I have to write three essays tomorrow. what drug should i be on while writing?
I have to write three essays tomorrow. what drug should i be on while writing?
I was considering one of the following: coffee, kava, kratom, nicotine, or just sober.
I could potentially eat a cannabis gummy but idk if i'm feeling that for having to write for so long, i feel like i'd space out.
coffee is good because it's so common for writing but i'm afraid of the crash. maybe if i supplement l-theanine it would be good?
kava is nice because it's so relaxing that maybe i'd just be able to let the writing flow very easily. also a lot of kava is needed for me to feel the effects so it'd be hard for me to bring enough.
kratom is really really nice for reading but i haven't used it for writing before. i like this option but i'd have to figure out a way to be able to dose it before i start.
nicotine is easy. just pop in some snus. get a nice energy boost. but it makes me tired if i keep it in too long.
sober is fine. i'm a pretty capable writer (not to brag) and i'm confident in my skills.
i don't really want to combine these as in the past it had given me stomach irritation.
Caffeine, nicotine and modafinil.
whats an easy way to get modafinil in the US?
Some sort of online pharmacy. Bit late for that noe though.
coffee + l-theanine
Too much. I just write.
Recreational drugs never help with anything - they cloud your mind and body, impair rational thinking
> tfw it's proven that some drugs improve cognitive function
> tfw society has engrained the anti drug bs into your pleb brain
i feel sorry for you.
I know a doctor in the northeastern US who won't ask questions if you tell him you have insomnia
it ain't all about cognition brotha
At what price? Even if there was no price, they change your perception, your way of thinking, how you feel - none of that is beneficial
What makes you think your current perceptions and ways of thinking are better than what they might give you?
>tfw essays written on psychotropic drugs don't make as much sense when you're sober.
>tfw society has INgrained the pro-drug bs into your pleb brain.
I feel sorry for you.
You do know that the rational is remotely even good?
>>tfw essays written on psychotropic drugs don't make as much sense when you're sober.
Best works of art are when they come out irrational, but you correct and make sense of them in the rational.
This is presumably for a uni or published essay though. Not art.
even tho incredible minds have written masterful works under the influence of drugs? didn't faulkner only write drunk?
i'm not saying anyone here is as talented as faulkner, but someone could easily possess the ability to write better while on drugs and then "edit sober"
How do you know if they are better? I'd rather remain human, also at least classically sobriety is a virtue. Drugs are nothing but a distraction.
Creating art isn't an event that is somehow completely separate from everyday life. You have ideas and thoughts which you later transform into art. One would have to stay high 24/7.
If you don't write for art's sake, you are NEVER, and I mean NEVER, going to make it.
classically? tradition is nonsense. don't be simple. enjoy your boring life. drugs don't have to consume you're life, but they can enhance certain situations.
Good writing (good anything) is all technique
Drugs are a meme
Oh, so you've not written anything of value? Yeah, it's obvious.
>enjoy your boring life
speak for yourself - and this is exactly why mediocre people do drugs
I do drugs every now and then. Maybe three to five times a year. I used to do them a lot as a teenager. But fuck, people who talk about how great drugs are, or how you're boring if you look down on drugs, are always the most boring, vapid fucks on the face of the planet.
i legitimately don't understand how you can say this. have you seriously never drank a cup of coffee? never had a glass of wine? never smoked a cigarette? these are all drugs. why do people limit themselves to these "socially acceptable" drugs? get off your high horse.
Because the effects of caffeine, nicotine, and tipsiness isn't on the same level as heroine, ecstasy, etc.
>that moment when you try to microdose but fuck it up so bad that you discover yourself ten million kilometers from your apartment in distant cosmic oil fields whilst you actually should be doing work that you get paid for but you didnt do it because the internet broke at work so you got home and became that moment
I only enjoy wine or coffee when their effect isn't noticeable or is quickly gone. If there were versions with the exact same taste but no effect I would go for those. I enjoy the situations surrounding those things and refrain from indulging myself in their effects, being drunk or hyped up on caffeine would detract immensely from my life.
