If you're so smart, why don't you have your driving license?

Yeah right you guys have traffic laws. Try driving in India. Those drivers are legends for surviving with no rules.

I am a strong believer that if you don't get a license at 16, you shouldn't be in stem.

The unwillingness or inability to obtain freedom and control over your life tells me you're a brainlet and or a weakling.

>southern italy is still part of europe (sadly)

Your inability to use logic tells me you shouldn't have a say in any field.


I'll just leave this here.

Butthurt driverless weiner detected.

>Female examinator
>Perform horrible on my test
>"How do you think the test went?" she asks
>"Pretty horrible"
>"Yes, but congratulations you passed"

Because epilepsy

I waited forever to get my license for financial reasons. Them licenses are expensive over here.

Italy and New York are two places I would never go if I wanted to drive.