Is this any good? I don't want to get meme'd on.
Is this any good? I don't want to get meme'd on
It's unironically one of the worst books I've ever read
I remember reading 100 pages and getting bored because the plot wasn't going anywhere and I didn't get any of what might have been mythological references or something so I stopped.
I'm reading it now and I'd say it's mediocre at best, this is coming from someone who is new to lit and utter pleb.
Well shit. /tv/ seems to be fellating the tv show and the book. Oh well.
Do you really need to be reminded that /tv/ is full of book plebs?
Jesus! is that Freddie Rumsen?
Shitty book with incredible shitty dialogue. The plot takes forever to get somewhere and when it does, its uneventful and predicatable. I hated myself for reading this.
I read a few pages. It's garbage. Would throw it out, but I paid money for that shit.
>author's name is embossed, font the same size or larger than the book's title
any book that does this is automatically shit. honestly, it's the best rule of thumb I can think of in regards to literature
Imagine the favorite book of a grossly overweight lesbian. Its like that.
The last 1/3 is actually alright. But if you're reading the author's definitive version, and it's like 600 pages, reading through 400 pages of plodding is irritating to say the least.
I thought it was really weird to say the least. I kinda enjoyed it though, just because so much weird shit kept happening.
Other than that, not much here. It reads like a bad acid dream. If you enjoy that, read it.
Dialogue is one of this book's strong points you turbo-pleb
This book has about 10 different editions and covers, joke's on you
Honestly, most comments here argue that its too long and slow, but some of the best parts appear outta nowhere and thats what made the book enticing to me. Still Id only recommend this book if you have a boner for world mythology.
All the 'Coming to America' parts are genius, in my honest opinion. They made me feel.
Good lord I am keking hard at people who make thse threads getting BTFO
Tried to read it, stopped, and now i can barely remember anything other than Odin and some Shadow dude + a sex goddess.
Just as America is perceived as the "melting pot" so too he tried to melt all the different gods into something. What, I don't know.
Well yeah, they're the board with the shittiest taste. Even /mu/ has more style
i didn't realise you could be this much of a pleb while *denigrating* American Gods
it's Sandman lite. Don't get memed into thinking the comic isn't worth reading.
>the sections of the book where Shadow is in that small town
Jesus fucking christ I don't think I've ever been so bored while reading a book before. Don't read it, OP.
I dont usually listen to /lit adivces, but god damn, this was the first book i couldnt finish because it was so fuckin not even kidding
it's just a few Hannibal pleb cocksuckers
In the introduction he gratefully mentions being given the use of a cabin and an indulgent editor. The result is a book that should be forced reading for any editor considering indulgence. About half of it should be deleted and what is left should be viciously reworked. Randomly he muses about the Holocaust (in a section that has nothing to do with the Holocaust). His hardest work is grade school puns. The climax would be rejected by bad action movie directors.
Gaiman has done much better work than this, check out Heliogalabus.
anyone on the amazon top ten authors is undeniable trash
It's absolutely terrible. Way too long, pseudo intellectual, forced diversity, shitty ending. I have no clue why it's gotten popular.
Thoroughly underwhelmed, glad I torrented it, the whore eating the guy with her pussy was pretty hot though in all honesty.
It's pretty reddity, that is to say for people who like to think they like reading rather than those who actually like reading.
>All the 'Coming to America' parts are genius, in my honest opinion. They made me feel.
It was pretty shitty so I gave up when I got to the vore sex scene and the gay ifrit sex scene
Neat mythology references, shit book. You can get some mild enjoyment out of it but by the time you're done with it you'll ask yourself why in the fuck you read it.
About to start it. I'll come back in a day or so and let you know.
Got hyped because of muh diversity
Dropped it about half way through
Pretty much this. I didn't care at all.