ITT: Confessions

I'm an anti-natalist and proud

>I'm an anti-natalist and proud
What's the point of living then? Why didn't you off yourself by now?

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with pedophilia

You should be gassed tbqh unless you're referring to people post-puberty

I'm not from Burgerland, so your wishful system doesn't apply to me.
t. Citizen of a civilized country, which classifies actual pedophilia as, you guessed it, pedophilia.

I'm an anti-natalist too but not proud at all.

>What's the point of living then? Why didn't you off yourself by now?

Antinatalism is not nihilism.

go home Marquez.

>Antinatalism is not nihilism.
Ahem, nihilism doesn't have anything to do with suicide at all. It's the categoric disbelief to every existing dogma, moral and superstition.

Anti-natalism propagates to halt breeding; so why not lessen the overall misery and population by offing yourself?

God said not to

There should be another holocaust for people like you.

Because there will be a day when the fucking gig is up, and you'll have hell to pay, friend. How long can you hide so many assets?


stop being a faggot and critique some shit


really liked that part about false representation

>stop being a faggot and critique some shit
But I am already criticizing a fallacy here. What else can I do more?

Im a complete idiot. Not compared to anyone, objectively I am a total imbecile. Also I wont be having children because I dont want to subject them to my inferior genes

I don't care about the population, I won't reproduce because I don't want to doom my kid.

Un-doom yourself too, the world will thank you for it, I'm sure of it.

In what sense? I see two meanings ; 1) the world i fucked and therefore his life will be shite or deux)
Votre génétique est si grave qu'il va inévitablement échouer dans sa vie

I fantasize exclusively about rape.


there's always adoption

>Un-doom yourself
9/10 keks
thank you. seriously.

You're welcome. I appreciate your adequate taste in keks, kind Sir.

for me, it's the second. people with poor genetics (ugly) shouldn't reproduce and doom their child to an inevitable life of suffering and despair.

we need to find a way to genetically determine which fetuses will grow up to be ugly and selectively abort them. there's nothing worse than being physically unattractive and limiting the number of such people is a paramount humane goal.

You don't think that pain punctuated by occasional beauty is inherently superior to the nothingness of non-existence?

rather than assuage the pain, the beauty makes it more acute.

You're a fucking retard. Beautiful people can only exist in relation to plain people. If everyone was beautiful by current standards, then those features that make them beautiful would simply be considered normal, like having a nose and two eyes.

>tfw antinatalist but continue to live to punish breeders for their objective moral flaws

You haven't seen despair until you see a guy break down because his windshield was broken for the fourth time in a month.

Get fucked normies, you deserve everything.

That's called envy. You overcome it by realizing that you're likely still living an easier life than half of the world's population.

hahaha holy shit i love this meme

That's a lot of assumptions.

Both, however I'm not saying my kid WILL have a shit life. I'm just saying I'm not going to gamble with his life.

>being a literal cuck

The pain to beauty ratio is too uneven sometimes.

antinatalism is cowardly

>not punishing someone else for your misery is cowardly

I feel this way.

Especially since the elites will have designer babies before everyone else.

>TFW when born during multinational capitalist Kali Yuga

you don't have to taste shit regularly the enjoy a good meal.

>You haven't seen despair until you see a guy break down because his windshield was broken for the fourth time in a month.
I hope such lame things would be my main concerns.

>That's a lot of assumptions.
Really? I count only one.

no one is really able to do that. people evaluate their situations in life based on those around them. an ugly guy who lives a sad, unfulfilling, lonely life isn't going to feel better by comparing himself to starving somalians who he'll never meet. this is how human psychology works.

framing the issue this way is cowardly

Something can only be considered valuable when contrasted with less valuable options. If there was only one type of something then there's no basis to consider whether it's either a good or bad form of said thing.

I wonder why he wouldn't have a security camera put in after the first time. Also: why isn't the car in his garage?

