Bill Nye gets his own propaganda show

>bill Nye gets his own propaganda show
>march for science
>I heard that Brian Cox (a UK physicist and physicist popularised) is getting a stadium tour

Is Science the new sex, drugs, and rock and roll? Are writers so irrelevant?

Have you noticed that publishing companies have become fully colonised by women and minorities who attention whore? This is a major death sentence.

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>>bill Nye gets his own propaganda show
Are you against Bill Nye roasting creationists?

You're one of those 18 year olds who got over the maximum edgy atheist phase and now thinks *tips fedora* is a valid argument against religious criticism, aren't you?

Is writing the old sex, drugs and rock and roll? No. That would be retarded.
Are writers performers and professional public speakers? No. That would be retarded.
>Have you noticed that publishing companies have become fully colonised by women and minorities who attention whore?
Yet they still publish more men.

wow you are nothing


You're far from the first person to notice this, although you should be commended for figuring it out on your own. I think for the most part the "women and minorities" are window dressing. Publishing is still a business, and if you look at the best selling authors of the past 20 years it's mostly a boy's club.

"Science" is just the new pop-religion for pseudo-nerds, neckbeards, and people who are either too lazy or stupid to learn something from a source other than youtube. If publishers are moving towards safe token diversity crap, it really doesn't matter imo. Chances are you will never have published a book that would make it to the front display of a bookstore in any age, especially if you have anything controversial to say. I've never tried publishing anything, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't help but think the Internet and self-publishing today is at least as good a resource as publishing with small publishers 50 years ago. That is, if you write something good and at least put a little effort into promoting yourself.

Thanks for confirming, lad.

Do you think she's let him cum inside her yet?

>Implying that science isn't slowly getting co-opted by post structuralists
These scientists are just being used for the authority science has gained over the years, If you looked at anything around bill nyes show or the "march for science" this much should be obvious. The fact that writers from the 60's and 70's are exerting control over the institutions of science is evidence enough of how relevant writers are and always will be.

Bill Nye is catering to grown children who never bothered to take college level science, but they want some nostalgic crap reminding them of the time they learned how a thermometer works, and he just keeps jacking himself off and filling his bank account teaching basic shit and preaching his milquetoast liberal ideology to morons.

They are trying to promote "Gallant Gallstone" science so retards that got too many trophies for not accomplishing anything can feel smart and then use it as a defense/argument against genuine science and logic. This is the beginning of the new dark ages if its allowed to spread like cancer.

At least he got dubs. What do you have?

How old is she? If nearing or over 25 then yes because she's going to need that babymama money soon.

My HS science teacher actually met Bill Nye, and was disappointed to learn that he was a comedian, not a scientist.

"Science" functions as religion does - it renders many topics socially impermissable to discuss

>I don't need to theorize about the meaning of life, the basis of ethics, or the source of human consciousness.

>if we could find that stuff out, SCIENCE!!! would have told us already

all it does is reinforce the status quo

This is science now! Get used to it BIGOT!!!

I think science is working on finding the answer to the second and last one and the first is in the unfalsifiable category so the scientific method will do fuck all with that.

Mr. Wizard was way better than Bill Nye. Nye isn't fit to lick Mr. Wizard's dirty ass.

Go YouTube the gender rap off his show

nice pic do u mind if i save

Of course I know that the scientific method is applicable in regards to complex philosophical questions. I was only referring to the way this mainstream science functions in society.

What the fuck

Absolutely disgusting.

Not only have neuroscientists been unable to determine the neural correlates of consciousness, they can't even agree on what consciousness is.

Yes Science is hip and cool but totally still a rigorous discipline that is in no way inseparably bound to shitty pop culture

That's not what's going on here.

Not at all, confrere .

Pop science is merely a vehicle for scientific education and is absolutely not a reflection of the current scientific community's parasitic dependence on commodity culture

Science has naturally outgrown the need to look back at its own history thanks to its unparalleled ability to bring the best modern minds together around stable and incontrovertible Truths

I hate when /pol/ is right

Is getting angry at these kind of people indicative of a small mind? I sometimes wonder if I hate them so much because I recognize in them my own ideological fanaticism. I think part of it is that I resent them for being so open about their retarded beliefs, whereas I keep them absolutely private for fear of getting fired/socially ostracized. I'm starting to long for open conflict, I think because it would obviate the need for dissembling.

