Show me your handwriting Veeky Forums

Show me your handwriting Veeky Forums

I always tried to personalize my cursive as little as possible by keeping the shapes close to how I was taught.

>I always try to depersonalise my writing
Are you an obsessive neurotic

very sexy op

Likely yes. But regardless, my writing doesn't look like it's been typeset. Self expression will emerge from one's body without the need for unnecessary embellishment.


I have shit handwriting and type most the time.

Top is my normal handwriting for taking shit down

Middle is if I put in some effort

Bottom left is my awful attempt at cursive

And bottom right is my signature

Be gentle, guys.

Wow that's very pretty.

Pic rel: I'm a nordic fag lol.

Bland, but very readable.

Tbh that's probably better then normal

When I'm taking notes for courses or when I have ideas firing off at a million miles a minute in my head I tend to rush my writing

Here's some shit from an old Spanish notebook

It used to be worse though

In high school my teachers would constantly bitch at me because they could never read my work

And as for before that I was homeschooled so it didn't matter


Holy fuck. Allow me to fix it for you (trying to save your structure):

La semana pasada leí un libro titulado «Shadow of the wind» del escritor español Carlos Ruiz Zafón. El libro fue escrito originalmente en español, y después traducido al inglés. El título original es «La sombra del viento».

La semana pasada, además, me visitaron mis abuelos. Todos juntos comimos en un restaurante japonés llamado «Kobitos».

Artistic as fuck.


To those that have nice handwriting: Was it something you practiced or did it come naturally to you? Do you add flourishes intentionally or are they a habit?

i don't know if it's just the novelty of seeing these kinds of diacritics in handwriting or what but i sort of like this

What kind of pen are you using? I like the way the ink came out smooth and fine, though perhaps that's your hand.

A fountain pen. More precisely, an old Waterman Forum Atrium (not expensive).

Palmer method, I practiced regularly, and even nowadays I notice that I do still have a long way to go. The position of the arm is really important.

>Palmer Method
Thanks. I think that's how I was taught in elementary school as the strokes are the same, though my letters aren't smooth or consistent.


no, I have motor dysgraphia and you faggots will make fun of me.

my humble contribution.

Comfy as fuck.

It would be an interesting thing to see.

thanks user. pic related.

very nice, though I can't say I approve of you hyphenating a word in the middle of a line just because a g sort of got in the way. I also prefer to just write the entire word on the next line instead of hyphenating at the end.

my handwriting is trash. i've been doing graffiti since i was very young and i also avoid writing by hand as much as possible because i fucking hate it.

best itt

Looks like the handwriting of a genius


Casual handwriting and also the list I made from last month of books I might want to pick up when going to the library or book store for this month.

thanks for noticing me guys

just cause you don't get a (you) doesn't mean it was ignored or no one saw it, faggot.

How do I improve Veeky Forums ?



>can't get fountain pen because left handed
>if I use a regular pen the ink has to be fast drying or I end up smudging it
>can't write on blackboards at all

Try not writing russian next time.

Check handwriting methods, like Palmer. Keep your elbow in a fixed position. Check the writing angle. Start slowly, analysing every letter. Practice every single day until you master it.

I was a bit nervous.

Just a random page of notes. I get compliments on my handwriting all the time. I guess they're just comments but I take them as compliments.

My 5th grade English teacher told me that a person's intelligence and the neatness of their handwriting have an inverse relationship. I really took that to heart.

Asperger fag here who forget the alphabet so they folded it over. There was no reason for me to write the "10" at the end either - I am silly.

>practicing handwriting
Holy smokes

looks like a 6 yr old is writing with their non-primary hand


see what I was saying about the compliments? Thank you much!

Here are some notes from one of my classes.

God college is useless anymore.

>Notes contain bullshit you could have learned by spending 2 minutes on wikipedia.
>You paid at least 3 grand to take this course.

I am quite aware that my X looks like a se

Yep. It is truly shit. In the class that corresponds to the note that I posted the teacher does the most ridiculous things. Oftentimes she would just read us slides word for word and then provide a could remarks about each bullet-point, but when she didn't know anything about a bullet-point she would just skip over it and say nothing. She would also spend sometimes whole class periods talking about her autistic son and how she thought that the mercury in vaccines gave him autism. College has turned into a joke.

Im no medic; but im pretty sure mercury or quicksilver is lethal to humans

Forgot the block letters

10 hours later nobody insulted me yet for being a pedo. Thanks, I guess.

we silently report you

yo, I'm (check em) and i write lefty (mostly). Smudging isn't a huge deal if you hold your pen with spasticy claw grip but it turns out you still won't escape the pain of illegible spider-trail script just because you have a nice pen.

weird. that's basically my handwriting if i write with my non dominant hand.

