Where does Veeky Forums get their news, politics, and book reviews?

Where does Veeky Forums get their news, politics, and book reviews?

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I overhear my family play CNN and FOX all day.

Trump's twitter


If he wasn't a reliable source, he wouldn't be president

The guardian and New York Times

Lately Jimmy Dore Show

Most reliable name in news

Generally I get my news from the Economist, recognizing that it's a left leaning libertarian publication, which is probably most in line with my views in general, although I certainly disagree with some of their views.

I rarely watch TV news, but when I do I tune into my local station. Local news programs are generally pretty unbiased.

Obviously the cable stations are trash and a tier below that is like HuffPo and Breitbart.

I don't follow the news because it's mostly "news". There aren't actually dozens of important events happening every day. The only drawback to not following what is in the news is that people consider me to be uninformed or out of the loop, which isn't so bad.

and I get my book reviews from pbs btw