Sounds to me like you're saying you want to LARP and rabble rouse like GLR. I think it has its place, but you risk very much becoming a caricature of yourself that nobody will take seriously when you say anything true. Just do anonymous pamphleteering or graffiti if you want an outlet.

Jesus christ, regardless of the message this sounds like fucking garbage.

Its propaganda for children and its disgusting.

This guy was their rap consultant:

I'm not white but I also daydream about redpilling people around me but then catch myself and remain thankful that I at least posses the foresight to know how monumentally naive that would be. Most people don't want to hear about this stuff and would rather ruin you personally than have to do so.

They don't see these mass subversions/delusions as they really are so you have to move even smarter because of it. It seems like an unfair delineation of responsibility but life is just like that.


Anti-science bigots BTFO

Bill Nye the Junk Science Guy

There are only two sexes and two genders. If you identify as anything at all its as mentally ill.

Why pollute the board with this crap? It's bad enough as it is.

/pol/ is always right

So this is just another Veeky Forums gets butthurt at science and cries like a bitch episode? Magnificent.

"There is no greater idiot than the one touched by philosophy."


So you're trying to prove me right yes?

this is all because of the university

Nobody is "butthurt at science" because it's just a tool used to study the natural world. People are annoyed at guys like BIll Nye and his fans who fashion themselves as "fans of science" because that's like saying you're a "fan of hammers" because like science, a hammer is just a tool used for a specific purpose. Hammers don't need advocates. The truth is Bill is just a political ideologue selectively using science for his purposes and I can give you an example.

Remember that Tucker Carlson interview? Bill said something that was very revealing, he said that us being able to grow grapes in Britain is evidence for disastrous anthropogenic Climate Change. The problem with this is that the climate changing a few degrees over the centuries is not likely to radically alter where we can grow certain crops, and a much more likely explanation is that through genetic engineering, we now have hardier seeds that can thrive in colder environments where they otherwise wouldn't. Bill doesn't recognize these alternative and more likely explanations because he has his political blinders on. He only sees things in terms of helping is politics or not.

>Tfw science is now arguably left-winged.
>Tfw Bill Nye the science guy is making a cult for the normies, and is getting all kinds of pussy because of it.

Can science not be political please? Can the atheist normnorms please go somewhere else?

umm no sweetie, we won

Actual scientist here. In actual academia at any university that isn't shit tier these scientism people don't exist. This is pop sci for the big bang audience for the most part. You'll find most of the not third rate scientists don't give a shit about the pop sci nonesense because they're too busy in their one hyper specific sub field to care, and know that none of this represents how science actually functions as a whole.

Proof that normies LITERALLY ruin EVERYTHING.

"So many people today - and even professional scientists - seem to me like somebody who has seen thousands of trees but has never seen a forest. A knowledge of the historic and philosophical background gives that kind of independence from prejudices of his generation from which most scientists are suffering. This independence created by philosophical insight is - in my opinion - the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth."

literally just wait for the next conscript war
All great art stems from violence

Just accept that you and sky papa have no place in adult-world where we subject our ideas to an adult level of scrutiny.

Pitching 3 meme-tier American TV retards and one meme-tier Britbong who used to be great but got all idiotic against the most famous scientists is surely an evenhanded and fair exchange

The amount of retards denying climate change I don't blame him for lying.

Who is denying that the climate is changing?

My president, for one.

When did he say that the climate doesn't change?

He's not my president.

If it's true why can't they back it up?

When it comes time to back their facts these supposed scientists never manage to do it. People have a right to question things, that's the very essence of science.

>the concept of global warming
>the concept
You'll get that reading comprehension some day, bro.

>it's another retard clings on to word forms in a discourse obviously concerned with ""man caused"" climate change
kys useless trash

>Is Science the new sex, drugs, and rock and roll? Are writers so irrelevant?

Yeah, it is. I'm too tired to go into it but our society is clearly logical and unimaginative as a result of politics having infested every element of life. It's no surprise we want logic at the expense of potential imaginative ideas, which is probably a recipe for fucking disaster when you really think about it given the extent to which it has to abide by the current [[end of history]]] capitalist order.

The irony here though is that people don't actually want cold hard logic. They want it dressed up as sexy, as evidenced by the fact any single Brian Cox documentary involves him jet-setting off to as many stunning locations as possible to explain points he could have summed up in a 15-minute lecture. His technique is insufferable but no more so than the expectations of people who think complex ideas can be summed up in 8-minute YouTube videos (hello, School of Life).

