Read Solzhenitsyn
No thanks, I prefer non-fiction.
First post really is best post.
Jordan Peterson is a genius.
Can this goober even read russian.
He can see Russian from his house.
B-But, I'm reading Dostoevsky right now, Jordan-sensei...
I read athenGulag Archipelago several years ago.
I don't know what he thinks I should have gotten from it.
I'm too busy sorting myself out tbqh.
oops I accidentally read Marx
hha le meme
200 Years Together - Best English translation to date
For individual chapters/updates or other formats (epub, mobi, djvu)
hha le meme
But it is non-fiction?
Technically, so is your mom's diary, so it isn't a particularly helpful descriptor.
You don't belong here.
gonna need you to go back to r/books right now
I have this edition, is this good? Or should I shell out to find the individual volumes
>>ancient back to rebiit meme
One uninformed tweet is all it takes for contrarian fags on Veeky Forums to dismiss everything someone is saying.
more like proof that someone is incapable of thinking critically is all it takes to dismiss everything someone is saying
>as Godel proved
What did he mean by this?
How, exactly, is he incapable of critical thinking simply because he tweeted on a topic he obviously doesn't know a lot about?
Literally no one is perfect, and you're just using it as an excuse to dismiss him because that was what you were going to do to begin with.
Marxism prevails again!
He's an unironic Jungian in the 21st century dude, he says stupid shit every second sentence and that's while trying to hide his power level
He has literally no idea what he's talking about.
Godel proved that there are some statements that are true but impossible to prove no matter what the axioms, not that axioms are a prerequisite for proof.
The idea of deriving proofs from a set of axioms goes back to Euclid and the Greeks, it wasn't "proved" by Godel.
>He's an unironic Jungian in the 21st century dude
So what, there are unironic Marxists in the 21st century too, that's not any less retarded.
Marx for all his problems is at least redeemable for his work in structurally analysing class and society.
Believing in shit like archtypes is horoscope tier
How many of them are uneducated niggers who just started reading that one book the youtube celebrity recommended them, though?
you don't think that tweet is the exact kind of mumbo-jumbo he would criticize if someone else used it to defend Marxism or whatever?
the tweet proves he has a blindspot for logic and scepticism, which he would apply to other things, when it comes to trying to prove something he already believes is true (existence of god), hence why it shows he cannot think critically.
>historicism is redeemable
This is how I know Marxists are simply religious zealots.
>that's not any less retarded.
yeah it is
>analyzing the progress of history based on material conditions instead of ideas is bad
found the idealist
>emergent phenomena are determined by the limitations of their material base
Woah easy with the pot dude
>"progress of history"
Yeah, you people are literally no different than the average religious person.
>progress of history
Was the CIA operative a prison guard?
the way humanity has moved from hunter-gathers living in caves, to simple agrarian farmers, to feudal subjects, to industrialised workers
progress doesn't necessarily mean improvement in this context, it's just a way of analysing how and why the conditions of human life have changed over time and continue to do so
you don't have to be a bleeding-heart socialist to see that material conditions have been an important factor in these changes of ways of life
>the way humanity has moved from hunter-gathers living in caves, to simple agrarian farmers, to feudal subjects, to industrialised workers
Nice myth. In reality, God created humans to serve Jews. Cars exist because Jews have a need for them.
Who created Jews and for what reason?
progress of productive forces to be precise
Well, even if you disagree with how marxists propose to amend societal issues, you cannot doubt there exists some of what marx identified in society.
Ann Applebaum's book on the gulag system was more accessible and a better read.
There is no "progress of productive forces".
what you've identified is change, not progress. Of course environmental and material changes invoke further changes, but progress? No, not necessarily.
haha epic troll bro xD
yeah that's exactly what I said if you read the post, retard
>progress doesn't necessarily mean improvement in this context, it's just a way of analysing how and why the conditions of human life has changed
>have been an important factor in these changes of ways of life
I said upfront it's a a way of analysing change and doesn't necessarily mean improvement
>what you've identified is change, not progress
Jesus Christ you're dumb, you realize things like Cancer "progress". Its about the fact that more advanced stages are materially dependent on the existence of previous conditions and have inherent tendencies towards further developments.
>it's a /pol/ discovers marxist critique of progressivism episode
brb taking a train to Portugual Jesus fucking Christ you people are dumb
>Its about the fact that more advanced stages are materially dependent on the existence of previous conditions and have inherent tendencies towards further developments.
Except this isn't true, and is literally just the figment of Marxist imagination.
Literally read The Poverty of Historicism by Karl Popper.
>Literally read
what did he meaned by this?
>Use sophist meme in an attempt to improve the quality of the board
It'll work.
Bullshit it is. Unless you think it was possible to create an assembly line of automobiles in Bronze Age Europe or that universal literacy wasn't a natural product of industrialization.
Historicism isn't about inevitability its about conditions and tendencies in the same way an Egg in the right conditions will tend towards a Chicken
>Unless you think it was possible to create an assembly line of automobiles in Bronze Age Europe or that universal literacy wasn't a natural product of industrialization.
Of course these things were *possible*.
The idea that they weren't *possible* would mean that the physical laws of the universe didn't apply the same way then that they do now.
Thanks for this post.
You're being incredibly disingenuous now.
You know well the difference between speaking of it as literally impossible and practical liability to occur
Either way, the reason they weren't possible, was certainly not because class struggle hadn't reached the historical proportions that you think governs the human society.
In a great sense yes it was. No large scale industrial working class meant no car factories
This isn't the other user's point and you're either being dishonest or extremely dumb.
>In a great sense yes it was.
No, it wasn't. Killing capitalists doesn't give you the knowledge to create space ships.
That's not what class conflict refers to. You seem to have a very literal and face value understanding of it.
Its essentially a matter of human desire being the driving force of society and how different people have different and shared interests based on their position in the structure by which they achieve that desire
He's going to be our Varg, isn't he?
It is what class conflict refers to, which is why in any place where Marxists get the wheels of government, private property owners suddenly die and are expropriated in huge numbers.
I'd like to get a source on that please, since you seem to be so well versed on Marx' oeuvre
Good, certainly got the Russians their spaceships in either case
I'm pretty sure these things don't correlate at all, but I guess anything is possible when you're a delusional leftist.
Yeah have a good afternoon pal
>what is zizek?