Was it rape?

Was it rape?

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What? What happens Ive got 50 pages left

Was it faggotry?


they just danced or something


the death of thousand injins and children and horses was not half the horror of homosexual rape to McCarthy

his body was raped but his spirit remained untouchable

Can someone explain Judge Holden

what mccarthy did to the english language? probably.

Yes. Sodomy pure and simple.


but i think that's kinda the point: culturally speaking, wholesale slaughter was not looked down on as much as fucking a dude

nah the judge probably pulled a gun from his vagina and fucked the kid bloody with it.

just like mccarthy's ex-wife.

Can't rape the willing

> this book woke af

> le ebil white man xD

> kill whitey :black lives matter emoji:

It was not sodomy. Clearly the girl disappearing was relevant.

The kid probably rape murdered her. Him embracing Judge Holden was simply a metaphor of him embracing the evil side within himself.


You too are a man of culture, I guess.

No. It was forbidden love. And a bit of dismemberment.

Is he human? Or is he dancer?

don't forget davy fucking brown gets offended when the judge claims that war is his trade right after they slaughter women and children.

He is Lucifer condemned to walk the earth among the human race.
He has an extreme interest in cataloguing creation and existence throughout the book.


he's a demiurge


Everytime I mention this Veeky Forums roasts me and calls me a retard. Thanks for sort of vindicating me

Now this is some patrician doujinshi


I'm surprised we don't have any real pictures of Holden. He was apparently a real man, minus all the supernatural stuff.

We do have this painting though.
I also just found is page that talks a bit about it from chamberlain's account.

Very interesting. The artist is kind of shitty but it's fascinating nonetheless. I was not aware that he had hair; I'll read up on your link.

The Kid is the man is the final speaker in the story. The guy above is right about the metaphor, but very wrong about the pedophilia meme. The prostitute was not a midget and the Kid was not impotent. The Kid would never have succumbed to the Judge; he was a fighter and was blessed from the beginning. Review the scene where the priest blocked the sun so the Kid could get a good shot. That is no child rapist there, gang.


No. The kid was a poppers slut who regularly did that kind of thing in public toilets.

This isn't a very good refutation tbqh.

The Judge was never actually real. He was the personification of evil.

When the Judge found the Man in the outhouse, the Man had come upon a girl. The Judge finally took the Man's heart, mind, and soul. The Man became the Judge. The Judge possessed another the same as the Judge had possessed Glanton. The Judge celebrates because he's possessed another Man, and therefore, will continue to live on forever until he must corrupt another.

Remember when the Boy beat the shit out of that guy in the bar, and as he was riding away on his donkey, the Judge saw him and smiled?

The more violent the Boy becomes, the stronger the Judge is, the more present he is. That's why the Boy fades into the massacre in the middle of the book. His transformation is taking place among the violence, and the Judge grows stronger.

>a character of fiction is not real


I like this interpretation; I'd never even considered this. So did the man rape the girl or what?

Considering the place he was at in the end was described as the capital of debauchery. I really doubt people would react strongly to some gay loving.

Rape/murder of a minor, most definitely.

Also throughout the book they keep mentioning children disappearing.

I always wondered if the guy who was pissing and told the other guy not to go in the outhouse was the man. It would also make sense because he realized the midget wasn't close enough to the real thing so he went ahead and committed the act in the outhouse. Damn, this all makes a lot of sense.

He did more than rape her.

Exactly. The Judge always makes children disappear. The Man did this time, or at least took her life the way the Judge had, showing the final culmination of the Man being taken over by the Judge.

thought about this as a theory, but didnt think McCarthy was all that metaphorical for this to be


he is a fucking hack after all

Is there anyone who actually thinks the end was just about the kid/man getting booty blasted?

When they talk about him being hairless in the Glanton diaries, they mean no facial hair, although McCarthy, being the uneducated inbred he is, mistook it for actually having no hair at all.

Yeah I figured he raped and brutally murdered her. I should have mentioned the latter. That's such a sad ending, especially after her bear was shot while continuing to dance its heart out.

Oh shit. Do you thing he fucked up that bad? It could have been intentional.

look at this draft page... it wasn't supposed to be a metaphor at all. The Kid was, as that one user said, blessed, or had a semblance of one, from the beginning.

>part where kid helps with arrow in guy's leg; he was was the only one to do so
>the judge literally saying the kid is special
>the kid's journey alone through the wilderness when he was abandoned. he survived with little food on his sheer human will alone.
>the judge's presence (hurr, yeah, is a metaphor for evil. congrats on a grade 9 reading ability, wow, yes, things mean stuff in that dem der bookaronies) corrupts people: everyone's ability to commit atrocious acts, the man at the end's desire to shoot the bear in a building the judge is present in.
>the man can't get it up with the midget slut, a slut whose pedophilia imagery connects back to the judge's love for the little boys, a final offering to assure the man's spirit, is refused by the kid, now the man at the end.

ya'll niggas retarded.

And it was changed, making you completely wrong.

Dumb cunt. Uninstall your fucking brain.

>redacted scene
>not connected to the writer's overall intention with the work.

are you 15, or something?
holy fuck... lmao


I really can't tell if people here ironically endorse the "Man rapes/kills the little girl" meme theory or just gravitate toward it because it's edgy. But it's just wrong. The dancing bear's death foretells The Man's, and the imagery is reminiscent of Christ's death -- mockery (forced to dance), mourning (the little girl is Virgin Mary), soldiers throwing lots over his clothes (guys wanting to buy the bear's skin), soldiers guarding the tomb / Christ's resurrection (guy outside the outhouse pissing, other guys shocked at what they see within). The Man is the bear because both are predators who are disgracefully (to the Judge) tame, not living up to their potential for violence and vitality. The Man's impotence with the dwarf prostitute shows this lack of vitality. Man/prostitute also mirror bear/little girl, which I assume is why the prostitute is child-like.

Pretty sure it was intentional. Considering McCarthy based so much of it off of Chamberlain's writing, I'm sure he saw his paintings as well.

>soldiers guarding the tomb / Christ's resurrection (guy outside the outhouse pissing, other guys shocked at what they see within)
I never even connected this with the whole Bear's fur/Christ's clothes thing.

Damn. This interpretation is great too. I don't know who to believe. Maybe it's just a testament to McCarthy's depth?

I love that reading


i really doubt it

Why do they mention the girl disappearing then? What does that symbolize?

Also you never described what happens in the jacks