What is this painful swollen lump in the back of my throat and how do I get rid of it? It hurts a lot...

What is this painful swollen lump in the back of my throat and how do I get rid of it? It hurts a lot, especially when I swallow. I'm constantly having to swallow mucus too.

looks like dried semen

>Veeky Forums - Science and Math

Damn. OP, if there is anything this guy is known for is for his knowledge and obsession with semen. If he says it is semen then it is fucking semen. Now, spit it out OP. Are you a fucking roastie?

Looks like tonsil stones.


Thank you that seems right

Have you never had a sore throat before?

This is strep throat you fucking moron, go to a doctor.

Pain is a good sign, OP. Cancer is usually painless lumps in the beginning.

But go see a doctor.

looks like ulcerating tonsillitis, get throat culture

Might be. I do have two bumps right under my chin besides my Adam's apple.


It kind of looked like that when I had tonsillitis

When your tonsils get infected they start pussing out of the tonsular crypts. A tonsil stone is just when food gets stuck in there and becomes a bacteria farm, (one of the most deliciously disgusting smells your body makes too).
Try brushing your teeth before bed and gargling with hydrogen peroxide and salt water. Debridement helps clear it up. Also get a stainless steel probe or curette and poke those sons of bitches out. Water pics work well too.
If you have other swolen glands you probably have an infection. Call your doc or go to a walk in clinic and ask for some antibiotics before it gets worse.
My old ENT doc would suction them off.

Start using a waterpik senpai.
I used to have tonsil stones too, but this fixed it. +Easy flossing.

these usually come with the pik, the classic jet tip is the best, as the pik pocket is too strong and will make you bleed.

Are you the Chilean who post on /int/ about sucking off a twink and getting pain in the back of your throat?

I've had power washers that were gentler than a water pick. Seems like a good way to do a DIY tonsilectomy.

It's your uvula user. If you want to suck cock better, I guess you can get it removed.

That's called a uvula, dumbass. Stop trying to swallow it.

also, guys my tongue looks like this and i'm worried its mouth cancer

any help will be appreciated

another view

those are tonsil stones

>get food stuck in small crevices in your throat
>body starts covering it up with that white stuff
>bacteria starts multiplying fast inside of it
>it breakes open and starts infecting your throat and everything around it.

removing tonsils stops the body from encapsuling the food.

Your tongue looks fine, but you're bound to get infected wounds if you don't start taking oral hygiene seriously.
Brushing removes less than half of the unwanted bacteria.

Daily reminder to clean your tongue, floss and rinse.

Holy hell your tongue is disgusting. Fucking brush it you dirty savage!

Thanks so much. I was freaking out.
I've doctor's appointment soon, and will discuss it with her.

i'm pretty sure my tonsils are fucked up as well, probably will have to remove them, right?

I do. but I cant remove it.

i also got enlarged tongue i think its because of thyroid. will get tests done soon.

>Source: colgate
I guess that's why they still advise flossing when it has been found that it doesn't help.

No problem, I'm not a doctor, but I have some thoughts;

You might not have to remove them, right now they are swollen because they're infected. Probably tonsillitis, which is pretty common and in most of the cases not dangerous, buy a over-the-counter antibacterial mouthwash and use it morning and night (Have helped me in several occasions.)

When you swallow mucus you also coat your tonsils in the bacteria it comes with, and it often can't be removed by deep-gargling. I was trying to remove tonsil-stones with my finger for a long time, but that only ended up in deeper "grooves" and more infections. Oral irrigators are key for removing mucus and foodparticles.

btw tonsil stones are the awful yellow lumps you sometimes cough up.


Have you ever flossed, and smelled the floss afterwards? If it doesn't help oral hygiene it sure contributes to a good breath.

Looks like Diphteria but i'm not a doctor

brush your fucking teeth

thank you

i feel less nervous now

will go to doctor tomorrow and will get it checked

Mercury helps keep your skin white.

Good luck getting tonsils removed if you're American, insurance has some crazy ideas about when it's necessary for them to cover.

for better or for worse i'm in Europe.

I think it will be still hard to convince them to cover it. but i have no other way lol

Cool, so you're retarded?