Is this Cyrillic cursive?

have you ever heard of calligraphy, you insufferable faggot?

is that why women have good handwriting

I don't hold the claw grip though, I rest my hand on the page as I write.

i like

am i the only one who changes their handwriting depending on what i'm doing?

I like all these
I didn't like fathers and sons, then again I read it in a few hours for a paper due the following day.

N-no, it doesn't look like Cyrillic at all

Everyone posting stylish af handwriting is making me insecure. Never noticed how shit my handwriting has been before.

Rate pls

I write software for a living, can you tell?

>all the people in this thread doing the pangram wrong, including me

>tfw did it wrong but had already taken the picture so couldn't arsed to do it again

>tfw you always thought it was 'jumped' until you were yelled at by a comp professor who spent his entire adult life working up to the moment where he wouldn't have to yell at a student about fucked up pangrams, and today was not his day

It's ok, mate. You'll improve it a lot by starting to write straight.

my handwriting is shit

Somebody give me a full psychological profile !

this is amazingly pretty

all 3 are comfy


what ink?

>тeхнapик cидит в Veeky Forums

rip my handwriting apart, Veeky Forums

Is there an app with animations of cursive lettering? I'm trying to re-train myself to write neatly in cursive but I don't want to have to drop what I'm doing and google a chart for letters I don't remember.

No bully plox

It's readable enough but not much more to it imo.

I loved reading that for some reason.

What book did you use?


Common ink for a fountain pen

It's somewhat pretty, but fucking unreadable

What school do you go to user? I have no illusions about it being shut down, but I'd hate for anyone else to waste their time there.

Ty. My roman script sucks, though. I make it too cryptic for anyone to read

you're so beautiful


rate me Veeky Forums

Its jumps not jumped

Need s

Extremely efficient, I bet.

I just wanna comment on other people's...

Love your long descenders, OP, and your dash is both graceful and casual. I think your k and t are kinda wonky, though, bucko. Definitely male handwriting, perhaps gay?

Your print is textbook, no personality at all, but I think your cursive is excellent. You say you're trying to do that by the book, too, but I think I see a lot of your personality in it on certain wods like "The," "quick," and "fox,"––stately and self-assured.

This can't possibly be legible when over a whole page. I hope this is just your italic for special words! Or do you like to write in such a way that a casual glance won't be able to see what you've written? It's comprehensible after a little effort, desu, but I'm shocked if this is for everyday jottings!

I laughed. At least your print is legible! Some boy handwriting goes so haywire no one can read it.

Those i's won't tittle themselves, I suppose ;) .
Actually great cursive, though! Beautifully dramatic cross on the t in "handwriting"; exciting, flashy ascender/descender on the f of of. My only gripes are that you didn't start with a majuscule and that the p scrunches up. Still, if I were an ephebe, I'd let ya write on me.

Kind of ugly, desu, but schools in Europe enforce more of a rigid cursive style, no?

Oof. You take no pleasure in penmanship.

Sweet doublet of dubs! This is too stylized in my opinion; it's hard to read. I think you're maybe getting a little too swept up in the artistry of it. It would be brilliant on a birthday card or a formal invitation, like in place of calligraphy, but I can't imagine you write like this in your notebooks. If so, don't the words get all tangled up? Or do you double-space?

The majuscules look like they're from a webcomic. Big and fat. The minuscules looks kinda like my regular handwriting, actually. We have the same "the" and "fox." This is a nice kind of male handwriting, legible but not autistic.

Absolutely gorgeous. I would kiss this piece of paper. You've earned all the (You)s you've garnered.

(more to come)


Your numerals are insane! I also do really big ones, but holy cow. You draw them like that even in running text? I think your "The" is the prettiest piece, a very creative way to do the majuscule T in "The." The rest is a little cramped, isn't it? Gives me a kind of creepy feeling. And your full set of majuscules is scary. Why not just do a swastika for Z, lol.

Soo comfy. The only one so far that might be female (but considering /lit's/ demographic, probably not). This is also a little bit cramped and you seem to have a hard time deciding what's a descender and what's not. But still, very attractive, almost in a graffiti-tag kind of way.

Not a big fan of this; legible but not beautiful. Also the x looks like an R.

Pretty cute; very manageable. What do the bangs mean? Do you use them instead of asterisks to mark something as important? Also, did you black out your name? If so, why was your name sideways on a piece of paper that you owned? I'm trying to figure out what else it could be that's blacked out.

