"a trans woman IS a woman"

"a trans woman IS a woman"
No one in the scientific community believes this do they?

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This is a categorization issue, which is largely dependent on your definition of both "trans" and "woman". It's important to remember your axioms aren't necessarily the same as the person you're arguing against. That's why I think this """debate""" tends to just be people talking past each other

>le everything is subjective meme

barring obscure birth defects that only happen to 0.08% of the population;

penis = male
vagina = female

Nope. I meant it more in the sense that social scientists redefine terms so that their arguments appear to be logical and imply more than they actually do, but nice strawman there buddy.


When did gender become a personality? Why do people claim the way you dress affect their gender?

Typically the argument goes that the way you dress informs others of the way you identify (that's how I've heard it anyway)

When our civilization ceases to exist these perversions will die with it.

Again though; categorisation problem based on different definitions. In these people's eyes, sex =/= gender. If you want to argue that, fine, but you have to understand the argument if you want to actually get anywhere with it.

So I can just make up new bullshit to fit my agenda is what you are saying?

Nope, I'm saying you need to actually display emotional and analytical intelligence and understand what they're saying and how they're saying it in order to actually make progress in an argument.

>I am a woman because I feel like a woman
How do I respond to that nonsense?

“What does it feel like to be a women” Make sure a feminist hears the response, cook popcorn, and watch the show.

But I heard that you can’t assume these things or else you might offend someone

Maybe at some point in the future trans-women will be biologically indistinguishable from actual women, but medical science isn't at that point yet.

It depends.
In humans there are two sexes, each with an associated gender (relatively minor degrees of difference in brain wiring and relatively significant degrees of difference in hormonal environment) .

If somebody feels abnormal and uncomfortable in their own body on at a basic level because of a developmental hormonal issue, you respect their legitimate medical condition and hope that a combination of medication and hormonal treatments can help them not feel like their brain is as broken as it really is. Trans-women aren't actually women, and anybody who pretends they are is straight up ignoring reality and erasing the struggles trans people have to deal with and whatnot.

If they're just some progressive degenerate faggot who insists you respect their fat-positive genderfluid transblack pronouns, you can ignore their fake problems and tell them to fuck off.

>you respect their legitimate medical condition and hope that a combination of medication and hormonal treatments can help them not feel like their brain is as broken as it really is.
The problem with how these things are dealt with at the moment is that medication and surgery should not be the first step, but is still used as one.
Psychotherapy has a much greater success rate, and has the tangible benefit of decreasing suicide rates. The only problem is it actually takes effort and time, and requires you to admit you have a problem, which SJWs can’t handle.

Social sciences are all about ideology, you can make up anything.


>at some point they will be biologically indistinguishable
Unless you can magically transform chromosomes and the effects of aging as a boy/girl prior to the treatment, it will never happen. Which ultimately begs the question, if we could do all of that wouldn't the need to reassign gender be irrelevant? Surely we would have better treatments for the mental causes of gender dysphoria then flooding the body with foreign hormones and cobbling together sexual organs from spare parts.

>No one in the scientific community believes this do they?
The medical community has become pro-trans and anyone who doesn't toe the line risks loosing their career.

Social sciences are what happens when a branch of science is completely taken over by a specific political ideology. I think there was a poll taken that shows a whopping 98% of them were left leaning. There's no counterbalance so whenever someone says some ridiculous shit like "If a man feels like they're a woman, they're a woman" they all sit around and agree and reinforce each others crazy beliefs

"my dick is INSIDE your ass"
Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't make it true snowflake.

>medication and surgery should not be the first step
they aren't

Trannies are just bullied NEETs, we just need to cut off their gibs (stop giving them free horse estrogen and dick chop) and the issue will end up solving itself.

There are cuneiform tablets from ancient Mesopotamia that describe how transvestitism first began in Ur, the first city ever. The problem doesnt really exist in pastoral, horticultural, or hunter-gatherer societies, despite the revisionist projections of modern political ideologues.