Alright, Veeky Forums, list your age and your top ten authors and call each other fags or pseuds or alright men.
Alright, Veeky Forums, list your age and your top ten authors and call each other fags or pseuds or alright men.
Why isn't this thread "the first ten authors you read"?
because, despite my standard choices, that's not the case.
This seems like a very poor thread topic if this is the case for you. Be more specific, because you don't have much to say about Veeky Forums at large.
Melville then 9 others
Been to Veeky Forums for a year, no individual taste
>Ramon Gomez
Rec me something please. I'm about to go on a spree
>Not hawthorne
oh, I get one more
10. Nietzsche
what is pic from?
nice swift draft pick
>Stephen King
>George Orwell
>Matt Taibi
>Jean-Paul Sartre
>Arthur Schopenhauer
>Phillip k. Dick
>Chuck Palahniuk
>Camille Paglia
I don't remember, it's Revelation obviously. I probably found it on Bibliodyssey years ago.
fuck, my bad. Part of me likes seeing others favorites, but I'll admit that I was and am looking for some level of validation.
>Gilberto Owen
Holy fuck is this board full of posers.
93% of comments:
Furiously post the only books they've ever read
that they very much only read anyway because they wanted to feel smart.
Ten authors? Really?
I am being assumptive here, but I can say with confidence that most of the posters on this board have not read nearly wide enough to have TEN authors as favourites, let alone two or three.
Just step back for a moment and realise, how many books from how many different authors you would have to read, to come up with a list of TEN authors you like the most.
I bet most of these posters, with their TEN favourite authors, have probably read one book of each writer once.
I struggle to come up with two or three favourites, and I have read a respectable amount of books.
Stephen King and Orwell? Why?
Not him, but I would include Orwell making Joyce and Dostoevsky in my favourites. I enjoy his politically loaded stuff, as well as more tame and low brow stuff such as a clergymans daughter.
His essays, the road to Wigan pier and 1984 is what put him in my top 10
I'm under no impression he is highbrow though