Got these today.
Post em and others rate your new darlings
Got these today.
Post em and others rate your new darlings
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Posted this in the other thread but whatevs
I was looking at Vico in the store yesterday, seemed interesting. What exactly is it about? Something about birth of cultures or something?
Something along those lines. I'm not sure honestly. I just know he was influential on Marx, Hegel, Herder, Humanities in general etc...
I haven't got around to Jung and only a little Nietzsche. QQ
happy about the red and black, saw it in a non thrift store for about $15 the other week and thought about getting it but patience worked out for 2.99
After a little reading it seems he is examining the 'nation' (natio in Latin, which is etymologically related to birth) through the metaphorical lens of an organism developing. In hopes of develop his new science of the human realm. Pretty interesting so far.
I can see how it helped to spawn process thought and advance the 'genetic method'.
Picked this up today on a whim, anyone have anything to say on it?
Beevor's Stalingrad is superb.
I'd also be interested in the three brown volumes on the right.
Where's Volume 1 of Schope, and Fourfold Root?
Loved that Stalingrad book. What a steal for $1.50.
This guy does:
I heard it's a pain to get through and doesn't shed any new light.
But I live for plebeian Reddit shit.
Bakemonogatari parts two and three but no idea if I should get The Melancholy of Resistance or War & War. War & War reminds me of 2666 from the blurb anyway, I just finished reading that not long ago.
Patrician album.
>those prices
I want to fucking kill myself.
>tfw Australian
Most of those books would be around $20 mininum used. Ereader meme really has some value here.
stop purchases thread stop stack threads stop bookshelf threads
there's no point in talking about books you haven't read yet
I'm reading man and his symbols right now. It's stimulating
Jesus. I just bought 9 books for $22
What album is that? Looks familiar.
Watermargin and Book of Mencius
>I just bought 9 books for $22
What books were they?
Safe as Milk by Captain Beefheart
One of my favorite records of all time.
Not as good as Trout Mask Replica but, still fantastic. Autumn's Child GOAT final track.
Schopenhauer is grade A philosophy for pseuds who just want to appear smart.
those who revile others show that they have othing real or true to put forward against them, since otherwise they would provide this as the premises and would safely leave the conclusion to the listeners; instead they give the conclusion and fail to provide the premises. but they rely on the presumption that this is only done for the sake of - much appreciated - brevity.
Thanks for proving me right.
>Thinking just cause someone reads something they agree with it.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Aristotle
Are you really this basic; besides that's not an argument :D. I mean care to elucidate why Schopenhauer is so much of a pseud?
listening to Yellow Brick Road always puts a smile on my face