Really makes you think

Really makes you think

If I thought women could write at all for most of history, never mind well, I might believe this.
But I'm not historically illiterate, so I don't.

Why, what if we're all women?

What if I'm a woman? What if YOU'RE a woman?

I'm a girl on the inside

not so anonymous if she knew they were all women, right?
rly mads u tonk

That's not even the actual quotation. I hate it when someone misquotes an author to push an agenda.

Provide the proper quotation

aren't we all user
aren't we all...

We are women. Expect us. Never forgive or forget.

I would venture to guess that user, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman.

A Room of One's Own, Ch. 3

>everyone assumes Veeky Forums is made up of edgy teenagers and 20-somethings
>it's actually their moms

>and their hot teen daughters

I would venture to guess that OP, who has created so many threads, was often a faggot.

post feet, mummy

I'd whore myself everyday

you don't have to be a woman to do that, faggot

Funny, as 'anonymous' is an adjective declined for the masculine gender: '-us'.

are women legion?

Still true today. On Veeky Forums we're all the little girl.


This kills the r9k

For most of history, people just made shit up

My dads on here because he once asked where I got all the funny pictures from. FUCK YOU GEOFF.

this would be fucking great

i could be a mom and not even know it