Haiku Thread

I'll start.

I'm no /pol/ newbie,
I just detest the "TRUMP!" fags.
Get off my board, cunts.


There's a Jesus AMA on the front page, you're telling me that's better?

No no no no no
No no no no no no no
No no no no no.

Very creative!
How long it must have taken,
for that awesome post.

small and to be crushed
lying face-down in the open
oh lightning, strike me!

pitter-patter rain
my umbrella over-head
frog jumps IN the pond

how had i not seen,
how had i not seen, how she,
how she had been, one

In the whole realm of literature there is nothing more pleb, unimaganitive and gay than haikus, just saying.

Yes but it's fun to take a few minutes to rise up from the torrential void of pseudo-intellectualism, and have a little fun.

No, haiku can be good. But 99% of people here don't know how to make them good.

At least he's pretending to be Jesus.

If working with real literature isn't fun for you, you shouldn't read.

give me examples

Oh thank you good sir
I am very happy that
You liked my haiku.

It's not hard find famous haiku. Here's a few I've written before. And even these aren't all true haiku, but they're a lot closer than yours by a long shot:

Water falls down low
Screams then trickling in streams
Salmon swim up high

Pulsing molten core
Veins round stone and dirt and grass
Open flowing sun

Outstretched, reaching bow
Twig-like fingers cusp lush fruit
Swallows swooping down

Moonlight cased in black
Hanging high and swimming low
Neither here nor there

Angelic, white wings
Flutter frantic for reprieve
Clinking off a bulb

more like haikute

Absolutely pleb tier shit, my man.

well this is hot garbage

And yet still nothing compared to these "haiku"

In philosophy,
with each writer comes a new

That's a good one.

freshly plowed farmland,
upturned earthworms exposed for
prowling young gulls

Film catches, bends, reels / you can hold it in your hands / the image holds weight.

the new car scent comes
i forgot my ebay car keys
300$ replacement key

You should really read
My diary desu
You fucking faggot

>My waifu loves me
>Not that silly chad fucking my
>Beloved sister

stale old bong water
dinosaur wades into tar
end is drawing near

sonic pics for thread
big fat bat tats everywhere
"moar" cries the dumb pleb

When I started this,
My intentions, clear as day:
I like writing these.

However, I'll say:
I've had a pretty good laugh.
Thanks to you, anons.