Post them.
Books in favour of democracy
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Not exactly in favour, but if you're interested in the current state of democracy in the world, check out Joshua Kurlantzick's Democracy in Retreat, about the decline of developing nations in the 2000s after a decade of relative peace and hope of development in the 1990s.
The US constitution
Fuck off with macaroni
>daily remember that less taxes = less freedom
John Stuart Mill- Considerations on Representative Government
Amartya Sen- Democracy as a Universal Value (paper)
The constitution doesn't mention the word democracy.
It does in those big ass letters at the start
If you need anything more than that you can fuck off to Europe faggot
Certainly not the greeks.
>R O A S T E D
Seriously though, Stuart Mill is as far as you're getting to a proper justification for it, but things are not looking very good for democracy otherwise, in spite of its (imposed?) popularity across the past centuries.
Almost anything by John Dewey
Aristotle was sympathetic to Democracy actually. He said while it was the most easily corruptible system it was the least tyrannical when corrupted.
Thats practically remained the common opinion
I wonder what forms of government represent the people
Veeky Forums doesn't read nearly enough T. Paine
Makes sense. I guess a bad democracy would be like Charles II of Spain being king.
How does that make any sense at all
>Amartya Sen- Democracy as a Universal Value (paper)
That sounds so repulsive. I might read it just to feel some healthy disgust
The constitution was heavily influenced by the ideas of John Locke who wrote in favour of democracy.
Are you fuckers serious that we don't have a Democracy lit-chart?
You've got Suicide and Greek lit-charts, but not a democracy one?
Why don't you make one instead of venting your puerile indignation?
Veeky Forums is full of both ironic and unironic monarchists, as well as ironic and unironic fascists.
That doesn't actually answer the question, though.
The Dictator's Handbook. Every non-democracy is a cleptocracy.
No, but it does answer the implied "Why not?" question.
Democracy was a mistake.