My very first book purchase

my very first book purchase

what am I in for?

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why would you buy this for your first read?
you're in for it all going over your head

I suspect you're trolling but you are not going to finish that if you're not at least a somewhat seasoned reader. It's not a hard book to understand, but it takes a lot more patience than you expect.

I just read this and I spent the entire book repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 pages it was so painful.

>Ayy quirky brothers lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place

You are gonna get rekt faggot

>what am I in for?

What did he mean by this?

not my first read haha, it's the first book none of my local libraries had in their inventory so I had to actually go out and buy it

i've read through all of the Veeky Forums starter pack and some others i was interested in

It's a petty, rambling serialised pulpt novel that is overly venerated by pseudo intellectuals who claim that every sentence is a work of philosophical and psychological genius. It ranges from ok to boring.

You're in for a bad time.
Read some genre shit to get your brain used to sitting and reading for longer than a buzzfeed article. then a some of Chekhov and Gogol's short stories to get a feel for Russian lit. Then Notes from Underground, then Crime and Punishment, Then Brothers Karamazov. You should read The Idiot first but that's not a huge deal.
I don't understand why you fuckers always try to start at the top

you should start with English literature before venturing into Russian.

'Hard Times' is a great first serious read

OP, don't isten to these guys. I followed the same arch. I wanted to get into Veeky Forums so I decided to start with the best book ever written. Just stick with it, some parts are admittedly long winded. There's gonna be some googling you're going to need to do. That being said, this is the best piece of media I have ever consumed and nothing written or filmed has had the same effect on me, and I am a better person for it. I believe you can do this.

>TBK is a pleb filter. You either can understand it, and advance or you'll drop it for a Grisham.

>the best book ever written
even pic related is better than the brothers tumblrzov

It's a good book. Enjoy.

Boy am I triggered ike is this a troll lmao god wow

>has no arguments
>f-fuck off troll!

Ivan is the most relatable character
>mfw that talk with the devil
Wew lad, like something straight from my own head desu.

>arguing with a nonargument directed at a nonargument
>p-please respond senpai
Not and argument.
this is you

You're trying way too hard to fit in.

So it really is you