If all you've eaten is gruel, then fast food tastes unbelievably good. Refined palates only exist through experiencing good cuisine and contrasting it with mediocre cuisine; normal people tasting haute cuisine often don't understand it because they have no basis for comparison and haven't developed their palates yet.

My life is divided into two boring instances.

First instance: I work my ass every day in a corporate environment, lead two localisation teams and I'm slowly building a career. I have established a romantic relationship with a lovely university student with a bright future.

A few years ago my life was completely different. I was on the brink of madness and I did shameful things, including stealing from my loved ones and dedicating several years of my life (my youth), to a woman I met way back when I was in high school. My drug addiction(s) and personal issues, mixed with my paranoid nature, led to the destruction of each and every aspect of my social life.

A few years later I thought I had it down to a science. Started working, from retail to restaurant service till I could afford a better education. That allowed me to build a decent future for myself. Career, new friends, new love.

Second instance: Every night my old love calls me, I go to her place and we fuck all night, do drugs, swear eternal love to each other, engage in bloodletting and plan our suicide.
Every morning I resume my life, kiss the caring, clueless woman who thinks I want to marry her, who doesn't realise that I am always on drugs. Always somewhere else.

I apologise for the long post, and with this confession I bid you people farewell. I have to end this madness, I've tried all from rehab to meditation, and nothing stops me from lying and potentially hurting good the good people who, sadly, love me for what I am not. I cannot go with that crazy bitch, either. I enjoy the thought of going without her, of the look on her face. I will leave a note for my family, without detailing all this. I will accuse work pressure and mobbing just to stir some shit. Anyway, thank you Veeky Forums for the engaging discussions and for the shitposting.

I will die knowing I'll defeat the biggest lie of my life.

>Something can only be considered valuable when contrasted with less valuable options

Are you a boy or a grill?

19th century 10s are 8s by today's standards

I've been procastinating starting with the greeks almost a year now, I aced greek philosophy on HS but I know thats nothing and that I'm rusty on it, but I just find contemporary literature too enjoyable
The only classic I've read is Don Quixote
I usually feel like I'm not getting the most from reading, I figured out that I should make some kind of test to my self after every book I finish but I'm lazy and havent done it
95% of what I read is fiction and poetry
I'm a really slow reader and will never make it
I want to write a novel someday but I never actually start working on it

I'm lack the courage to hard commit to any conviction or viewpoint.

unless you find the means to go to those starving Somalians and live amongst them

then you're a king

no they'll kidnap you hoping to ransom you off, then when they find out no one gives a shit about you they'll kill you

You guys want to know a funny joke. I dunno if you'll understand it.



>if nobody is poor, then everybody will be rich teehhee [I'm a girl btw]

kill your self, you are pathetic

Reminds me of myself, my own sister being the one in the next room, and someone else's sister getting the... well, you know. :^)

None of us would be anywhere if we weren't the recipients of the altruism of others

I read huge amounts of fanfiction when I was younger. I also wrote huge amounts of it. I even wrote fanfics as late as a few years ago.

I don't get it, there are objectively uglier and poorer guys getting laid. Was autism the key factor?

Everyone in the universe has money for cameras and also has a garage.

I still read fanfiction, and I enjoy it more than Joyce, Shakespeare, Woolf, Rand, Melville, Hawthorne, Hemingway, Twain, McCarthy, Camus, and every Greek combined.

Bonus round: It's Homestuck fanfiction.

I'm even worse. It's My Little Pony fanfiction for me.

I've tried to read Ulysses twice and given up both times

I mean, a security camera is cheaper than replacing your windshield multiple times.

He doesn't sound much like a normie t b h, if he's so badly off. Sounds like an user just kicking around a poor person.

please die

I have internal discussions and arguments with myself. For some reason I use the plural first person pronoun "we" instead of the singular "I", e.g. "Why did we do that?" or "We are going to be fine."

It's not as bad as it used to be, but I still think we're losing our mind, famalam :^)

How far did you get? Lots of people don't make it to Bloom's first chapter and I think that's why they give up. It really opens up there.

