*blocks your antithesis*
*blocks your antithesis*
so reading the phenomenology is like bashing your head against a wall repeatedly? There's no synthesis just brain melting.
hegel is becoming a meme
Suck my noumena, fag
was numinous a word before kant
*Invalidates your ""spirit"
"Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce." Hegel of course usually worked in threes, and if tragedy is the thesis and farce the antithesis, then surely the synthesis is Trump, who is at every point a perfect superposition of tragedy and farce.
>subjective form of sensibility makes an essential constitutive contribution to the objecthood of objects
>there are definitely things in themselves, though, I swear
*fucks your mom*
poor bait
I wouldn't last in a duel with Hegel. He would make me think before ever allowing me to propose a thesis
how is it bait?
really cogitates and demonstrates.
no fucking way was that his middle name ahahaha
Yeah, if only it had not been shopped to hell and back.
>Sound is the change in the specific condition of segregation of the material parts, and in the negation of this condition; -- merely an abstract or an ideal ideality, as it were, of that specification. But this change, accordingly, is itself immediately the negation of the material specific subsistence; which is, therefore, real ideality of specific gravity and cohesion, i.e. -- heat. The heating up of sounding bodies, just as beaten or rubbed ones, is the appearance of heat, originating conceptually together with sound.
What did he mean by this?
le-If I just use really big words in a obfuscating fashion nobody will be able to refute me man
source for this quote?
Is Trump the weltgeist of the late capitalist millenia?
more like
*sublates your antithesis*
not cool user.
Sage and report all anti-Hegel threads.
If it's not in them, it's in me.
Trump is the farce to Nixon's tragedy
Hello there Schopenhauer.
>blocks your ideology
>implying le bagel man was ever not a meme
extremely good take my dude, u going on chapo anytime soon?