Hi Veeky Forums, anyone here in Melbourne? Kinda bored and on my own lately, anyone want to meetup and go to the the Federation Square book market?
Hi Veeky Forums, anyone here in Melbourne? Kinda bored and on my own lately...
Other urls found in this thread:
Wollongong, steel city, good bants, shit for lit
Meet me in Federation Square tomorrow at 11am. I'll be wearing leather thigh high boots and a blue wool jumper, and I leather choker, and a green belt.
The book market is on Saturdays not Thursdays
How's them lockout laws going?
talk about busted, user/
>implying I drink alcohol like some mongrel dog
>Living in a city in Australia
Least Veeky Forums way to be m8.
What country towns to you suggest? I plan to leave Sydney soon
Queenstown in Tas.
It's rough as guts. They play football on a rocky surface and there's no age limit for the team, so there are grown men tackling 12 year olds onto the hard gravel ground, and they all get cut up.
It's probably worse than Mt Isa.
It would be great for a writer. You'll learn a lot about the human condition.
How is Australia not Veeky Forums?
Big cities in Aus aren't /lit.
I traveled through Tasmanias west coast on holiday at the start of the year
Queenstown, Zeehan and the rest are all dead
One building after another boarded up
Once grand buildings abandoned and left to rot
So nobody in melbourne wants to meet and browse secondhand books?
Okay :(
I'm in Melbourne, except I'm a poorfag
Hey moved from Perth to Melbourne this year
Did I make a mistake?
Help ingratiate me into the literary lifestyle
AHAH Fuck I went through that shithole in a holiday up the west coast as well. I'll hopefully never return. On top of being rough as hell it's basically a polluted wasteland in the middle of a rainforest. Zeehan wasn't much better. Tasmania overall was pretty comfy though.
Official Australian city power rankings
how does anyone live in australia, that shit is like living in a 1950s b-movie full of giant spiders and monster mutant animals like the KO-AAHH-LAH and the big BUH-KAH-ROONIE DOONIE DOPP DOPP or the BUNYIPPA, EYO SKIPPA.
the country is so fucked like they don't even have gta5 yet they still playin on the ps2 like brazil LMAO snappa
whats a lockout law
whats the deal with tasmania, how is it now comfy?
Me too lately
That's why the book market is good, very cheap books
What would you like to know
Bars and clubs have to close at like 10pm
Hobart was alright but you need a car to get around
Launceston was a big town
Saw a few sleepy little towns that seemed okay
The west coast is very remote and few live there, most of it is national parks and abandoned mines and abandoned mills
So that is two people
Would you guys wanna meetup to go to the atrium :3
>how is it now comfy?
If you know where to go it's stunningly beautiful and peaceful, and often quiet.
Also now got one of the world's most renowned art museums. Which is actually pretty annoying sometimes, because at certain times of the year the state is full of hipsters and art faggots and the worst kinds of big city people from all around the globe. The art festivals are pretty great though for such a small place.
And Tas, for such a tiny place, punches far far above its weight when it comes to literature. Richard Flanagan, Joan Wise, Tasma, Nicholas Shakespeare, that woman who wrote The Hunter, and the woman who wrote the Stella award winning novel "The Musuem of Modern Art" all live/d in Tas. Marcus Clarke wrote a fair bit while in Tasmania.
I live in Tas. It's got better weather than the rest of the country except Canberra, because it isn't stinking hot and actually gets cold here. But it's better than Canberra, obviously.
I'm not from the Tasmanian Tourist Board, I promise.
>I'm not from the Tasmanian Tourist Board, I promise.
I haven't managed to go yet, I might come out depending if I work the night before, so that makes 3.
looks like the hive from dehr
I checked out mona, it was lame and pretentious
It opens at 11am
Perthfag here, still want to meet at fed square OP???
On the Saturday yes
>better than Canberra
*Reeee's profusely*
anyone in melbourne want their dick sucked?
>tfw you know who some of the people in this thread are
>Also now got one of the world's most renowned art museums. Which is actually pretty annoying sometimes, because at certain times of the year the state is full of hipsters and art faggots and the worst kinds of big city people from all around the globe.
>The art festivals are pretty great though for such a small place.
Fucking hypocritical hipster faggot.
I'm just outside a uni town, Armidale.
I think it's a great way to live. Somewhat solitary but I prefer it that way.
>I checked out mona, it was lame and pretentious
Yeah but they put on a lot of great events with a large variety of musical acts and cultural events, theatre, cinema etc. Also depends on the exhibits they have at the time.
Friendly reminder that the Sydney v Melbourne debate is the gayest shit ever and is only beaten by the console wars in pure waste of time and energy.
Also Sydney is universally condemned by internationals, the rest of Australian and former Sydney residents. You somehow have more bogans and more race based violence with less people. its really as simple as that.
The "MUH KEK HIPSTERS" is more relevant to Brisbane anyway.
>I checked out mona, it was lame and pretentious
I really struggle to see how they are beyond a shallow appraisal of their aesthetic.
For one thing, MONA is full of large and "plain language" installations. Mona also fosters intellectual accessibility by encouraging visitors to love or hate works via the app, lessening the barrier ordinary punters might have in expressing their own opinion by being intimidated by the gallery as an institution and the arts establishment.
If anything MONA is populist.
Might as well bump this before bed
>The "MUH KEK HIPSTERS" is more relevant to Brisbane anyway.
Brisbane is more hipster relevant than Melbourne?
Fucking lmao you are D E L U S I O N A L.
Haha nice. I, too, am Sydney.
hey i'm from melbourne.
i might go to the fed sq book market, but i don't want to hang out. it's nothing personal.
i'll be wearing a black nike sbs, grey pants and a red jacket. if you come up to me i won't pretend to have any idea who you are though.