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absolute fucking blue pilled pure filtered shit.
self help is all a load of shit.
>imagine pic related giving out self help advice on how to get laid
>just be confident bro
>motivate yourself man!
>put yourself in a positive mindset bro
>just bee yourself
imagine a subhuman like vid related taking advice from how to win friends and influence people, imagine him in a social situation. How to win friends and influence people can be summarised in 5 bullet points, it disregards your genetics which plays a huge role on how you are treated and how you can influence someone.
He's not too bad.
It tells you to compliment people. It only helps you if you are full on social retard, ie. cant even spark up a conversation
Serious answer here: It actually isn't that bad, but you shouldn't accept all of its conclusions. I'd recommend using its methods only when you are referring to normies or to pseudo-intellectuals. After all they are 95% of all "people".
I'm assuming it's sophistry. I reject its premise.
Not at all. Solid advice for basic interpersonal communications
This, its a good starterpack for autists, provided they dont pretend to be too good for it.
Worth reading once. The main message is in order to engage people and become likeable, stop talking about yourself all the time and ask them questions about their interests and feelings. It sounds simple but once you've read the book you can immediately notice who talks about themself all the time and how it negatively impacts people's perception of them. Also, always lead with a compliment when suggesting criticism. Those were my two major takeaways.
Its good if:
1. You like people and are genuinely interested in them, their lives and interests
2. You are capable of faking No. 1 well enough that people believe you are genuine.
also, ever notice the people you like really quickly? you feel comfortable with them? chances are they asked you to talk about yourself a whole lot, and you felt like they "got you" because the listened to the shit you said and actually paid attention rather than waiting for their turn to ejaculate (we have to reclaim this word)
also, the part about admitting your mistakes was great, it seems obvious "admit it and take responsibility when you're wrong" but a lot of these neets wanna blame everyone else from the jews, to white males, to hot chicks who won't fuck them, and so on...
Sounds like 90% of this website.
>Also, always lead with a compliment when suggesting criticism
Rapoport's rules of engagement are golden for me when it comes to engaging in criticism:
How to compose a successful critical commentary:
>You should attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly, and fairly that your target says, “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it that way."
>You should list any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).
>You should mention anything you have learned from your target. Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.
Also, How to Win Friends and Influence People is so garbage that it absolves me of living according to what I just preached about Rapoport.
Not full meme
I prefer Robert Greene's "The 48 Laws of Power".
>Rapoport's rules of engagement are golden for me when it comes to engaging in criticism:
>How to compose a successful critical commentary:
>>You should attempt to re-express your target’s position so clearly, vividly, and fairly that your target says, “Thanks, I wish I’d thought of putting it that way."
>>You should list any points of agreement (especially if they are not matters of general or widespread agreement).
>>You should mention anything you have learned from your target. Only then are you permitted to say so much as a word of rebuttal or criticism.
just sounds like the typical "shit sandwich" shit they took in management school, start with a complement, tell your underling they are a retarded piece of shit who can and will be fired, and then end the meeting with a compliment
one of the most memorable parts of The Hard Thing About Hard Things was when he tries to give a shit sandwich to some high level exec under him (The author is the ceo) and she's like "spare me the shit sandwich ben, just tell me where i fucked up" and i was like ok note to self: save the sandwich for the cucks n' plebs, cuz other Serious People don't want to hear it
it's not the shit sandwich. your example illustrates someone who is self-aware, charitable and engages in good faith.
the first point in Rapoport's guide is most important. most arguments stem from a misunderstanding of a party's claim. they might actually disagree, but they end up disagreeing about strawmen, or misrepresentations of one another. synthesising your presumed opponent's point is a good place to start. sure, you can spare him of the niceties.
>talking about yourself all the time
This is an American thing par excellence. It's one of the (many) reasons why people here hate American tourists.
the British are mostly the same. Heck allmost all people are the same. And not only that, but they talk about themselves with so little insight and self-awareness. Narrating the small gossip of life is how most people interact and they seem to be so content with it.
hmm rapaport seems interesting, is there like a survey text that covers his various major works?
