Getting into philosophy

where should I start?

Other urls found in this thread:

Plato - Symposium
Plato - Apology
Bachelard - The Poetics of Spae
Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
Santayana - Scepticism and Animal Faith


is the meme : start with the greeks real?

wherever you are interested?



do you have the pic that shows in which order the books should be read?

how right is this?

Don't forget to study the historical and artistic context of every author you get into.

See you in 15 years


Skip the esoteric bullshit and it will only take you a couple of years

Depends on what you want. What are your goals? What are you interested in?

Start and end with Stirner, that will save you l time however, Stirner is the last step; past him there are no must learn to fly...

fucking faggots

What the fuck? Why would you jump straight from Plato to Nietzsche? And why would you include Bachelard and Santayana as an introduction to philosophy? Are you fucking retarded?

it's a joke

>Reading Nietzsche without reading Schopenhauer or Stirner.

>tfw there will never be something like this but in your native language

why does Veeky Forums only shitpost about muh greeks and muh western philosophy but disregard based eastern philosophies? s
shame on you


pick one

shitposting aside it's all completely relative of course. how do you define east vs west? China and Russia and Japan vs everyone else?
Is Israel considered "west"? is Iran and Persian lore not west of India?
Eastern philosophies as in all the shit that didn't come from faggy Greek states is based no doubt about it.

Dood just be at peace with the wind bro, don't think nuffin.

dood just obey authority they know what's best.

>dood just obey authority they know what's best.
that's confucianism and has proven that this philosophy can keep a nation together for 2000+ years
>Dood just be at peace with the wind bro, don't think nuffin.
that's Daoism and it is comfy as all hell. Not to mention Tao begot one, two begot three, three gave way to the Ten Thousands Things.
I am pretty sure Socrates knocked off that same idea and you faggots call it "muh logic"

Hegel called it the dialectic
Marx called it dialectic + praxis.
The west only knows how to steal

We get "philosophy" from the language and culture of the Greeks. They invented the word and commenced the Western tradition, and though many Eastern thinkers say philosophical things, still they don't belong to the tradition originating from the Greeks. It also seems to me that some Eastern philosophy has a political end, as we see in Taoism and Confucianism, which is problematic to say the least.

philosophy is not problematic, actions are what cause conflict.

>this philosophy can keep a nation together for 2000+ years

that's because the chinese were and are a bunch of fucking fags without balls

>The west only knows how to steal
>independently arrive at "the same idea"

unless you are 5'5" with squinty eyes and posting from fucking shanghai there is literally no reason for you to be more culturally indebted to/interested in eastern philosophy, and you are a weaboo piece of shit

>that's because the chinese were and are a bunch of fucking fags without balls
excellent deduction. never mind that the Greeks were literally famed for their homosexuality and pedophilia and rationalizations of both

>implying that thinking isn't the highest form of action

>that's confucianism and has proven that this philosophy can keep a nation together for 2000+ years

Except for the numerous civil wars, barbarian invasions, and petty warlord dictatorships. And several centuries of abject submission to the Europeans, Americans, and Japs.

thinking is not action. Thinking is thinking, what you plan to do with your thoughts is called action. Responsibility is what you claim or avoid after completing action. I shouldn't have to explain this to someone that is older than 5.

>interpreting fag literally

i don't care if you fuck guys as long as you're a man about it

eastern civs have made entire traditions out of subordination and bowing beneath the yoke. it's fucking embarrassing. how do you think Persia got so cucked by


Have fun staying with metaphysics in the oblivion of being

I prefer metaphysics to muh everything came from nothing theory.
"Darkness within darkness, the gate to all mystery" Tao1

Thank you, based user!

Hope it's nice and comfy in your cave ;)

oh, I was way too overworked about that

I wish I had a cave. Or a comfy barrel