Peterson ~ Chomsky

I feel bad for late teens today. I'm going on 22 now, I watched Chomsky as a late teen. Teens today watch Peterson.

I feel bad for teens today cause Chomsky is way ahead of Peterson. And you can clearly tell that Peterson is much more of a satanic hedonist than Chomsky is. Kind of makes me feel bad that all the late teens of today are being led astray by him...

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Moshi moshi bait desu

I feel sorry for people who make shitty images like that one.

What the fuck?

>I watched Chomsky as a late teen.
>Teens today watch Peterson.

I can't understand what compelled you to make that post.

Seriously, take a good moment to think about what you're doing with your life.

I'm a leftist piece of shit and can acknowledge that people deserve a better class of reactionary than the ones out there right now. They only like Peterson because the pickings are so slim

Chomsky is a charlatan whose political works are nothing but polemics and propaganda.

uh.. youre lacking in content

*unzips content*

I feel bad for a 22 year old who thinks Chomsky is comparable to Peterson. Chomsky is way too commie for me, Peterson is way too Christian for me. Both no good

Awful image and awful thread

>I'm a leftist piece of shit
I appreciate your sincerity, but please, don't be redundant, user.

You're just wrong! I mean, Peterson, well he looks at things in high resolution! And Chomsky will tell you about language but he doesn't talk about the damn logos! It's like, well what the hell are you gonna do with language if you don't have a moral center?

and the bloody post-modernists always think they can just do away with pesky religion and just fall back on their marxist ideals, it's like, no way. They try to tell you that their communist utopia can exist but it depends on what you mean by "exist"! Then they might say that by exist they mean make it the primary economic system of an entire country but then it's like, well what the hell do you mean by "country"?

You know, these types of things aren't obvious, and marxism is just a low resolution representation of a very old, ancient, ancient idea. Marxism is the snake in the garden of eden, and you'd bloody well better be careful when you're dealing with this sort of thing!

Well I like Chomsky cause hes so glum and hates the world

Peterson is an autistic spaz

William F Buckley is very, very kawaii, desu. His interviews are classy and interesting and that silly little grin he does always makes my balls tighten. He looks like a lizardman but that's okay because even lizardmen can be cute sometimes.

the content doesnt matter. its their way of being that matters the most.

it's like the difference between Letterman and Fallon

>Well I like Chomsky cause hes so glum and hates the world
Mind yourselves on the edges, boys.


I like both Chomsky and Peterson.

But anarcho-syndicalism has some serious pitfalls, as do Peterson's idiosyncratic conceptualizations of the world.

>wikipedia told me hes a anarchosyndicalist so thats his main identity

His main identity is Jewish.

>Peterson is way too Christian for me
*tips fedora*

>Chomsky is way too jewish for me

he doesnt profess to follow moses nor does his ethnicity seem to play a role in his rhetoric.

>i feel sorry for these people who i went to highschool with

Kill yourself OP.

What are you talking about?

Chomsky's main critique of power structures and capitalism comes from a predominately anarchistic background.

And I think anarchism is too idealistic in a negative way.

he was for sanders. trying to pin him down is way too muddy a prospect

talking exclusively about the Veeky Forums/conservative-reddit community

>Veeky Forums/conservative-reddit community

back to /pol/ with your identity politics, faggot

are you just going to quote me faggot?

Joseph Shamble


Yes, to show you how fucking stupid you are.
>Veeky Forums/conservative-reddit community

>he was for sanders

Which is basically the closest you can come anything resembling leftism in American politics.

>try living in kibbutzim
>"fuck this shit"
>asked for a example of anarchist society
>provides kibbutzim


My cock is so hard

Finished god and man at yale recently. Surprisingly pertinent in many parts.

>I feel bad for late teens today. I'm going on 22 now

He said in all of his years and wisdom. Chomsky is still around, though five years have passed. Chomsky is still the same as always and is just as accessible to uppity kids as he was back when you were their age.

Audibly lol'd

i can't tell if i'm being trolled or if someone can unironically be this stupid

He's satirizing the way Peterson talks, except being retarded.

>uh.. youre lacking in content
>t. the faggot that completly dismiss Peterson because "LOL what ever this other niggar its better xD"

Go back to pol jesus christ

Im already there. Im ruining your safe space, white boy?

