My brothers books

Hay guys I came to own quite a few books from my recently departed older brother and I though show them all to you, its odd really he never really was into this kind of stuff before after he did some experimental drugs for the government his personality changed and he became more distant even leaving for a few years here's the 1st pic.

Sorry for the picture not being so good i have a shitty phone, its my only thing i have to take pictures with, here's some more.

Wow...he seems like a modern day Bashō

Its odd really, he wasn't really into religion nor politics but he started picking up these kind of books when he came back, I'm not sure when the change in his personality happened but after a year or so of him being away he just showed up out of the blue like nothing happened.

He also started reading into the occult and various other topics he spoke to me about it but i wasn't able to understand what he was getting at, i knew he was getting depressed & i was unable to help him.



here's more he has a few books that are the same but by different people, he told me some times there is always something different in each book even if they are the same, I thought it was pointless myself.



here's more religion books, there was also 5 other books not in the pictures they were just bibles.

Then i found this in his footlocker along with other manuals, military grade ones.

these are them.

last book i found in his old stuff, its pretty ruined has water damage and has some tap covering the year part. there isn't much i can tell other than the title of the book

that's all of it I'll stop being a faggot and fuck off Veeky Forums it was nice talking to you all.

Thanks for sharing fampie.

Nigga probably read more than most of the kiddies who come here

maybe the only books I've read out of all these would be The Art of War & The Prince.

>hasn't read Gilgamesh
fuck user, google it. it takes an hour to read.

I have the book now, I'll just read it later, along with all the rest of these books.


user...what does Jorge Luis Borges have to do with this? did you think you'd be a funny guy and post him thinking you'd get something out of it? Do you feel good about your current self?

what the fuck is the point of this thread?

>hurr durr i hate original content
fuck you

What country are you in OP? I'd be unironically interested in buying those off you.

Condolences about your brother.