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Torpedo tit

idk how to use you cause I'm stupid
give me succ woman

this is the extent of my ability in Matlab:
A= [3,4,5;6,7,8;9,0,1]

looks like my blanket in the morning

a..asking for a friend, naturally.

post results, faggot!

best numeric environment available.
nice enough fory a?

What a sad, used-up whore. Can't even compete

mathematica is for faggots who can't maple

I am afk posting from mobile lolol

anyone who hates matlab simply doesn't know how to vectorize a for loops.

Maple sucks as a programming language but is decent as a scientific toolbox. Mathematica has both.

yes. the suck and the tool.

Great zinger my man but what exactly sucks about Mathematica?

never really liked the syntax much when i had to read some code. might be just me.
i'd go matlab for numerical (haven't tried their sym tb though) and maple for symbolic.
maple is definitely closest to agsract mathematical i'd say and i really respect that.

>maple is definitely closest to agsract mathematical i'd say and i really respect that.

uh what, gonna bost anything to the contrary?

No just indicating that I've disregarded your opinion because you can't form coherent thoughts.

i don't need to painfully form them like, say, you, i just have them.

I really want to make a game in matlab, but the internet says it would be way to tedious

Might as well just use a graphing calc at that point


>I really want to make a game

now you are just reading your latest mathematica output

i feel fire emblem would be easy to make. it's basically just a grid

Can matlab input sprites in the first place?

what do you mean? it can import images and sequences of images yeah

Ah ok, never used it before and always thought it was just calculations and graphing

user, wtf?
in the end, we're all just zeros and ones...

Jokes on you I was born hexadecimal

can make dank videos and music in matlab

> 2018
> not being 64 bit native

ans = [1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1]
Wow it's the identity matrix.
Completely coincidental.

damn you!!
id_3x3 is the new trips

She triggers all the math and physics fags.

I'm physicist and only use matlab

I'm a CSlet and MATLAB triggers me because it's not FOSS

End game right here, brothers
Don't even bother with maplefags

You won't get back your $2,000 no matter how hard you shill.

You mean my $10 with uni discount?

>paying for software

Love it.

>only discount
>can't get it for free
lmaoing @ you wolfracucks

>being a criminal

She has a big dick.

>being a proprietarycuck

but only a cute, feminine dick