That was damn good.

"Go back to pol"
Jesus christ morons from pol cannot even understand the main message of a sentence anymore. Yet you feel the need to be in a board about literature.

>everything i dislike is the pol boogeyman
how does it feel to be 12 years old mentally?

No what I dislike is anti-intellectualism promoted by pol. You morons use some of the most emotionally charged arguments with no true substance to them. And as SOON as there are arguments to your viewpoints you resort to cuck/shill/nigger etc.

There is a reason why almost ALL intellectuals are not even near the ideology pol promotes (and I don't mean right-winged). But what pol promotes attracts only absolute idiots and honestly just cancers of society that want to get mad about various stuff.

hahahah lol ok white boy
I point out how much shitpost in the beggining of your thread, like do you even re read your post? You even remark two times your first stament.

>I feel bad for teens today cause Chomsky is way ahead of Peterson. And you can clearly tell that Peterson is much more of a satanic hedonist than Chomsky is.
Wow what an amazing argument and clear view of the situation, you cuck, go back to your books.

That wasn't me.

But honestly this went about how I'd expect a "serious" conversation with a hardcore polster to go.

This thread is now about colourful yummy candy. Because who doesn't like gummy bears!?

Read it in kermit voice without even meaning to. Perfect

>assumes i'm pol
guess it feels pretty bad to be 12


im 18 and i watch both along with zizek


>He's satirizing the way Peterson talks, except being retarded.

Remove the "except" and you'll have it right.

Is this an impersonation of Peterson or something like that?

I tried listening to Peterson once and felt a mixture of boredom and cringe but then I'm a radical leftist.

Chomsky seems to be a pretty cool guy. Not sure what this Peterson dude's got for him other than preaching conservative morals to young audiences among which said morals are now counter-cultury and edgy like leftist ideals used to be in the 60s I guess.

When someone listens to Peterson so long that they actually talk exactly like him.

This guy has no spine whatsoever. Just listen to him catering to all his butthurt MGTOW fans in this video:

i dont really like him or MGTOW but he actually is right to point out the problem with the court system, and that's essentially all he concedes in the video.

This is great

>People used to listen to this hypocritical old Jew
>People now listen to this whiny fucking psychologist

Which is worse?

>I was wrong because they had one single point right, that had nothing to do with what I attacked them for, but they said one thing that's true so I apologize.

You have to be retarded to not see how this is pandering.

this really dominated my lobsters

well obviously he's pandering because the guy giving him exposure is a MGTOW guy, that doesn't mean he took back what he said. He's just trying to reach the audience he alienated.
You'll never be successful if you dont understand how to compromise and its retarded to be critical of people who do.
that said, MGTOW are fucking pathetic and he is not nearly as interesting as he would like to be.

Nailed it

>hating Chomsky
I hate this new contrarian meme

Chomsky is never going to recover from claiming the American Republican Party to be the single worst thing in the world.
I mean, holy FUCK. How ideologically driven do you have to be to make that claim seriously

more like he's never going to recover from not being a enlightenment tier intellectual

his books like "understanding power" and "how the world works" are nothing like say Humes work (A Treatise of Human Nature)

Well it's one of the biggest driving forces of the white supremacist capitalist imperialist patriarchy, isn't it?

No irony.

Exploitation of half of the world population (mostly non-white ethnicities and especially female workers)? Check.
Colonizing foreign land for its resources? Check.
Basing all their politics on the interests of white men? Check.

Al Qaeda and ISIS wouldn't be if they didn't fuck up the middle east, you know. Not to say they're the main responsibles for that.


>white supremacist capitalist imperialist patriarch

>Exploitation of half of the world population (mostly non-white ethnicities and especially female workers)?
Only if you interpret having to work for a living as 'abuse.'

>Colonizing foreign land for its resources?
Only if you ignore the fact that colonization ended 80 years ago.

>Al Qaeda and ISIS wouldn't be if they didn't fuck up the middle east
Only if you're willing to remove those people's agency and responsibility for their own actions.

>white supremacist capitalist imperialist patriarchy
>Saying that with a straight face

Should have stopped reading here but hey.

>Only if you interpret having to work for a living as 'abuse.'
Picking cotton 12 hours a day for 50 cents per day is abuse.

