Is Nick Land a fascist? Why or why not?

Is Nick Land a fascist? Why or why not?

What is his political praxis?

He's a dirty Marxist swine.
He doesn't hate women and minorities like we do as Fascist redpillers

google accelerationism and then add cyborgs or whatever

I had an English exam and I panicked and wrote about Land and CCRU. Is this stuff academically respectable or have I fucked up?

You were probably reported to the fbi, user. What were you thinking!


but what is the difference between left, right and unconditional accelerationism?

is Nick land even NRx anymore? What is he?

There are two possibilities there.
A. The staff know who he is and you're fucked.
B. The staff doesn't know who he is, does some research, and discovers that he's an ex-methhead who writes about AI eliminating humanity (in which case you are fucked).

I believe there has to be another option.. please.

extreme classical liberal with social darwinist antihumanist characteristics

antihumanist accelerationist

Fug you might be right. But I only mentioned hyperstition and didn't mention him by name so I might be okay

Weirdly this isn't me

How do I start with him?

C. Your professor is a crypto-accelerationist, awards you an A, and initiates you into his occultic secret society bent on expediting the cyber-pocalypse.

nothing important

When are you going to stop? No one is laughing, my dude.

>implying anyone cares what your subject is so long as you can support your thesis and cite things properly

no, he disclaims fascism often on his twitter
he's a cyberpunk social darwinist

seconding this

thirding this, this stale meme is worse than a bump

Keeping shilling all you like shareblue we're not going to stop dropping red pills

>Is Nick Land a fascist?
hahahaha just how much of a normie do you even have to BE to even ASK something like this
There is no praxis for NRx you normie tumblr faggot. It's letting entropy take care of half-bright commies like yourself

Here's what's going to happen: you're not fucked, because academics are, to the last one of them, an incredibly self-absorbed lot who only care about what little subjects they've carved out to pick over like starving dogs over dried bones. Your professor's going to give you a grade based on how pleasant or unpleasant it was to read your paper; if you managed not to horribly mangle English grammar and to make at least one or two identifiable claims, you're going to get at least a B.

t. academic-in-training.

Also, nice digits.

That sounds like cuckoldry