First things first: q ≠ Q. b ≠ B. Et cetera. Separate minuscule from majuscule or you will look like an illiterate eighth-grade girl who dreams of marrying early so she doesn't have to take the SAT.

Sei italiano o lo studi? Very, very hard to read, although I like the thick black lines.

Very ugly, senpai. You should get help. Numerals are okay.

(more en route)


You've got lots of problems, user-kun. For starters, it was so hard to read that. Instead of looping so much, you should work to make your individual letters clearer. The "to" in "to fuck 'em" looks like a crossed h with an o trailing it.

America's Most Wanted Core

Your 4 and 8 are cute, but the rest is kind of garbled. It's not the worst I've seen, but you might want to improve it someday, since "quick" looks like "quock," and "jumped" looks like "templed." There isn't a one-to-one ratio between letter and symbol here and don't aspies hate that?

Very nice and neat, although your kha is having the eternal kha problem of looking like rava: and so your sankhaye is really bad here. I slightly connect the looping part of the left half of the kha shape to the bottom of the other half so as not to make it confused with va. Me personally, my short u vowels (when attached to consonant) are much more stylized, a whole loop, almost like a fish, rather than just a dash. I also make my long u very abnormally, but that's just preference.

Here's the big criticism: Why the fuck is your topline not connected at the end of the word? That's serious shit, user. You can't just write letter by letter. You should finish a whole word and do the topline LAST or it will look like shit. Your arjuna uvāca is painful to me. And why are your anusvaras and visargas so fat?


Cursive is really pretty and cute. The gothic is tough on the eye, a bit unsteady. Maybe that's because you had to fill in with a ballpoint pen rather than a proper calligraphic pen? Your semi-print (second line on second image) is boring, sorry to say. But at least you have great cursive!

My favorite ITT. Everything is stunningly beautiful. Your first mode is the best, but they're all great. I want to be friends with your hand.

Noice doobs. Very smart-boyish. I like it. I am also a big fan of Pilot G-2s!! Just never get the kind they sell with the totally-clear body. I bought these thinking they were my real Pilot G-2s but they were some crap version sold under the same label. It wasn't just a difference in fineness. I don't give a muffin about your grandfather; this is really good print writing right here! Gorgeous descenders.

(one more to finish this out: everybody gets a (You))

I feel naked, as if someone would recognize my handwriting.

Here is a sample of handwriting from my old english translation notebook.

Post something that wasn't scribbled down hastily


It's not shit, it's just not fancy. I like your big bold "The." Ditto what user said about writing straight. I also think you'd have some trouble with those gigantic descenders bumping into your other lines. Your w's and m's are almost indistinguishable, so you might look out for that.

Not nearly as bad as I expected. And it looks like we've got another Sanskrit fan! I see that symbol you put there :^)

>my handwriting is shit
camera, you mean

Dunno about psychological, but I'd guess you're a 20-year-old virgin white male pursuing a college degree. Jk, handwriting analysis a shit; that just applies to more than 50% of Veeky Forums so it's the best guess. Definite male though.


At least it's still legible, although it is a bit wacko. The rounded letters like m, n, and h kind of remind me of Armenian writing, where they are all very similar. It's just boy handwriting; not totally autistikun handwriting. Not bad.

You forgot the letter s. If you want to improve, start by taking note of what's supposed to stay on the line, what go below it, and what go above.

I find this very stylish and sweet, even though it's just a basic, everyday handwriting. I imagine you're emphasizing the ascenders/descenders, since in a full notebook they would all clash. Pretty good!

Dubb. Do you really write with such separated letters all the time, or just for this post so you could show it? Your open p is European. No complaints on readability, but it does lack style (sexy k excepted).

>pimped over the layy dog

If I were the kind to say "kys," I would recommend you a little autonecrosis for that Greek handwriting. Just terrible. I hope it's because you're only just learning the language, otherwise this is unacceptable: lambdas like long-wienered pale nerds, forgetting the spiritus asper on the very first eta, milquetoast final sigma, that gross second rho with a tumor on it. I could go on, but I'd like to believe you're just starting out. Roman script is fine.

That IS a sample that wasn't scribbled down hastily. It gets much worse.

Me again, now with my own precious dub, to get the two I missed while writing my massive replies.

Be honest, user. Where have you placed that object? Boy-as-hell style. Not flashy or interesting, but legible at least.

Disappointed at first, since I'd read the post as "old english-translation notebook," and thought you were foreign. But now I see it's an old-english translation notebook. You'd probably be helped out by ruled paper. Your handwriting would make my wrist cramp up, very shoved together with thick lines. Maybe get ruled paper and let it flow a bit more. The individual letterforms will become more distinct that way too.