>Only if you ignore the fact that colonization ended 80 years ago.
Oh, didn't realize the USA finally stopped meddling with the middle east. Oh wait.

>Only if you're willing to remove those people's agency and responsibility for their own actions.
Lrn2read senpai.
>Al Qaeda and ISIS wouldn't be if they didn't fuck up the middle east, you know. Not to say they're the main responsibles for that.

>no argument
Sasuga, /pol/-chan!

Your retarded post didn't merit a serious response.

>white supremacist capitalist imperialist patriarchy

>Only if you're willing to remove those people's agency and responsibility for their own actions.

The West created the rise in Islamic fundamentalism through colonialism. The middle east was politically stable before it was all divided up after WWI.

>The West created the rise in Islamic fundamentalism through colonialism.

>The middle east was politically stable before it was all divided up after WWI.

Good fucking god, where do you get this propaganda from?

>still frog
>still no argument

>Good fucking god, where do you get this propaganda from?

History you dumb gook. All the Islamic world needs is a caliphate to settle them back down again. Just let them have their caliphate.


>Only if you ignore the fact that colonization ended 80 years ago

I then I remember that non-readers have opinions too.

>All the Islamic world needs is a caliphate to settle them back down again. Just let them have their caliphate.

Until you realize that their ideal caliphate is a global one, you fucking idiot.

>He thinks colonialism still exists


>Until you realize that their ideal caliphate is a global one, you fucking idiot.

That's why the west should have stopped fucking with them. They'd be settled down into like a catholic church situation by now. Except each time people try to dismantle their religion they just keep getting more radical and more radical until they're frothing at the mouth and hate the west.
Just leave them the fuck alone to do their own shit. They aren't going to fuck with the west. We're too powerful.

>Just leave them the fuck alone to do their own shit. They aren't going to fuck with the west. We're too powerful.

Well it's too late for that, there's no going back.

The Middle East needs glassed.

>Picking cotton 12 hours a day for 50 cents per day is abuse.

nobody is forcing them to do that

>nobody is forcing them to do that
They don't really have much of a choice.

Their only other choice is starvation.

What's stupid about it?

Do you think it doesn't exist?

Before colonization:
>be a hunter-gatherer
>or starve
After colonization:
>work on a farm
>or work in a sweatshop
>or be a hunter-gatherer
>or starve

One hour of labor in a sweatshop buys way more than one hour of labor hunting on the Savannah.

Is it possible for an American to be a reactionary?

>One hour of labor in a sweatshop buys way more than one hour of labor hunting on the Savannah.

They were less likely to starve on the savannah. And also probably more fulfilled than having to work 12 hours a day just to buy some shitty clothes and a single hotdog to share between your family.

>less likely to starve on the savannah
Wrong. Definitionally, higher spending power means you're able to buy more food for the same amount of labor.
>work 12 hours a day just to buy some shitty clothes and a single hotdog to share between your family.
Okay this is just ignorant. Go lurk on Veeky Forums.

>Wrong. Definitionally, higher spending power means you're able to buy more food for the same amount of labor.

This is complete bullshit and hopelessly naive. Agricultural societies are horribly prone to systemic failure in underdeveloped economies. If there is a supply shortage, then everyone fucking starves. See Ethiopia etc. Small tribal societies tend to have no problem acquiring enough food for themselves, and generally have to exert less time "working" to do so.

> Go lurk on Veeky Forums.

That board is even stupider than this one, by far. You probably couldn't have undermined point more.

Are you saying that hunter-gatherers are better off in the long term?
Agricultural economies have much higher population. They can feed more people, so the population grows. The reason hunter-gatherers have no problem feeding themselves is that their populations are small enough that they can easily live off nature. Supply modulates population.
It is true that there are shortages and surplusses, but crop insurance and speculation handle the rationing problem elegantly and fairly. Additionally, higher spending power allows you to import more food during hard times.

Where do you stand on economic theory? I'm legit curious about what your thoughts are.

What are the main criticisms of Peyerson? Newfag only spreading my wings, and his stuff seems nifty compared to what he describes as post modernism, also in what ways are his interpretations of post modernity off since he seems pretty biased due to his situation

I really like Peterson, but this pasta is gold.

>colonialism in the middle east
What the bloody fuck are you talking about