Why do weaboos like him? Many people on /v/ claim him as best writer in the world.
Why do weaboos like him? Many people on /v/ claim him as best writer in the world
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he's the non-reader's author.
I'm autistic and I can't recognize people's faces. Who are you talking about?
haruki murakami
Read him in Japanese before critiquing him, faggot
Japanese people have exactly the same opinion of cheeseburger man.
this man. in my country he is nothing
>Murakami grew up when Mishima was popular
>Mishima's autistic nationalism made Murakami hate Japanese literature and culture, which is why he was drawn to western literature
>Murakami wants to escape the "curse of Japanese"
Who are you quoting?
he is a faggot westaboo
I'm paraphrasing the first five minutes of the video.
He's pleasant, comfortable reading, particularly for people who like their Japanese culture a little exoticized. The overhype is absurd, of course but he's alright.
He is comfy. That's it.
I've never read Murakami but I just wanna establish real quick that Western Literature became the basis for Japanese Literature ever since Soseki.
This tbqh
i can breeze through one of his books in an afternoon, easy to read and very comfy orderly sort of worlds that have a strange sort of appeal
Japanese novels have no real importance in connection to Japanese literature.
Wait so japlit is mostly based on theater or poetry?
Norwegian Wood was really good but there's so much sex in his books. I got so horny after reading the underage lesbian sex scene.
I don't bother to hate him. He's not that big of a conflict in the world to really create such a scene over.
It's like watching an anime without most of the pleb feeling.
I just can't enjoy books that've been translated from Japanese. You always feel it, in every sentence. I avoid translations in general but my Japanese isn't good enough for anything above the level of literal children's cartoons. Maybe a couple of years from now when I'm actually fluent I'll come back to him and find that he's better than I thought.
>You always feel it, in every sentence
You actually do not. This is all in your spergy autism head.
Japanese prose is inherently mediocre.
what makes you say this?
Western readers love Murakami because he is a western writer in Japanese clothing. He loves Bob Dylan and other aspects of American culture and references them constantly through his book. This makes it easy for western audiences to connect to him and get what he is saying since he is just reflecting their culture back at them. He then throws in some vague modern surrealism/fantasy and they think it's 2deep4u stuff. His first three books were just him saying fuck you to Mishima.
Mishima was westabo supreme though.
not really
you're retarded
I've read LNs with sparkling prose, say nothing of legitimate works. The idea that one language is better than another is a myth
he is kinda comfy but not quite boring (in the sense that there'd be 0 drama in his works or something). like I kind of liked norwegian wood, kafka on the shore, at least
I read Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage earlier this year
it was shit, honestly. it felt almost like reading a video game: main character went from character to character to advance his "journey" and acquire new information. every female character only existed to help the main dude to advance on his quest. it was odd how Murakami kept talking about the breasts of the women, too. there were parts that just felt really disconnected from the whole thing.
I actually really like the references he does, sometimes at least
he is quite good at creating atmospheres and using the references to advance that: the music references in norwegian wood, for example, really made the atmosphere feel like the 60s (...or my image of the 60s)
fpbp yet again
He is only lauded as a good writer by people who don't take literature seriously (plebs).
The other Murakami is better.
He's overrated. I agree that his books can be comfy reads but after you read a few of them you realize he's regurgitating the same tired tropes in a different package. His female characters from what I remember almost always exist for the main character to bone. He's has a habit of name-dropping musicians or other shit like fucking Radiohead or some classical to make his characters sound sophisticated but really it just comes off tacky. I remember his main character in hard-boiled wonderland being upset over his broken bottles of Chivas Regal, which I thought was amusing since it's not exactly a top shelf scotch. And I feel like a lot of his surrealism is interesting at first but after a couple stories it wears off and feels a little meaningless compared to something like Borges.
what an incredibly illuminating post