Why is the face of modern philosophy so punchable?
Why is the face of modern philosophy so punchable?
because he's a pseud
>Hear about Stefan from his JRE appearance
>Watch a few of his "Truth About" videos
>"Hey, this guy's pretty interesting, I'll tell all my friends about him."
>He goes full right wing like a week later
>face of modern philosophy
He's the 'face of modern philosophy' only for the ignorant plebs who get their philosophy 'education' from youtube
On September 24, 1966 a baby boy was born. He was named Stefan. This little boy would suffer unimaginable child abuse at the hands of his family. But it would be worth it. For little did this boy know that he would go on to be the greatest philosopher that had ever existed.
I honestly thought his own website was satirical pisstake at first.
He's not the face of modern philosophy. He's just a self-deluded guru wannabe.
Forgot to greentext that.
I genuinely feel sorry for all the people who actually believe Stefan is an intellectual.
>it's real
Isn't that from a sight run by someone else?
jesus christ
Where is that writen?
Stefan Molyneux makes up what he lacks in intelligence with sophistry and aggression.
the internet was a bad idea
>it's actually real
i thought you were shitposting
That's not his website though it's some parents who are livid their kids don't talk to them after listening to Molymeme. Used to be overt before they decided to pretend to be him.
Regardless of his '''''''''''''''''''philosophy'''''''''''''''''''''', he's an angry and deliberately disagreeable man. That's reason enough to dislike him.
Stefan isn't a philosopher though, he employs psychology which he learnt from his wife.
See also: Pic related.
The only solution is to stop relying on faces and names to categorize ideas. I think I get better about this as I read more. But I haven't achieved it fully.
Honestly, I wouldn't call a person close-minded for ignoring any monologue delivered through means of internet video or microblog.
I actually don't hit my kids but acting like this is some major philosophical revelation instead of just common sense is retarded
People still do because they are tired from working and don't want to spend their free time trying to rationalize with a four year old
I actually like listening to Sam Harris.
Also good to keep my English somewhat fresh since I don't talk with people outside Veeky Forums.
What happened to this sperg? Didn't he get arrested for something?
I legitimately can't believe they're thinking about giving him political asylum, he was treated with incredible leniency for Singapore.
Hope *long pause* you are doing well.
desu I thought he was the guy who made Fable for a bit.
>people listen to this guy
The wrong lens was used.
Samefag. Veeky Forums is a high IQ board, they're not dumb enough to think "defoo.org" from the 2nd page of google results is the real site and not the literal first result freedomainradio.com. You defoo-posters are legitimately creepy, give it a rest already
Not an argument