So the sole point of living is breeding? What the fuck are you doing here then? Go and put your entire life into impregnating girls, not shitposting on a degenerate chinese cartoon forum

If you believe that being born is a bad thing you believe that not having been born is better than being alive and could simulate that by killing yourself.

>being explicitly natalist or anti-natalist unless it is, in a rational sense, in your interest to advocate such an opinion such as

>could simulate that by killing yourself
If you belive not being born is simulable by killing yourself you're really fucking retarded.

it is hugely important important what my mum thinks of me and all of my happiness is more or less directly derived from her appraisal of what i'm doing

even though i'm 23 and only infrequently talk to her

>Guiding, raising and mentoring a fellow human being isn't worthwhile unless they share your genetics.

True men commit to the community of other men and help to guide youngsters in their ways.

this, numales create a society to feel valued

Explain how being dead is unlike never being born?

I cut the the pictures out of old books put them in frames and sell them to hipsters and middle aged women

Would killing myself erase the entirety of my past existence?

I haven't read many books. I never read philosphical treatises in full, only ""relevant"" passages (often no more 30-40% of the thing), but still claim that I read them

Fill me in.

I think you're not that special - giving my guess around 90 % of Veeky Forums fall into that criterion, but nobody wants to admit.

For you, yes.

Oh wow, you're so incredibly funny.
Try thinking about the implications of that. Wreck that little brain of yours for once.

I focus so much on the ~atmosphere~ of a book that sometimes I only read two thirds or a third in and stop, content in the steam of a place. I'm convinced that this is how most Bronte/Austen et al were written to be read.

Also artist name?

For England, James?

He was a fucking sociopath unable to connect to someone else outside of an artificial level. He thought his possessions were more important than his personality. This in combination with a psychopathic step-mother who continiously taunts him for his virginity, him being a loser and his sister (although being younger than him) getting her pussy pounded in the same house made him the killer what he was. Also: yes, autism.

Not being funny. How is being dead any different from not being born for you?

Why do you want to be alive?

I want to be alive because there's enough for me to live for, things to do, things that make me happy, other people's lives I can affect in a positive way.

So you're better off alive than having never been born?

For me? Yes, probably.

it's because he was so short. even with all his personality problems, if he looked like he did, was rich, but was also average or above height, he would have gotten laid just fine. THE reason was his height -- after all, physical appearance is literally the only thing that matters in life.

I browse /pol/

So you don't think being born is a bad thing?

The fact that I'm well off does not mean that it is the same for everyone else. I cannot make a gamble on the future life of my child, not knowing if they will be happy. I think for a lot of people having children is irresponsible knowing their child will face many hardships, but I can only make the decision for myself.

So you don't believe that being born is inherently a bad thing?

No don't believe that procreation is immoral but do believe that it's immoral to have a child that you're unable to afford or care for?

That's not Antinatalism familio

Yes, however it is completely uncertain for (nearly) everyone whether they will be able to provide good care to the child, in the end it will always be a gamble with a future that is unforseeable and thus in nearly every case bears some immorality.
I never said I was Antinatalist though.

Ambivalence by Burton Silverman

>I never said I was Antinatalist though.

Well then we've been arguing at complete cross purposes.

I'm confused as to what ages are normal to find girls attractive tbqh

Around your own age is fine and then from about 16 onwards most people do find attractive and 18 onwards is basically fine because everybody watches porn.

Actually dating someone that age if your a lot older is different though.

There is no "normal" for that. Girls' bodies and minds mature at a different pace. One can look and be mature at 13, some are at 20 - it differs, and some never reach maturity physically (properly) and mentally.
So, what I mean with actual pedophilia is around age ~7 because, at least I, have sexual urges at that age - even younger than that, and I was conscious about it too. I was just unaware of putting bepis in vagina/anus until I was 9.

This isn't a confession but I just wanted everyone to know that I automatically look down on and think the worst of anyone who does want to have at least three beautiful children. Having a family is pretty much the meaning of life desu.

this statement coupled with the image you've attached makes me nauseous.