Is there a worse publisher?

Is there a worse publisher?

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I'm looking at my shelf and can't find any books by them. What's wrong with them?

Look at their author list

My fucking sides

I unironically like Verso and own a few of their books.

Fuck off you pleb, it should not be in the least surprising that publishers are sometimes political in the sense of publishing books from related authors on related topics, nor is it a secret when they do so.

You come in here acting like youve discovered something but only to invite a politics ( non lit) debate.

They publish literal shit, that's the problem. It has nothing to do with political orientation

This. They published that retard from the Atlantic.

>muh reparations

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

I also have a thing against the Russian publisher Eksmo for making their classic literature series look kind of nice (like they're leatherbound) but have them made out of pulp paper and cardboard. Pic related.

There's also the Russian publisher/series Library of World Literature that publishes decent hardcovers but they're really expensive where I live in the U.S. but at least they're available in my state.

you just hate shit taste, m8

verso has done some good stuff, sorry you only know how to knee-jerk

good publisher actually, especially in terms of their book designs and print quality. i don't care for most of what they release but they have a large back catalogue of theory not available from other English-language publishers

Yes I do hate shit taste, glad that was apparent

You unfortunately have shit taste and there's no cure for that

University of Chicago Press, Oxford University Press, Princeton University Press, Polity, Duke University Press (Awful), and Stanford are all promoted in the NYRB, and all obsess over the travails of Jews, Women, and Blacks over and over. How many fucking Non-fiction books on black feminist struggle can you afford to publish every month, and still sell?

What surprises me is how patrician NYRB publishing is compared to the trash they write and promote in the review itself.

>Duke University Press
this press is especially bad, they publish nothing but 'critical' race/gender theory and the occasional good book like the one on Chantal Akerman, or Frederic Jameson

You sound like you want others to indulge your dislike of a certain set of political ideas. There are better places for that than lit. Why do i get the feeling youve never read a Verso published book?

what are some good academic publishing houses? I've found Cambridge to be consistent

Better question: why aee you pretending to be the kind of person who cares this much about publishing quality?

back to /pol/

i like MIT press

Holy shit
>go to DukeUPress website
>go to browse their linguistics section because I'm that kind of autist
>first thing I see is "Sociophonetics and Sexuality"

>go to Middle East history/studies
>"A Themed Section on Egyptian Women Writers and Feminism"
>"Journal of Middle East Women's Studies"
>"Gendered Memory of North Africa"
>"Middle East Sexualities"

I just want academic literature on the Islamic Golden Ages, man :^(

Then read Bernard Lewis and his bibliographies, what the fuck are you doing looking for learning texts in contemporary academic journals?

Oxford classics are good

Duke is good for basketball and medicine. Other than that don't bother

plus they're bargain for the quality they offer, especially during special sales where everything is >40 % off. got one of these for 5 quid.

Verso recommendations ?

God dammit you see this shit? You people dont know what to do once youre ready to go beyond wikipedia because you did BS citations in high school.

plus they have a complete collection of the slovenian sniffing man, beautiful !

most of the Radical Thinkers series is worth reading
some others that come to mind:
The Critique of Everyday Life by Henri Lefebvre
Vertical by Stephen Graham
The Modernist Papers by Frederic Jameson
Walter Benjamin's Archive

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I like that they do 50% off sales fairly frequently. Their Frankfurt school collection is very good.

I've never had a particularly strong opinion of any book publisher if I'm honest. I imagine 99% of the rest of the board shares this opinion. Perhaps you spend too much time thinking about publishing houses and not the books they publish, my boy.

>I've never had a particularly strong opinion of any book publisher if I'm honest. I imagine 99% of the rest of the board shares this opinion

pretty much

Oneworld is consistently excellent with a variety of different genres.

Bad attitude, Yale is good, and is promoted in The New Criterion

Good covers too

this looks terrible

funny how the "radical thinkers" series are all just relatively orthodox Marxists


>China Mieville is writing a book about the Russian Revolution

Thinking about how much of this meaningless leftist babyshit all parroting the exact same talking points has been vomited out over the last couple of centuries is truly heartbreaking.