Does this book help with awkward silences?
>allmost all people are the same. Narrating the small gossip of life is how most people interact
Nope. Talking about yourself is a faux pas almost everywhere in Europe (it's one of the reasons why Americans consistently complain that French people are rude, I'd wager). Actually, I'm pretty sure it's a faux pas almost everywhere outside the Anglosphere.
I think this is because the U.S. has an open culture where you assume being in a friendly position with people by default whereas europeans have more reserved cultures where you act polite and distant with people until you know them better.
What's the goal?
Humans operate best as functionalist entities adhering to a stage like performance mindset, that adopts the necessary, in light of the constant awe in absurd possible concepts.
I.E. a vessel is only useful if it can fill with the fluidity it's meant to carry, and carry it well.
If your goal is to make friends, it's sound advice.
If your goal is to pick up women, its shit advice.
If you goal is to fly a helicopter, its not relative.
so, how do you classify this data? it's a need to know, need to implement resource, when you need to know and implement it. Anything more or less is a form of 'attachment' projected to an object.
>If your goal is to pick up women, its shit advice.
maybe that's why internet board dwelling dweebs hate carnegie because his shit is just wholesome shit that anyone with a dad or church would already know, but since these kids are all fedora tippers raised by single feminists, they ironically only want to read sleazy pua manual shit
As someone who read tons of pua garbage as a teen, you are absolutely right.
> implying HWFAIP isn't pua-tier
get this garbage off the board
read it first before commenting, faggot
how could I possibly get past the title
>If you goal is to fly a helicopter, its not relative.
Though, we are all in agreement here. Right?
meanwhile you probably have 30 roosh v pdfs in your hentai folder, fuck off faggot
If you're not sociable, it won't help you.
If you're already sociable, you don't need it.
wew lad, this book must have really changed your life, being the mastodon of wisdom that it is and you clearly attached your identity to it since you got so rattled.
relax spergpai, enjoy your bookie wooks, I'm just not a pleb, we're all different
>mastodon of wisdom
the fuck
assuming this is what sperglet thought of it
i'm just trying to help you not be an internet autist, and i have failed
This is a good book. Read it, it will benefit you.
>don't be boring
>don't over-react to little things
>don't be completely overweight and dirty
There ya go Veeky Forums, go get a girlfriend.
>ever notice the people you like really quickly? you feel comfortable with them? chances are they asked you to talk about yourself a whole lot, and you felt like they "got you" because the listened to the shit you said and actually paid attention
Doesn't account for the fact that 99% of disgustingly ugly people will never have conversational success unless its with other abortions. And I'm not saying that as a fatass /r9k/ shitstain.
You've already made your choice. Enjoy your life of whining, alone.
most disgustingly ugly people have shitty personalities, can you think of a time a fat pimply fag with whispy facial hair and a anime t-shirt said anything to you that wasnt retarded?
I've never witnessed anyone that uses self help media make a better life for themselves. Anecdotal, I know, but god damn this shit is just depressing.
What gives you the impression that I'm whining or am alone?
I'm perfectly contented with my life, my girlfriend and my future prospects. And I also know from my own experience and the opinions of others that physically repulsive people are never going to be desirable to interact with, if only becayse of the correlative effect of people looking disgusting and having disgusting personalities.
Cool backpedal, bro.
anyone who has had a startup funded by y-combinator has no doubt read op's book, you don't know what successful ppl read, you hangout in your mom's basement with autistic gamers, kys fool
Both have merits. Life is situational/circumstantial. Not every trick or tool is going to applicable to your every situation/circumstance. Get as many trick/tools under your belt as you can. Be prepared.
Also anecdotal.
you said "i have never witnessed..." not "i have never read a peer reviewed paper with statistics showing..." kys fool
surely a pseud such as yourself read that article some chick did about all the self-help books in dfw's personal archive or whatever
>thinks he's talking to one person
>kys fool
Yeah, you're obviously a success story waiting to happen.
