This thread does not break any rules according to gook moot.
Question: Who is the leftist faggot moderator who keeps removing interesting threads? fucking remove him.
This thread does not break any rules according to gook moot.
Question: Who is the leftist faggot moderator who keeps removing interesting threads? fucking remove him.
lol you never had sex
Which threads? The one about genders?
Pretty meta desu.
he didn't remove any interesting threads, you just sobered up. happens all the time, don't worry about it. try to write it down though before the shakes set in or it's gone forever, you know.
All my threads politely requesting you blue-pilled cucks follow my instagram git censored on sight.
Even right-wing lit threads are getting removed, while the shitposts stay.
Agreed. Can we please get the obvious troll-bait threads deleted instead of the ones that actually generate decent discussion? (Even if the subject is extreme in nature.)
I posted a thread the other day that asked what political ideology you ascribed to, and it got removed, people were suggesting books and the likes, it's a shame.
>political ideology
Wonder why?
>literature board
>political ideology thread
Yeah, no. We have enough philosophy posting on this board as is. If you want to talk about politics, there's a board for that.
Fuck off. If "Veeky Forums images" don't get removed, why did my thread that consisted of literary suggestions, and actually discussion, why did that get removed?
/pol/ needs to be cleansed of filth so it's actually a decent place to discuss politics. I don't blame people trying to discuss politics on other boards, considering on /pol/ most interesting discussions are drowned out by gibbering morons from Reddit and Stormfront.
What would that be exactly? Veeky Forums? /pol?
There's decent political discussion on /pol/ if you learn how to filter out all of the garbage. It's not really any different from Veeky Forums in that regard. This place is filled with a ton of people that don't actually read or understand books, yet we act like our board is different from any other.
There were some on topic threads that were deleted. The aforementioned one on gender, one on favorite french literature, general booktuber thread, more
>that dawning realization we need an /art/ board
Isn't there a board for people who post their art and get critique?
yes please make one so all the "I'm an intellectual" shit gets redirected there and this board can actually be about books
Yeah but it's about critique not about discussing the canon. Plus it can double as the desperately needed /film/ board.
Can I ask: when did the Marxists overtake this board? I have no problem with leftist economics but I just think it's interesting, this is unquestionable the most left-wing board on Veeky Forums by a long shot.
Can we talk about how cancerous this board is?
user, there is not a single thread up right now about Marxism. By contrast, there is currently a thread up about Evola.
>not on the politics board
This board isn't called "Books." It's called literature. Yes, there is overlap, but if the mods didn't delete political threads that COULD go on /pol/ they would be the majority of this board. You can ask for political book recs on /pol/, especially if the books are primarily political thought and not literature.