>last couple of centuries
Good to see intelligence and an idea of scope aren't poisoning these forums anymore.

nice tumblr caps

Producing screeds of incoherent politics flavoured bullshit has been a cottage industry since the Victorian era. See: Marx. Obviously the phenomenon is older but it's picked up steam. The more leftists fail in reality the more they try to create another world out of ink it seems.

verso is shit. listen to a real intellectual like cernovich or sargon, m y kekmeisters!!

stopped watching when i realized this dumbass can't even pronounce Gramsci

The books they publish are the reason the house is garbage. Frankfurt school is bottom of the barrel shit.

Literally who

Lots of them

virilio isn't a marxist, you fucking retard

>Bad attitude...

The point is that you have to be pretty up to speed on a subject before you can really make use of academic journals. Academic journals are a bad place for introductory information.

We get it, you're politically conservative.

Don't really know much about these besides seeing them in bookstores lately. I appreciate the sentiment of publishing Australian classics but why the fuck can't they hire a decent coverist or graphic designer or something? I guarantee it would improve their sales and increase the esteem of what they're selling inestimably. Why the fuck is this country so mediocre reeee

They would look like decent covers without that abomination at the bottom.

Honestly, they're a fantastic publisher. They put out a bunch of great stuff that's been out of print for ages. The retail is like $13 too, they're budget.

They're my favourite publisher.

read a fucking book you cunt

also, both of these books are great - you should be happy

...that they're being republished at all - text are reestablishing a market for Australian fiction. Like they're literally trying to reestablish a canon.

Actually I'm apolitical, but keep throwing out unfounded assertions

From the Frankfurt school? I think I'd rather get a lobotomy

>Library of World Literature

i have a few of their hardcovers and they are fine. not the best paper quality but good binding and dignified spines.

fuck off, /pol/tard

how can you be sure about something you haven't read?

>Actually I'm apolitical


Inactivity = tacit approval = conservative

Said by someone who has probably never read any of it.

"Tacit approval" is projection.

I genuinely don't give a shit one way or the other. If you can change or overthrow the status quo, more power to you.

you are either an edgy teenager, or an adult in denial about the world around you.

> Trump isn't what you want
> Le Pen loses


Stirner's in it.

damn. on the bookshelf where they'd be I have quite a few, all of which i've actually read- sartre's war diaries, bobbio's liberalism and domocracy, eagleton's function of criticism (a very useful marxist, say what you will), baudrillard's perfect crime, transparency of evil, system of objects, virilio's open sky, information bomb (have yet to read war and cinema), debord's panegyric 1&2, moretti's signs taken for wonders, althusser's for marx, etc.
some take-aways- 1. University of Minnesota press should in all honesty have been your target. 2. The University of Michigan's Poets in Prose series is fucking awesome. 3. I have quite a few Schocken Books as well as many Semiotexts (MIT) too.
Conclusion- Verso's a solid niche house.

I know, right? I also missed it somehow. Rectifying that ASAP!

As to the OP - Castalia House is worse. Garbage publishing house.

I like any publisher that makes books that wouldn't generally be available to a non-English audience. Only Verso I have tho is Zizek and Stirner. I might have one more knocking around somewhere. Their sales are great and they do them often so if you want any of their books just wait and keep tabs on the site. Plus free digital copies with physical purchase. Honestly, even if you hate their politics there are clearly worse publishers even without checking

here is the worst "theory" publisher
garbage that wasn't even good enough for the lowest of academic journals

that book looks great

That's right user. You're so damn right here. Good to find I'm not the only one who hates this publisher. They have only a few good books but alongside so much crap. They publish edgy blog-philosophy too.


t. Angela Nagle

I like some Arktos stuff but my god the graphic design is woeful. Plus they have lost the run of themselves with trump, I think that's why the editor John Morgan silently left, not feverent enough for that idiot Freiburg. Now they are more interested in putting out shit like this than De Benoist s magnum opus

Verso is solidly above average, especially compared to academic publishing

Look at the back cover for this on amazon


>buying ebola anything