I give up on common people Veeky Forums

I forced myself to be with them, I tried hard to like them, to get involved in their lives, but it just didn't work.

The repetitive music, the banal conversations, the shallowness, the excessive amount of makeup in women, the borderline religious obsession with sports in men, the fact that they don't have any original ideas and just repeat what they hear on T.V and social media, the fact that they don't know basic information about history, arts or science...

They just bore me with their dullness and their non-existent desires to aspire to be something else, I know the human being is more capable than that.

I decided I'll be alone until I found a person worth my energy and time.

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>virtue signalling
the post

grow up

I hate nerds. And nerd culture. How can we destroy it?

OP can't just enjoy life without an ego

how is this related to literature? surely the mods will react to this affront on Veeky Forumss decency in a timely manner

lmao they're not boring, you are. While you're all busy with your fucking books and your ideas, these people have cultivating interests in REAL LIFE giving them the ability to have lighthearted discussions that lead to fulfilling relationships instead of being doom and gloom and muh serious all the time like you are. You're far below them, not above them.

you visit reddit 2 bro????

>doesn't understand transcendental human experience
m8 you're going to have to drop some acid at a rave and come out different or you're condemned to reading non-fiction without regard for form or prosody for life.

>You go on a website for well adjusted adults instead of wasting your entire life on a site designed exclusively for sexually and socially retarded manchildren????????

you're cancer. kys

>My time with user has come to an end. During our time together, I learned about his general cynicism and misanthropy but also his irreverent, self-deprecating style of humour and his ability to show compassion toward those who shared his "feels". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interests but a common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as Nazis, perverts and nihilists, the picture I was presented was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realised that the "Internet Hate Machine" hates nothing more than itself.

I'm a person with friends, hobbies and a personality. You're a person who has to make fun of functioning human beings to not be driven to suicide

Once you realize what this world is truly about, being serious and gloomy is the only thing that makes sense to me.

Sorry I don't have the same level of intuition of an animal.

playing video games and watching star wars for 500 time are not hobbies sempai

Theres a small amount of people out there that are worth it but they do exist. Dont give up and seek them out. They are waiting.

Read Games People Play by Eric Berne
Human interaction can get pretty boring and shallow feeling once you see the pattern behind it.
>well-adjusted adults

Again, you highlight that you're different from "mere" humans, but you fail to realize that that difference is a deficiency. You're stuck in the depressive rut that drives people to be obsessed with the misery of reality. You know what kind of things withdraw into misery when they're beaten down by their environment? Rats do that. Dogs do that. The difference is that when animals realize they can't integrate in their social groups, they are made aware of their inferiority. Only man is stupid enough to be incapable of basic functions and consider it a point of pride.

>I'm going to become a social recluse because I don't have the balls to explore the world and it's inhabitants

You don't really know what you're talking about

So what, faggot? If instead of being into sports they were into whatever faggot shit you like it's not like it'd change anything. If you want to be alone go be alone. If you want to go back to r/waymorespecialthancommonpeople then do that. I wish I'd get to see the fella that is found to be worth the energy and time of a person that ragequit public life on Veeky Forums.

>cultivating interests in REAL LIFE

The vast majority of people that OP is talking about are not very interesting nor very self-actualized. People don't even know how to be light-hearted anymore without being political or self-destructive.

Why can't we talk about the problem in addition to bashing the OP for being a pompous cunt? What if you are a humble person who's frustrated because he wants better for everybody else?

>counter virtue-signalling
the post

this should be a fun game

Both people have valid points. Can we quickly get a synthesis for those who want to have better (but principled) experiences with other people without being pompous cunts with no sense of levity?

Youre on the first stages of relationship building user. It usually starts off boring and always starts off out of step with each other. It's like a book, read it all the way through

Surely they will brother, just wait for their prompt appearance!


"Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto" -Publius Terentius Afer
"I am human, and I think that nothing human is alien to me"
Patience, empathy and humility are more useful and fulfilling games to play than dismissal and arrogance. Religious literature might help. Read the Zhuangzi.

this tbqh

Why waste your time with people you find boring or uninteresting? Life is too short. Foster relationships with people you actually care about and those actually care about you. Easier said than done, but it is absolutely worth it.

New boyfriend of my ex listens to Sting and Queen.
Get on my level.

thx louis

Maybe my priorities are different from those of other humans because I'm capable understanding the suffering of Earth?

I'm too poor to travel, kek.

You're not unique in your ability to understand suffering. You're a failure because you can't move past it. Plenty of people can do this, but they all end up not showering for weeks and jerking of to porn 3 times a day.

Come come OP, surely there are people outside of your natural habitat that can offer some stimulating conversation. Where besides here(hehe) have you looked, honestly?

Veeky Forums meetup when?

>Plenty of people can do this
Because Kim Kardashian's butt keep them distracted from real issues, sorry that I'm not dependant on mindless entertainment to be happy.

I meant can't do that, sorry. I wanted to make the point that not being able to forget the misery of the world, not being able to distract yourself, at least temporarily is a bad thing and basically mental illness. As I've said, you suffer from major character flaws, but you've decided to convince yourself that they're virtues instead of overcoming them. You're just /r9k/ if they read more.

Not that poster, but it's very hard to NOT forget about the misery of the world when normal practices pretty much guarantee that they will continue unabated or with additional acceleration.

>the excessive amount of makeup in women
and the perfume they wear and the flowery heavy schampoo sometimes is even worse

I can' be the only one who enjoys the smell of a girl more than a wave of powder cream and dead flowers.

You are a child that has not actually experienced what giving up on "common people" actually means.

ive had a few girlfriends that ive told flat out that i dont like any makeup on them. my friends do the same. girls literally just dont believe you. they think youre just being nice no matter how many times you say it

I'm probably the only person in my city who visits Veeky Forums, let alone Veeky Forums.

>I wanted to make the point that not being able to forget the misery of the world, not being able to distract yourself, at least temporarily is a bad thing
Believe me, I can, but I don't base my whole life and personality around those distractions.

>and basically mental illness
Maybe I want to be mentally ill? maybe I choose to suffer in exchange of being aware of all the lifeforms who suffer under modern capitalism and try my best to do something about it?