nietzsche pepe could do with revision

I fucking hate these threads because I'm expected to know who these people are by their pictures. I recognize Nietzsche, Lovecraft, Stirner and JK Rowling, but I don't know the others.

>JK Rowling

I chuckled