I loved the first season of this show, but the plagiarism or I guess borderline plagiarism really put a dent in it for me. I wish the creator could have just credited the influence of Thomas Ligotti by showing his books sitting around with the Rust character or something, and just had him mention him FUCKING ONCE. I mean, really?
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Those ideas aren't created by Ligotti.
no but a lot of Rust's ideas are, I didn't say all of them, most of the philosophical pessimism is Ligotti's, just reworded
All circles are two dimensional.
Philosophical pessimism has been going around for centuries.
But the way that Rust words things is pretty much taken straight out of Ligotti's language and style
just look into it I'm too lazy to explain it all here
If you cannot see that Pizzolatto was ironizing Rust and his dilettante pessimism then you are a fucking idiot. You don't have to credit ideas you are satirizing, no matter how straight your face is as you do it.
this show seems bad now in retrospect after the horrible second season
time is a pita bread
>If you cannot see that Pizzolatto was ironizing Rust and his dilettante pessimism
He wasn't doing that at all. The entire show is about how easy it is to sympathize with that worldview.
It's not a coincidence that Rust's overzealous pessimism only exists while the case they are on involving ritual child rape and murder is ongoing, only to have Rust's pessimism destroyed the moment the case ends with a convenient vision of his own child while he's in coma.
You're wrong. Just look into it, I'm too lazy to explain it all here.
This is fun.
t. Great scholar of Flatland
And Ligotti plagiarised Schopenhauer and the other great pessimists. It is an idea used for a series; who cares? It is not as if Ligotti his ideas are his property.
Why doesn't he just say time is a circle? If it wasn't a flat circle it would be a sphere.
Ligotti credits them, and makes it clear that he is quoting. True Detective takes Ligotti's exact wording and uses it without credit.
it could be a cylinder, dude
You also didn't pay attention. You can see some occulty books in Rust's apartment in one episode. I.e. The King in Yellow, a couple Lovecraft's and Ligotti's. Go back and find it. I think it's episode 6
Why would Ligotti care if someone stole his ideas now he finally gets to not exist any more
also Ligotti never plagiarized anyone (he's far too original a thinker and writer) and still credited his ideas
Pizzolero mentioned his sources in interviews, famalam.
>It's not a coincidence that Rust's overzealous pessimism only exists while the case they are on involving ritual child rape and murder is ongoing, only to have Rust's pessimism destroyed the moment the case ends with a convenient vision of his own child while he's in coma.
But the broader problem (the pervasive influence of apparent child sexual abuse and ritual murder across powerful people) was never solved. Rust and Marty only got rid of a few minor players. If only closing his part of the case was all it took to change Rust's views, isn't he just deluding himself more?
time is an infinite sphere in which every point is its exact center and from all points its circumference is inaccessible
Did you not watch the show to the end?
Rust's pessimism is a reaction to the collapse of his earlier life, and specifically the senseless death of his daughter. He isn't actually committed to its principles, however, which Marty helpfully points out for us again and again and again. It's also apparent in the intensity he applies himself to his cases, especially those involving children.
>you sound panicked
>he's far too original a thinker and writer
but that's like retroactively hating To Kill a Mockingbird solely because of Go Set a Watchman
No, I'm not well-read enough to come up with a better analogy.
You clearly haven't read him then.
damn, that might be the best scene in the show
lol ok
>just reworded
>exact wording
Get your story straight, son.
>lift ideas from classic weird fiction authors like robert w. chambers, karl edward wagner, thomas ligotti, etc
>end up saying in an interview he doesn't like weird fiction at all and is surprised people are actually buying "the king in yellow" because of his series (it rose to the 1 best seller at amazon for at least a month while the series was on air), telling people to not waste their time and instead read faulkner or his own novel
pizza a shit
How did such a fundamental misunderstanding of Nietzsche get past the writing room?
also the last scene. yeah, dark vs light is the oldest theme in the book, but the scene was almost word-by-word lifted from an alan moore comic
She is so incredibly hot that it's not even funny.
> meanwhile, proof life is worth living
It's almost as if