What is the Catholic equivalent to the Philokalia?
What is the Catholic equivalent to the Philokalia?
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sucking off the pope. seriously, just accept that orthodoxy is better. or don't feel threatened to read outside a strictly curated list of 'canon' texts.
We have a number of theologians, mystics, and spiritualists, some who, by themselves, have written more than the contents of the Philokalia.
>talks about "a number of theologians, mystics, and spiritualists"
>doesn't name even one
>image from tumblr
Who are the popular ones?
What's the Orthodox equivalent to the 99 Theses?
You mean Luther's 95, or...?
if you mean, 'is there an Orthodox equivalent to the Reformation/Counter-Reformation?' then the answer is not really. that said, the East did get pulled along for some of the ride since proddies and cat-licks were so anxious to evangelize even among already-christians
The compilatiom of the Philokalia was in fact the chemo for that, along with some precious saints like Seraphim of Sarov
95, I was just thinking about dubs. Nice dubs btw
So is there an Orthodox equivalent to Sharia Law? I'm assuming it has an equivalent for every other religion. Oh, what's their equivalent to wuddah and misogi?
>So is there an Orthodox equivalent to Sharia Law?
Why not? Do the skoptsy not count as near it, if you're stuck?
Because Synergy can't be juridically enforced or codified.
you sound like a marketing salesperson. and not a very good one. try paradigm next time
Well, the man I posted, Saint Francis de Sales, is a great writer of guides to religious life, the best of them being the "Introduction to the Devout Life." As far as mystics go, there's Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross, and Saint Catherine of Siena.
And of course you could always just pick a particularly pious saint, like Francis of Assisi, and learn from his life.
As far as I know, it's also Catholic because it's pre schism.
silly phone poster