I am confused. What makes this "poetry?"

I am confused. What makes this "poetry?"

I'm not being facetious, but what distinguishes it from an essay or a short story?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is "The Road" a very long poem too?

Guys help

It's not poetry, it's affirmative action

But it can be affirmative action through poetry no? When I read the wikipedia page I was expecting an explanation of the style but did you see that fucking page? Summaries for each chapter???? Not even classics have summaries by chapters

>tell guy walking on your property to stop looking like a fucking criminal
really gets those neurons firing

Anyways OP post-structural poetry is made up horseshit for hackjobs who couldn't work within or innovate on the standard forms of verse and didn't have enough to say to justify a complete work in prose.

Free verse was a mistake.


It's not poetry. It's a short story with the moral "don't judge people by the color of their skin."


I see now

fuck off back to /pol/. Sure, it's not poetry, or even an interesting short story, but we don't trash human beings because of their skin color here.

again: fuck off back to /pol/

I don't think so user

>we don't trash human beings because of their skin color here.
He didn't even do that, but you should fuck off back to /reddit/

lol at /pol/ shill spam. That's right, fuck on out

You're alone user

*smack lips*
Ayo if I be seein any of yalls racist asses on this imageboard again imma beat yo ass white boy

Yeah thatz rite, back the fuck up

I hated reading that book so fucking much.
p. 77:
>In line at the drugstore it's finally your turn, and then it's not as he walks in front of you and puts his things on the counter. The cashier says, Sir, she was next. When he turns to you he is truly surprised.
>Oh my God, I didn't see you.
>You must be in a hurry, you offer.
>No, no, no, I really didn't see you.
What garbage. I can't believe how many fucking awards this horrible book won--affirmative action applied to literature I guess.

>mfw this friend of mine goes to a "public ivy" and their class had to study the underground railroad and now this

Why did you read it?

What a shitty moral. The color of the skin has been shown to be a good predictor of behavior

Can someone clarify to me what's a poem?

I for one support you user.

Carry on the good fight. Huzzah for diversity!

Nah it was made to take poetry off the page and put it back on the breath


what do jews have to do with sociology research

this fucking meme again.

>What do Jews have to do with Western academia

Sorry Itzhak, nothing at all

Who do you think controls research?

he's right though pulitzer.org/prize-winners-by-year/2017

I have no idea what point this is making.

affirmative action gets you attention

works on popular political issues are well regarded in journalism.

fuckin really gets the brain pumpin user. thanks

no faggot

>The Underground Railroad, by Colson Whitehead (Doubleday)
>black author
>entire book about shaming whites

>Sweat, by Lynn Nottage
>black woman author
>all about racism and identity

>Olio, by Tyehimba Jess (Wave Books)
>black author
>racism and identity again

but i'm wasting my time with libtards like you

Even at that. current events being popular in awards is hardly fucking new. Look at literally every awards in every field. They're always hot topic pandering bullshit. it's nothing new.

Why do you even think about the Pulitzer or any award for that matter? You were given the greatest award of all at birth, your white male brain. Let the girl brains and nigger brains win every award. It won't change reality.

They seemed to have skipped you.

Holy shit McCarthy was a poet the whole time

Keep punching up, faggot.

The next meme book from Veeky Forums should be poetry. The worst things on critique threads are still better than this

Free verse is a thing, "write what the fuck you want without any sense of musicality and metric" is another

>post-structural poetry

truly clueless

Tell me - wife, girlfriend? Friends, family? A degree? In where?

itt: white boys without any talent attempting to correlate their failures with with success of black people

responses to this post will include the objection that the poem in the OP does not evidence any "talent"

Have a (You) so feel better about yourself

You has a bait crafter have no discernible talent

If you want them to go away you need to stop replying to them.

I am a kissless virgin with no friends. My family can't stand me. Dropped out of high school and never wanted to go to college. Is that what you were expecting? Do you think I hate minorities because I'm bitter about my own inadequacies and personal failures?
Grow up. Judging people solely by skin color is stupid, but thinking races and genders are exactly the same is too. Thinking people only notice this because they are bitter or a failure is laughably naive.

christ i would fucking hate to be you.

it's called occasional poetry and is the basis of laureate verse.

anyway, op, it's a prose poem in the American style as popularised by Russell Edson. directness and rhythm of speech is a large part of it's function as is the aforementioned occasional rhetoric. I cbf to extrapolate more in a /pol/ thread.

The personal details were lies. I'm a normal 27 year old. Good job. Reliable car. Had many girlfriends, many hookups, many friends, and a small close family. I do generally hate myself though.

we all do mate

I always find racism and low-self esteem are quite linked, user.

And I do think there are big differences in people's culture and gender, I just find it irrational to let those define your perspective of individuals.

Could the road also be interpreted as poetry if it identified itself as such then? Is it a matter of intent at some point?

>you clumsily tell your friend that the next time he wants to talk on the phone he should just go in the backyard
do americans really do this? jesus christ

>I just find it irrational to let those define your perspective of individuals.
where did you get that he does that

no, it has novelistic devices. intention is important in all art but that's besides the point. just don't like it user, stop shitposting like you understand the history and development of poetry.

Read the chain of replies.

Lol what are you getting defensive about? I don't care about either McCarthy or this girl here, I just want to understand the differences.

I mean does pic related not read similarly to OP's?

What are the novelistic devices that preclude a work from being poetry?

i did and found nothing, that's why i asked. or do you think that criticizing affirmative action racist? is

I'm not defensive at all. I just don't care about lit's poetry opinions.

no and plot for one. I suggest theory of prose by shklovsky and 7 types of ambiguity by empson if you are really interested.

>Why do you even think about the Pulitzer or any award for that matter? You were given the greatest award of all at birth, your white male brain. Let the girl brains and nigger brains win every award. It won't change reality.

That McCarthy segment gave me a real Hemmingway vibe actually.

>it has novelistic devices
OP has novelistic devices too. to be honest the piece is so narrative that you could easily discern the stages of a short story in it, like Hero's Journey style.
Poetry is also an investigation on language. this is not. this is literally writing degree zero

Sounds to me like the boy was being uppity.

is this music? same shit OP. to me is not, for someone else may be

Pro-tip, when race baiting the "boi" spelling is preferred.

>I just don't care about lit's poetry opinions
then why come here? so you can talk about what a smart boy you are? im sure you have a big, valuable degree that makes your opinion more correct than anyone else's, but that really doesnt matter to anyone else here. youre still a brandead little know it all faggot.

i see his point why he wouldn't want to engage with retards like you though

Veeky Forums is almost as bad as Veeky Forums when it comes to autistic pseudo-intellectuals that believe that ANY board Veeky Forums is a place for serious opinions or debate.

sorry man but basic logic eludes you and people get frustrated talking to the likes of you

lol what basic logic you disingenuous turd? do you even understand what logic actually is or do you have a few handy-dandy 'logical fallacy' charts to tell you how to think?

Anyone who thinks it's easy to write like this, try writing some and show us

Like what? In second-person present-tense? The only talent here is in the message, which is admittedly shaped and fostered by the form, I guess.

It's not poetry, it has no metre.


are you kidding me? it's the kind of syntax that one uses to tell a joke
not an argument btw

Oh wow, another hacky ripoff of that one Junot Diaz piece

I met Claudia Rankin at an event once. She went on a nutjob rant about how various children's movies were racist, which was about what I'd expected.

Narrative and plot are different things.

Yes, and the piece in OP has both of them

You sound bitter. Where did the mfa cool kids touch you user?