Okay Veeky Forums, I've done it

Okay Veeky Forums, I've done it.

I quit my job three weeks ago and Friday was my final day. My lease runs out tomorrow and from then on I intend to spend the next months in a second-hand van, sleeping in the back, showering at a local swimming pool or gym, and spending most of my time in libraries while writing my novel slash manifesto slash memoir. The first section will be a detailed examination and narrative of my life from birth (with exploration of my ancestors too) until my current age of 25, and from then on it will be a fictional novel (though won't be advertised as such) about how at a very low point in my life I joined an obscure secular monastery who make their money programming VR simulations on the black market aka dark web and how VR influenced the fictional (but-not-advertised-as-such) society, the effects of mass immigration, and so on. It will be the first of the kind, in the sense that it is written in a realistic tone to be taken as the honest memoir of an individual from the future, so to speak. I don't have much money saved so I will probably run out soon after the next six months are up, perhaps before. I will probably commit suicide at that point, or continue to live homelessly while finishing my master text.

See ya.

>putting all your eggs in one broken basket

Youll be fine.

what can go wrong

U only get one life


I'm planning on doing the same thing except instead of writing a book I will spend my last few weeks furiously masturbating behind the local McDonalds garbage cans

You fell for a meme.

I work at a uni library and there is a guy there exactly like you. He's already doing what you aspire to do. There's millions of guys exactly like you.

He sits in the same seat every day all day until close and surrounds himself with stacks of secondary sources on philosophy. He wears the same clothes every day and sometimes he gets up to get some espresso from the coffee shop.

And those books he's reading?
All in English.
Every. single. one.
Maximum kek.

>there's millions of guys exactly like you

Factually, statistically, empirically false.

Strugglehut mid-20s male pseudointellectual.
Millions is an underestimate.



and theres millions of people leading the exact same life you do.
did you fall for a meme?

Probably, though the critical difference is I'm not parading around like I'm the chosen one and writing with a total lack of awareness about my cliched life

>muh suicide, my homelessness, muh master text

Dude you are memed as fuck.

>I ENJOY being mediocre dude, living a secure and predictable lifestyle makes me MATURE and RESPECTABLE, pursuing your ambition is for LOSERS

Fuck off normie.

>projecting this hard

Notice that you've yet to discover a single fact about the reality of my life.
All you know is your memes.
This master text of yours is sure to be a riot, please kill yourself soon to ensure its eternal fame.

>implying I'm the OP

Why not just get the fuck out of Veeky Forums if you're this much of a normie downer?

friend the posts you're replying to are not the same person

I asked if you fell for a meme and I enjoyed your response. There's something to be said about romanticizing the hard working hobo but I don't know what it is
>oooh look at me im such a badass because i don't care about normal things like having a home and i've actually devoted my life to noble pursuits
no, you fell for a meme ;)

its tricky though because I can't say I haven't entertained the very thought and it sure played out rather nice in my fantasies.

go to hell

Hey OP, move to a different seat each day, be Unique, and you wont fit into this guy's stereo type.

Are you a teenager or are you really this idealogically cucked?

Very strange to consider that people with your mentality browse this board.

are you trying to say something?

Great bait.