How to describe an ideal female character? Serious question
How to describe an ideal female character? Serious question
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>inb4 it turns into another redpill frog thread
Copy Homer's example - never describe physical attributes and allow the audience to fill in their own desired attributes
What do you even mean? One's ideal is not like another's
My diary desu
Mute, deaf, blind
Tell how people view her
That's how I remember Natacha from War & Peace at least
A Japanese idol stepped in the German philosophical tradition of asking the question "cur aliquid potius extiterit quam nihil?" beginning with Leibniz and fully expressed by Heidegger.
Yet she remains in the language of the metaphysics of presence like a pseud.
shoo shoo derrida
the right side of her face is really pretty
Read the sections about Laura in Doctor Zhivago. That's the best I've read so far in regards to this.
families, is donna tartt good?
>Serious question
>Doesn't follow up his vague post
Remember that girl that didn't reciprocate your feelings and broke your heart? Just base the character off of her.
Male/Female is a social construct. Hence you need to be well familiar with the target reader first, as well as the time and geographical setting of your prose
Why the fuck do you always use a fucking jap girl as an image?
studying heidegger here. who do i go to next after him? derrida? and then who
>Male/Female is a social construct
Please leave, tumblr.
you need to go back
OP here
Situation and context matter. Zena warrior princess maybe ideal for one situation and house maiden Hanna is ideal for another. Unless you want a girl who slay dragons and bake muffin cakes.
I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie.
>She was 12 years old with not a single hair on her cunny
"an anime."
I'm a frog and I support this.
Don't discourage him, I like it!
Harold Bloom argues Shakespeare 's Rosalind is the most fully developed character in Anglophone literature.
Watch Ex Machina and describe Kyoko.
>Male/Female is a social construct.
A necessary one, if humanity is to be continued. Women might not be smart enough to draw the parallel with sex and pregnancy, but men are.
>the social construct is necessary because it is not a social construct but a biological fact
>ideal female character
>tfw no robogf
Can't wait for meatsluts to be depricated.
Describe your mother
One who is similar to a transsexual but with more drama....
Not him, but what is the ultimate result of low birthrates in the Western world? We're all going to die out and any other culture that adopts our values is going to die out as well. Liberalism is a dead end.
Spice some irony in there. Be cruel. Don't hold back. Invoke their biological urge to defend women.
If they are never to be self-aware, why not use them? For laughs, if nothing else.
They're attractive and have a reputation for being sexually biddable.
she was not a whore
Make her look like pic related
Alternative hairstyle
My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi.
Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes.
Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant: also our bed is green.
Bloom is an old schmendrick.
Read Wedekind's Lulu or Max Frish and go from there. The trick is to leave blanks. The ideal woman is an empty sheet of paper.