>author of over 100 books on topics such as linguistics, war, politics, and mass media
Guide me, Veeky Forums. Where should I start?
>author of over 100 books on topics such as linguistics, war, politics, and mass media
Guide me, Veeky Forums. Where should I start?
Syntactic Structures. Read it next to a whiteboard and do the derivations.
>reading the gnome
>nothing remotely literary.
Wrong board desu
>Not being interested in generative grammar, montague semantics, formal language theory, automata, logic, the Incompleteness and Undefineability theorems, etc.
With the Greeks.
Email him and ask the man directly.
You can start with some of his articles in sites like Truth-out.org . That will give you an idea of what his political are.
You can also just YouTube his lectures. If you like what you hear, read "Hegemony or Survival." It is about a decade old, but it more or less describes the world order under the US-led War on Terror. Since the pathology of the War on Terror is basically the same sinc e Bush, it is indispensable reading if you want to understand the world.
Never post here again.
are there any linguists?
If I read a linguist textbook would that be a good start to understanding the discipline?
>>author of over 100 books on topics such as linguistics, war, politics, and mass media
And still doesn't know shit about economics. He's good but take some of his more outrageous claims with a grain of salt.
Responsibility of Intellectuals
Political Economy of Human Rights
Fateful Triangle
Manufacturing Consent
Hegemony or Survival
Who Rules the World
And this m.youtube.com
Economists don't know shit about economics. Its all a house of cards making up shit to justify giving more to the rich.
lol I posted that lecture on the neoliberal subreddit, they all had a big tantrum insisting what he was describing wasn't neoliberalism but libertarian
You gotta be kidding
>ignores foreign military and economic intervention in Latin America up to and throughout the 20th century, you ignorant slut.
Please justify your claim.
I respect the man but Manufacturing Consent is his only book worth a damn
the problem with linguistics is that its sub fields are incredibly extensive in their own right. So textbooks not usually about linguistics as a whole. i mean maybe there are but i never saw them in uni.
for a solid basis in linguistic theory, try Course in General Linguistics by Saussure. it pretty much founded the modern discipline, and also structuralism, c. 1917
>solid basis in linguistic theory, try Course in General Linguistics by Saussure
The field has moved well beyond Saussure. Though everyone interested in linguistics should read it, I suppose.
Probably best to wait for his upcoming magnum opus: "How to Hypocritically Profit from Investments in the Industries I Incessantly Condemn - A Memoir and Guide"
The study of language, by George Yule.
He's also not a complete and utter faggit like chumpsky is.
After that you could go Martin Montgomery, an Introduction to language in society, if you decide sociolinguistics is interesting.
Samantha, Culture and Cognition by Wierzbicka is pretty interesting as well for intercultural communication.
t. An actual Linguist, unlike the faggot in OP's post.
Should be 'semantics, culture, and cognition'.
Stupid tablet autocorrect.
A guide to squeezing universitys for as much money for a 60 minute lecture
Ignore everything that isn't linguistics
yes the point is to have him aquainted with basic concepts like arbitrariness of the sign and diachronic/synchronic
these recommendations are super socio focused, op be warned
his opinion on everything but linguistics is retarded
When it comes to linguistics he's the shit, but it's way over my head, I just like literary fiction :/
This is good advice, OP.
Stick to the linguistics.
He doesn't write books he just blabbers and his sycophants publish it.
>his opinion on everything but linguistics is retarded
agreed. he suffers from "i know everything about everything" syndrome.
>who rules the world
>understanding power
>what uncle sam really wants
how much more pretentious can you get?
he obviously sees himself as some classic intellectual living in a time where the unwashed masses cannot read or think for themselves, where genius can bloom with overreaching diatribe about the world. education is too widespread to excel at anything besides ones narrow focused contribution to the world. sorry but your overreaching pretentious titles like "who rules the world" are not tickets to becoming a personal historical milestone like they once were.