>pretending you're not the only pseud who didn't read one of the mostly widely read books in the american canon
nice try m80
So you've read a peer-reviewed study about people that have read Dale Carnegie's book? Really?
learn to read nerd
no worries user, all I care for is that this book has helped you
ITT OP gets mad about people not liking his favorite book
Nah, most Euros are fine once you get over the communication style differences but the French are assholes.
>In France
>Ordering from a menu
>Speak alright French but am speaking a bit slowly trying to pronounce everything right
>Waiter scoffs and summons some translator who (clearly mockingly) repeats everything I dictate in an exaggerated accent
>Later that day
>See guy in a Bosse de Nage shirt (kind of underground band I enjoy)
>Nod and say "I like your shirt" in French
>He just scowls at me
Funny enough Dale Carnegie is what led me to the game. For this I am eternally grateful.
Who the hell does all the talking if everyone is doing the listening?
im conventionally quite unattractive (wonky nose, poor jawline, ill-defined eyebrows) and i don't have the best luck with the opposite sex, but being able to make people laugh and like me is something im still capable of
I've never seen this mentioned....
thanks user
The best way to deal with awkward silence is to act like it's not awkward. Just sit there and be comfortable with the silence. Meanwhile, think of something to say. But in order to think of something to say, you must be in that calm state; not anxious.
not sure if srs
He's not OP.
I'm OP, don't bring me into this.
you make friends by not caring about making friends and simply doing what you want
>implying social skills aren't a thing
>implying there isn't a demand for social skills teachings and "heerrrr how to talk to girls etc."
Why the fuck should a self help book talk about genetics, which you can't control, instead of social skills, which you can control? Get a grip, anons.
The Wind.
When he says DO THIS, it's condescending, manipulative and focuses on making you act like a nice person instead of being a nice person.
But when it says DON'T DO THIS, it's teaching you how to not be a dick, to not make people unnecessary uncomfortable or embarrassed. It also helps you recognize other people who are being dicks by their own fault. So for that alone I definitely think it's worth reading.
True. It's a shame really, you would think that anonymity would ease the show-offs.
>When he says DO THIS, it's condescending, manipulative and focuses on making you act like a nice person instead of being a nice person.
He is a fake it till you make it kind of guy. So to him, it's genuinely good advice in order for people to become better, rather than manipulative advice.
Don't waste your time with this garbage,read pic-related instead.
>a manual to treating everyone like you're trying to sell them something
Even pickup artists are more honest.
Started reading this book some days ago but basically it tells nothing.
I was searching something more complex about social interactions and/or about the differences in social behaviours in various cultures.
I already know Greene's 48 laws but he is too "autobiographical" for me, still a nice read though
Fuck, I lost.
wow man i used to think the advice in this book wasn't too hard to understand, but holy shit, a lot of fucking austismal spergists can't seem to wrap their defective heads around it, lol, now i really do feel like i know something other people don't
Peep my boy Machiavelli, only one I found wasn't a meme
What is this about ?
>lead with a compliment when suggesting criticism
I always found that as condescending business management horseshit before I found out it was a thing they actually teach
It gives some good tips but I find there to be better persuasion books out there. It's better to read up on body language too.
The Game is more like a biography on Neil's dating life than actual good advice.
I actually learn a lot about people by asking questions but then I get accused of being nosy
It's good. I was definitely more successful in my career because of it. Even though the main take away of the book is really just "Take a genuine interest in other people and they will like you", it's worth reading at least once in it's entirety. There are better books out there, in terms of what makes a person successful, but it's a good place to start and it has been around a really really long time.
When you say there are better books out there it might help if you fucking listed them.
Watch out, everyone! This guy's so redpilled that he doesn't know how to punctuate and capitalize!
>how to sell an ungenuine version of yourself that people will like
Maybe it will influence people but it wont help you create real friendships.
If you're not a turbosperg or ugly it will help you understand how bitches work and thus improve the chances of getting your dick wet, also look for "Models" by Mark Manson.