Then again, I'm no better. I often feel like I lack a proper appreciation the aesthetics of photography or the beauty of literature because I'm constantly looking for the 'correct' themes. Thanks, academia, I guess.

How do you know he's not referring to American industry killing regulations (that China supports) that supposedly designed to fight climate change?

Tell me how you can infer from this tweet that he doesn't believe the climate changes.

pop science?

You're not going to get anywhere in convincing other people if you steadfastly refuse to correctly frame their arguments. It's not honest.

>why do you interpret his words in the most natural and literal way instead of contorting every possible shade of meaning in a grandiose exercise of mental gymnastics solely to keep yourself in the illusion this man is not a complete retard

You accuse me of doing exactly what I think you're doing. You take whatever he says and ascribe the worst possible meaning to it because you're emotionally and politically invested in Trump being stupid.

Everytime I come to this board I realise it's about as retarded as any of the others only with fancier language.

>implying I'm here to convince internet retards to change their points of view
proper discussions with worthy people is something i'm having in real life. this is a shithole for shitposting. you're a boring daft cunt and I wanted you to know this. so here goes: fuck off, cretin.

>i was merely pretending to be retarded

stop posting then

There's no need to get so flustered

It's not the worst, it's the most obvious and literal meaning. I'm not invested in anything and couldn't give two shits about Trump personally.

>not even comprehending what the phrase you're quoting means
you fuck off too, underage memetard.

educating the masses was a mistake

I don't get why you're still posting, don't you have some 'worthy people' to pester with your A+ opinions and discussion styles?

Bill Nye; engineer who has never been trained in scientific research and has never done it, so has never been a scientist, is actively anti-science. This
Is anti-biology, for example.

Not him but are you seriously asking him to debate you on a Sendero Luminoso Bombmaking Toolshed?

because i like to shitpost every once in a while. is this your first week on this epic meme site for cool autists?

But science does need advocates because it relies on funding. The problem with right wingers is that they are more often than not protecting their god of the gaps through policy. They would never attempt to defund hammers because the hammer is too important to the snuff story they they require for salvation.

>The problem with right wingers is that they are more often than not protecting their god of the gaps through policy

What does this mean?

>Just do what feels right
>Just do what feels right
>Just do what feels right

It means that religious policy makers fear science that isn't specifically about how to best blow up the people that oppose their beliefs. Anything that explains away creationism is to be violently opposed and defunded. This is why Ken Hamm gets massive tax breaks while worthwhile programs like Planned Parenthood have their funding slashed.

>He fell for the overpopulation meme

He says the concept of global warming was created by and for the chinese. This would imply it is a false narrative, and that global warming is a hoax.
Trump says plenty of intentionally vague non-statements (like his "some kids get vaccines then get autism. Rly makes u think" tweet) to allow for the kind of mental gymnastics you're spinning through here, but this is one of the most direct ones possible. I see no other way to interpret it.

>worthwhile programs like Planned Parenthood
>don't do mammograms
>don't do prenatal care
>Send over 90% of all lab work to other clinics to be actually processed
They are a rent-seeking organization that acts as a middleman between women and local clinics using branding to skim money for their own profit. Before we even get to their criminal activities all they do is drain value from the healthcare system.

dude it's 12dimensional chess you just don't get it because you've bought into the semitic lies

I gave a plausible alternative meaning. The Chinese would be interested in propagating climate change hysteria because it's causing Americans to intentionally want to destroy their own manufacturing industry through regulation. He was regularly talking about this sort of stuff during his rallies around the time that he tweeted that.

It's not an alternative, it's the very same thing expanded upon.

>This is why Ken Hamm gets massive tax breaks while worthwhile programs like Planned Parenthood have their funding slashed.

Planned Parenthood gave Hillary Clinton 20 million dollars for her presidential campaign.

>this genius thinks Trump is personally tweeting
Protip: Santa Claus doesn't bring those presents....

Because they know the right will do everything in their power to destroy them

This is politics, every want to destroy every one else, they aren't special.

They should be destroyed. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of abortion they have no business accepting federal funds and turning around and giving it to political candidates.

please return to reddit, m'sir


Nye, etc. are doing the old dance of
>"I am going to cloak myself in the mantle of science and then use this usurped faux authority to promote a subjective political agenda"
Commies do it. So do Socialists. The fact that a couple of contemporary socialists are doing it = zero surprises