We are living in times of literary brilliance.Literature might be approaching its zenith.
We are living in times of literary brilliance.Literature might be approaching its zenith
Why isn't it enough to just be pretty any more though?
You know some people aren't pretty or intelligent or brave
I like to call those people Veeky Forums browsers
Is she implying in this poem that intelligence is not something you're born with?
hating on rupi is no longer cool
get with the times or
how does this pass for poetry?
its just bad prose written in poetic form
>when you leave people no middle ground between being a self-hating cuck or a nazi
Is that you, Hillary? I appreciate all you're doing for us
Literally yes. Pic related will be the Aeneid of our time, THE classic.
Are you implying that the way he feels about some sluts in disguise should be considered as the face of contemporary literature?
It's something that one must develop and cultivate. Just being born with a good mind isn't enough - you still have to put time into acquiring knowledge, engaging with complex ideas, and expanding your intellectual horizons. If you don't do that, then regardless of your IQ or whatever, you're not going to be very smart.
Rather than raw intelligence she is probably talking about either erudition, creativity or self-awareness, which are all cultivated skills (which are surely aided by high intelligence, but still accessible past a certain treshold that is met by most people).
Out of the water
user drowns
but I've come
to save you
by owning ur ass
peace out, shitlord.
-Rupi Kaur
I love these
i hate this because i used to be this. fucking women worship has gone too far
need more
holy shit lol
i cannot believe i had to wait 7 lines for her to come with a ridiculous metaphor
Why couldn't this have just been a paragraph?
dude that shit is legit I learned the power of it from the narutofan.com forums like 13 years ago
after my paranoiac reading
of popular psychological and feminist literature
my life is defined by a terror of oppression
i hitherto barely perceived.
everything is potentially harmful
a thicket of razor-sharp horror
enshrouding our shrinking pockets of safety
in an ever-less-tolerant world.
micro-agressions are everywhere
and everyone is either an aggressor
or a battered survivor --
whether or not her marks are visible.
>we are living in times of literary brilliance
>posts rupi kaur
wew lad
Facebook status broken into lines: the poem.
This picture is retarded. No the instructions by levin, no vollmann, no gass, no mcelroy, no witz, no nadas. Kys
What's sad is that this is infinitely better than her real poems.
Oh god.
Do you guys think that pseuds like this girl's poetry unironically? Or is it a sad joke by white people to ironically push a woman whose style is complete shit to showcase that women can't write?
>muh 800+ pages