I've been curious about the Bible for a while, Veeky Forums, I'd like to read into it and perhaps reconvert to christianity (NOT catholicism)
Should I read the whole Holy Bible?
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>not catholicism
get out of Veeky Forums
yes, it is one of the most important books in history and even if you don't believe a single word in it, its still a good thing to read just to understand the effect it had on history.
ignore all the amazing atheist wannabes on this board
On par with Shakespeare as it is widely referenced elsewhere.
I would stick to the most important books. If you do the whole thing you'll burn out. It gets monotonous. All of the new testament is essential though.
The new testament is the whole bible, the "old testament" is just some Jew shit.
>the "old testament" is just some Jew shit.
you mean what christianity was based on for its existence
>I've been curious about the Bible for a while, Veeky Forums, I'd like to read into it and perhaps reconvert to christianity
same but I wasn't gonna abandon catholicism though. But everytime I think about possibly going back to church and committing myself to change my daily life to have the idea of God loom over me I just feel so incredibly stupid and as if I were doing it then for the wrong reasons.
All 13 members of the original cultus described in Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John were Jews.
It's Jews all the way down, my dude.
Do it
>NOT catholicism
Why are protestants so edgy about this?
It's a meme you dork
not op but personally i can't decide what kind of christianity to get into, i dig catholicism in that it continues the traditions of the classical pagan world, respects science like evolution and big bang theory, and is more excepting of gay shit than evangelicals at least...but...the problem is every catholic country is a corrupt shit hole, and even in the united states any state that had too many immigrants from italy or ireland has corruption problems (it remains to be seen if spanish catholics will bring such corruption, but probably) so i can't decide, catholics are more dank as far as the tradition goes, but protestants are just more industrious and prosperous overall...i thought about eastern orthodox shit but it seems so ethnic that they aren't gonna welcome converts (my family is historically catholic, but my name is ambiguous and could pass as protestant)
What reasons do you think are wrong ?
i want to get into religion for the social networking aspects...catholics all seem to have the government jobs on lock, but the venture capital is all judeo-protestant so if you want to start a business i don't know...
lol nerd
Become an orthodox my man. The music is badass.
There's nothing wrong with seeking the church to augment your social life and meet new people, it's one of the reasons I've decided to return to it. You sound kind of materal-oriented though, does anything about your interest in the church transcend material desires ? Don't you hunger for something more substantive?
One more.
Society of Friends (Quakers) tend to be nice folks.
I've read the entirety of the Bible. Here is my recommend order, to ease your way into it:
>4 Gospels
This is really the most important and most interesting stuff, center of Christianity. Order is unimportant.
>(optional: Gospel of Thomas)
The most philosophical book in the Bible.
>Exodus (at least the first half)
Moses leading Isrealites out of Egypt. Nevermind why they were there.
>(optional: The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston & Yule Brinner, or the animated film, The King of Egypt. Neither are particularly accurate, but both are great films)
If you're still with us by now, read the following in any order. These are mostly stories:
This will probably be the driest so far, but you'll learn a lot about origin of some common allusions. It's ok to skip around in here, you'll find Adam&Eve, Noah, Joseph, Cain&Abel
About two kings of Isreal, Saul and his successor, David. Very interesting story. David and Goliath is in here.
>1&2 Kings
I lied, if you're going to read this, read this after 1&2Samuel. It contains the history of David's successor, and purportedly the wisest man to ever live, Solomon.
Also, some dope miracles and stuff from Elijah and Elisha.
Jewess becomes a queen
Excellent, IMO. Guy suffers from a celestial bet, but perseveres.
Reluctant prophet, swallowed by a whale
If you got through a few of those, and want something to interspace them:
Wisdom and stuff. A more applicable Ecclesiastes.
If you're into spooky, cryptic stuff
End of the world. Very disjoint from the rest of the Bible
That's about it. Some of the stuff up to 1&2 Kings is interesting, more Jewish history and laws, and then a good amount of the old testament is prophecy. What's left of the new testament is just letters, and I find those to be pretty worthless, as some of the stuff almost is contrary to what Christ said.
The bible contributes literally nothing to your current life.
Whereas reading Seneca, or Aurelius, or Buddha, or Confucius, would actually enrich your life and make you a better person.
Give orthodoxy a try. Its a the same old shit but it has at least SOME semblance of apostle authority compared to the other churches.
Also if you like larping try Gnosticism.
The Bible actually has ALLOT to contribute to your daily life in terms of how you should relate to others and more importantly, God.
-T. Ex-Buddhist
I'm not sure why you think that's edgy. Or maybe I don't truly know what edgy means.
Protestants try to adhere to the Bible.
Catholics just push the book off the shelf instead of fact-checking, and then follow rituals that they automatically think are in the Bible.
I mean, that's what I've seen.
very helpful
>more importantly, God.
aww shucks you fell for that old meme
You can believe whatever you want but why do you act like pic related is not a thing? If anything, one would think you'd band up to attack easternfags, at least they're "more different".
>(NOT catholicism)
wow, way to cuck yourself senpai. you're missing out on thousands of years of theological dispute and political intrigue. the history of europe is tied up with the church. Catholicism is responsible for many atrocities committed in the past, and lots of people don't understand it properly in the present, but there is no disputing its authority goes all the way back to the 4th century. Most of what you need to know about Christianity from 33AD to 325AD is in the bible or related apocrypha.
Anyway. Yes, you should read the bible. Just don't go to someone like pic related. That's insane.
>t. senpai who hasn't read John's letters
Utter, utter, utter pleb.
>ignore all the amazing atheist wannabes on this board
>The bible contributes
>literally nothing
>your current life
uneducated pleb btfo. pick up a book next time and maybe people won't make fun of you. this is the start of the journey, kiddo.
>Most of what you need to know about Christianity from 33AD to 325AD is in the bible or related apocrypha.
Not really, you need to read about the church fathers to understand it past 100 AD
"""John's""" letters
You know those are pseudepigraphal right?
you know i was thinking about this last night and i think what rubs me the wrong way about eastern orthodox shit is two fold: the economies of orthodox countries suck so bad, even worse than catholic ones, if god favored their form of worship why are they so poor? moreover, all those orthodox countries just rolled over and died when judeo-bolshevism swept the east, it was left up to catholic poland to break the back of communism in the end, so on the two things that matter they fail
Just read it cover to cover
This, if you want to understand European literature from the Romans to the present, you need to read the Bible.
>only reading books that give you some false sense of a "pure" way of living
Smoke DMT if you really want somethibg spiritual. There is nothing wrong with reading the Bible purely for the story, it's probably the most refenced book in Western lit.
They were all Jews and if you've actually read the old testament you'd realized that Jesus manifest throughout the books before it was announced that the Messiah is coming.
And a lot of the OT books are essential
Plus they've never read the Bible and most of them have twisted beliefs, such as worshipping a pantheon of saints and hold Mary as a divine authority
>if you like larping try Gnosticism
>if god favored their form of worship why are they so poor?
>those orthodox countries just rolled over and died when judeo-bolshevism swept the east, it was left up to catholic poland to break the back of communism in the end
>"the two things that matter" are making money and fighting communism
If this is how you look for divine truth I can only tell you to kill yourself. Absolutely disgusting.