Dang is this for the AP lit test tomorrow?
did you not notice that all the drugs OP listed are just as mild as coffee, nicotine, and alcohol? if alcohol can just make someone a little tipsy, then weed definitely can make someone a little buzzed. kratom doesn't get anybody fucking high. neither does kava. these are all mild drugs. fuck off illiterate cuck
>tfw you're a parasite and a waste but on drugs your delusions of grandeur seem almost justified
adderrall + kratom is the move
green maeng da only btw
Wow, no need to be so rude.
There is a difference between using drugs for their effect and using drugs for their taste/social events(and I don't mean getting fuckin wasted) etc
The difference is the first one makes you a lower class junkie
>lower class
whoops darling, no
uhm... yeah, sweetie :)
Speed, cigarettes and chewing gum, you prick
a) coffee, and
b) cigarettes
So if it was customary to do a bump of coke after meals, you would do it?
Grow up.
No drug with such high effects is customary. Anyway I don't even drink coffee, alcohol on special occasions and not to get drunk.
I say good ol' fashion model glue or paint thinner. Stay away from gas unless you want to be nude, in a corner of your closet, screaming as the building blocks of the universe tear you apart.
I'm just talking about little sniff here, just enough to aid in digestion and liven up conversation. Really not very different from having a bit of brandy after Christmas dinner. Drink a pint of it and that's a different story.
And have you ever been drunk, user? Just curious. I sometimes encounter people who have attitudes like yours -- sobriety is a virtue unto itself and any alteration of our perceptions makes them lesser -- that haven't once been properly intoxicated. And I have to wonder how they draw their conclusions
I'm all about that white
Better than Heroin.
I did read the entirety of ASoIaF on two weeks while on meth. I wouldn't recommend it. Stick to plants kiddos
>alcohol OR caffeine, not both. Both will make you feel odd
All in small doses. Too much will hinder progress vastly. You're walking a fine line when writing with drugs
I've been drunk, even had a similar mindset to yours once, however I never did illegal drugs.
Now I don't like alcohol, I don't like coffee, I don't like nicotine - I enjoy being sober, and using my clear head to do stuff.
intoxication of the mind is a vice
AP student?
all stimulants give me tourettes
The joke that gets played on coke users is the fact that you ARE NOT more interesting, or more easy to talk to, or more fun when you're on coke. Actually it's quite the opposite, you actually act like completely intolerable, arrogant, semi-retards, who talk about really mundane shit and think it's the best conversation ever.
The DRUG makes you THINK that you're super charismatic and interesting and intense however, when in reality you're just making an ass out of yourself. In fairness, you are super cool to other people on coke, but everyone else is doing their best to avoid you, while you go around ear raping everyone in sight.
If you've never done illegal drugs our mindsets were never all that similar lol. I get plenty done even when I'm stoned or whatever, which isn't all or even most of the time. But not everyone can, and I really think it's important to understand your own limits and how drugs affect you. So yeah you keep doing you user
You could just as easily say the same thing about alcohol. I've actually never done coke, it was just a hypothetical
Actually I was going to post an addendum and say alcohol is basically the same thing, beat me to it.
Drunk people love talking to each other about incoherent shit, and think it's super meaningful and intense. Everyone else is just like, "Uh...could someone call security and get these drunk assholes away?"
Cokeheads always plan crimes when they're fucked up, that's the only real difference between drunks.
I always remember listening to these two cokeheads I knew plan on how to rob some cleaning supplies (that they had no use for) from the one's job for 4 hours.
They rarely ever commit the crime, they just love planning the shit...out loud.
jenkem or bust, kid
Vyvanse op, you'll have to force yourself to stop writing. Just dont go on a porn site or any other distraction
you like white more than green? today is my first day without any in a couple months, will prolly need some immodium
id say alcohol probably has better conversation than coke. coke is super mundane chat is horrible you wake up the next day and realise you were talking drivel about the most pointless stuff, at least alcohol provides you with some humor and personality
what is decaf
>literal highschoolers
Coke conversation is really,
>heywatch! I'llkaratechopthistableinhalf!!!
t. person who has never done blow
and that's somehow a bad thing?