What are things an artist should know? How does one create worthwhile art? I'm not talking about mere craftsmanship

What are things an artist should know? How does one create worthwhile art? I'm not talking about mere craftsmanship

Also what is the state if art today? To me art seems to be stagnating, all the classical boundaries have been torn down - where do we even go from here?

>What are things an artist should know?
That knowledge does not create art
>Also what is the state if art today?
There's good stuff and bad stuff.
>where do we even go from here?
make art, faggot

I'd like to hear about it from an actual artists if you don't mind

floow your insintct

>What are things an artist should know?
Sensibility, good taste, curiosity...

be in tune with the collective unconscious

Many artists were only discovered after their death, doesn't seem to be a requirement

I wish i knew
t. artist

did you paint that

Orazio Gentileschi did.
Still it looks very fresh to me.for some reason

What's this got to do with literature?

Inshallah you'll go fuck yourself for that useless comment

This is Veeky Forums, not some random forum. There is no such thing as necro posting and there is no such thing as off topic. We're more advanced here.



To me it looks like fresh pussy, so I must agree

Thangs imam :DDDD

Don't laugh, but interactive fiction (video games...) shows potential.

The reason why a lot of film is shit is because of financial considerations. Costumes and sets and actors and film costs money. You can just pay a 3D artist and a voice actor to make most of these things for a fraction of the cost.

And when something costs a lot of money to make, the people fronting the money are gonna want to make it back. So the script suffers and becomes some mass appeal wish fulfillment pandering horseshit. The artist loses creative authority.

A well made piece of interactive fiction can take you anywhere, show you anything, and can more easily eat- or recoup- the costs if the artistic vision is risky.

Interactive fiction is also easier for artists to contribute to, for a variety of reasons- no need to be 'on location', fewer time considerations, many contibutions can be made from the comfort of the artist's home.

Also consider how much more immersive an interactive experience is. And consider the future of virtual reality software, for which IF is the proto-stage.

It's a shame that most of the IF being marketed today is YA shit, but wait until steam users get older, and we may see some adult IF.

read my diary desu

In cultural production today (Art, Design, Music etc..) the receiving public is fully willing to accept the deskilled object without question. Deskilling is the disease, one of many diseases that ail art. People today make no attempt to see artistic production as a discipline (in the fullest form of it's meaning), rather artistic production becomes a game where by any criteria (or principle) applied to a work to critically assess it (determine to what degree it is "good") is dismissed as not essential to the work.
As a result people are making straight up garbage and try to pretend it's conceptual, because they have no skill and no discipline. They hide behind the notion that skill, technique, discipline and craft are passe and unconceptual. Most art is produced in a critical vacuum, an environment free of criticism - your fellow artists don't know shit and wouldn't want to offend you anyway. Not only that, 99% of criticism in magazines/internet/literature is purely masturbatory, all artists are marketed as saints. Real criticism is key to art, without calling work into crisis art can't move forward. The response to criticism should be defensive, but not in words - defensive in action. Defensive by making another, greater work. This is why art is stagnant.

>interactive fiction (video games...)
Isn't art, will never be art. That's even worse than placing your hopes in genre fiction.
And then you started talking about cinema... what? Are you underage?

post it

I really like the picture there.

Basically an artist has to invent his own mythology and then hope the rest of the world buys into it.
Its very non-committal because its just one guys fantasies that can be easily dismissed.
