Where does Veeky Forums get their news, politics, and book reviews?
Where does Veeky Forums get their news, politics, and book reviews?
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I overhear my family play CNN and FOX all day.
Trump's twitter
If he wasn't a reliable source, he wouldn't be president
The guardian and New York Times
Lately Jimmy Dore Show
Most reliable name in news
Generally I get my news from the Economist, recognizing that it's a left leaning libertarian publication, which is probably most in line with my views in general, although I certainly disagree with some of their views.
I rarely watch TV news, but when I do I tune into my local station. Local news programs are generally pretty unbiased.
Obviously the cable stations are trash and a tier below that is like HuffPo and Breitbart.
I don't follow the news because it's mostly "news". There aren't actually dozens of important events happening every day. The only drawback to not following what is in the news is that people consider me to be uninformed or out of the loop, which isn't so bad.
and I get my book reviews from pbs btw
For me its 8/pol/.
I don't engage in politics. Huge waste of time and energy.
>left leaning libertarian publication
they seem pretty center-right
I don't really follow politics; for major political developments see above
>book reviews
I don't read books reviews
This of course is a political position
>This of course is a political position
Hurr durr 'there is no absolute truth' is an absolute truth!
Passive inaction does not make an absence of reactions.
Death can be, but only if people don't remember you.
>Passive inaction does not make an absence of reactions
But how is an indifference to politics itself a political statement
Veeky Forums, fox news, leninology.blogspot.com (it's so much fun to see him lose the game of life, and get an alternative view), nationalreview.com (it's fun to check in with a cuckservative site which was permanently rendered irrelevant a few months ago),
News: Breitbart
Politics: Info Wars
Book reviews: Anthony Fantano
Commentary Magazine
The Real News Network.
The Intercept
Also, Chomsky rightfully argues that you get an unvarnished look at the neoliberal consensus when you read the business press: WSJ; theFinancial Times; the Economist
wsj, the guardian
They are to everyone in the world except Americans, where the Democrats (center-right) are called the left and the Republicans (far-right) are called the right.
The People's Daily, where else?
The Economist is definitely left of the dial on social issues. And they abhor populism (both left wing populism and right wing populism). In general they are what the alt-right/rightie populists would call "Globalists"--being that they are firm advocates of free markets and free trade. All the internet Alt Knights like Paul Joseph Watson loathe the Economist.
The Economist hates Trump but they do agree with him to an extent on deregulation.
Not that guy, but being politically apathetic/apolitical is not the same as being a centerist.
I bet he'll live 20 years longer than you
>reading book reviews
what for?
and besides that i have not ever needed someone elses opinion to without fail only buy and read things that are good
all over the internet desu
never trust any single source
i don't get my "Politics" from anywhere because that is an absolutely retarded concept
I'll well enough in tune with the current Zeitgeist that I don't need a single source as such. The experiences I have on any given day, alongside the occasional bits of news/etc I encounter by chance, permit me to have a finger on the pulse of politics and the spirit of society at large. This results in a sort of 'gut feeling' or 'instinct' as to how things will go, and it has yet to be proven wrong.
Other benefits include becoming anti-political/economical, which is liberating.
This guy gets it.
This is literally 99% of Humanity, moron.
>I don't need a single source as such
You and everyone else, genius.
Your "gut feeling"/"instinct" isn't worth shit.
New Criterion is Veeky Forums approved
>CNN -and- FOX
Local papers, (irish) Sunday Independent, though it's really awful I only read it because my parents get it. Otherwise I just use Google but if I'm ever interested in a story I will research different sources
he does book reviews ?
Book reviews from "books better than food", unironically. He got me to read bolano and borges
Huffington Post
Implies the current state of politics is OK and doesn't need to be engaged with/against
Books: TLS, Spectator
News/Politics: Spectator - with 6 months delay
New Yorker too, but it is going downhill
I don't read book reviews
Veeky Forums for all 3 of them