What would be the best way to select for intelligence if we were to implement eugenics?

What would be the best way to select for intelligence if we were to implement eugenics?

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Music theory tests.
If you're not grade 6 theory by 25 you can't have kids.

Not a fan of IQ tests, I would use memory tests and math problems.

must hit 1/2/3/4 in 6 months of lifting otherwise kill

trips confirm

If you like any kind of sports, the balls are cut, simple and reliable

Sterilize republicans.

[spoiler]Which would honestly be really easy. Just take some of their most bought food/drink products and sprinkle in some hormone blockers. It's not like people ever read the labels, anyways.[/spoiler]

Fuck off you uncoordinated beta

Lots of magicians use 'memory tricks' as part of their act. They were really popular in the Vaudevillian era.

it depends on your definition of intelligence

also, women value more than just intelligence. some of the most brilliant scientists such as tesla was alone all his life, childless

I have a poor memory and mental arithmetic abilities, but my IQ is 140. I was 23 when I became a millionaire.

I would suggest IQ tests over your idea to only test memory and mental maths. The reason being is that they capture a broader spectrum of human intelligence. In fact memory and mental maths are sub categories in IQ tests.

I believe you picked both of those tests because you personally excel at those. That is not a good enough reason. If you think that is not the reason you picked those tests, look deeper into your mind and be truly honest with yourself.

I also recall reading a paper claiming that 'creativity' and 'intelligence' aren't as closely related as one thinks, or at least that after a certain point on the IQ spectrum, creativity doesn't increase that much as well.

But quantifying 'creativity' is probably even more nebulous than IQ.

Yes as far as I am aware they are not linked at all, but if you are creative + intelligent you will be much more successful and visible than other creative people with lower IQ. This leads to a scenario where highly visible/successful creative people are also high IQ, giving the appearance of a link.

Implement policies that provide big social mobility and an education system that strange national level isn't so huge in its lowest and highest schools

We dont and let nature run its course

t. 2 digits IQ

Remove female mate choice

Ask if they watch rick and morty

Dont allow women to sexually select.

gonna have to agree with the guy calling you a beta here.
physical fitness begats mental fitness my friend. it may not directly correlate to IQ and of course there are myriad exceptions but being physically fit helps you think. Unless contact sports. Fuck concussions.

any example of an intelligent athlete?

Any adult IQ under 89

Isn't intelligence relative? Won't there always be a certain bottom percentage? I'm curious, like when would you stop? Maybe I don't understand this well enough

If you like to watch* any kind of sports

Stirling Archer

Also, if we killed all the retards who would the intelligent people manipulate?

Now this I can get behind

You'd probably want to select people above a certain (not too high) cut-off of the g-factor, and within this group of people you manually select people such that you remove people who are actually not that smart or unaccomplished despite a high g-factor and let in people who have impressive accomplishments (i.e. a phd in theoretical physics) despite a relatively low g-factor.
These people would be the only ones allowed to breed.

>What would be the best way to select for intelligence if we were to implement eugenics?

Winner for dumbest question.
If you were in charge of deciding who mated then you are the constraint to survival.
You see, eugenics is its own test of stupidity to see if you are smart enough to see your own paradox, because if you are the one limiting procreation, then you are the prime constraint, and any other metric of social fitness becomes irrelevant.
This is why eugenics always leads to extinction, and anyone proposing it is a weakness to be eliminated.

Just get rid of the dumbest individuals, like people with iq below 80, based on iq test.

Don't implement a birth license system, just sterilize people who do dumb things.

we are already on one retard, its name is capitalism
>but muh look at all those poor people living in LA having kids
that's the magic, poor or rich, retards or intelligent should be all able to reproduce easily what matters is recombining genes the most so that human evolution happens faster

Prove it by buying me steam games.

>be me
>135 IQ
>22 years old
>only a few dollars in the bank and declining
I guess I missed the cutoff.

>calls Republicans stupid
>tries to spoilertext on Veeky Forums

>The best way

They’re though, no point in denying the obvious when there are stastics to back up his claims

It’s grammatically correct.

Intelligence isn't the only thing you need.
You may be super conscious but still don't accomplish anything. You need people with diverse skills to make it in this world.
There is more D that double D is my point

By having high IQ people have sex with each other and raising the children in high IQ stimulating environments.

Just let humans mate and have children as they please and the stupid ones will get taken advantage of by the smart ones and eventually die out

Nah, the smart ones will breed more stupid slaves to kill all the other smart ones and the entire human race is fucked.

Not if you have the government subsidizing the stupid ones like they are right now.

if you believe a magic cutoff exists, your IQ isn't actually 135

I’m sorry. I’ll go report myself for stupidthink. Better tell them the IQ tests are faulty and act like a fedora online to boost my self esteem.

I'm really dumb but can memorize answers and whatnot. IQ tests would be better than memory tests.

How you make ze monies?

>grade 6

Dude, if you cant improvise a 6-voice fugue compused only of 12-tone rows, you shouldnt even be allowed to take the test.


I don't believe this for a second.

If you actually scored 140 on a LEGIT IQ test while scoring below average on memory and arithmetic you gotta have verbal and spatial skills equivalent to the fucking distance to the Andromeda galaxy. That is extremely unlikely without a good memory.

I get that you're joking but it's spelled Sterling Archer.

Grappling combat sports are full of people with high world formation capacity. I mean heck, 'grapple nerd' is even an enduring stereotype in brazilian jiu-jitsu circles.

Any activity with exponential or asymptotic complexity curves tend to be good for selecting for greater genius/imagination, and activities that tend to involve spacial reasoning (like [certain] martial arts, target shooting, starcraft, and so on) tend to incur exploding variable density.

Also the fact that rivalrous activities tend to introduce fat tails to complexity curves; the whole 'trying to solve a problem thats solving you at the same time' thing.

Black science man was a folkstyle wrestler growing up.

Sports are pointless simian entertainment that offer nothing to society as a whole, I have nothing about the physically gifted though.

Sorry, your brain power must be at least this [--------] tall to commentate on how to design tests of virtue.

He was kinda cute
He was from the Bronx? He did well then. Shame on y'all for hating on him while in MIT on daddy's money.

Tesla willingly lived a celibate life. If you read any of biography about him, you'll see that he plenty of female admirers.

Tesla was also batshit insane just like many other super geniuses who went unmedicated.

I’m just batshit insane and stupid.

Then whaddya got to lose? Go on, user! Cram those pills down your filthy gullet...

I do. I think they make things worse, but my jew mom makes me take them.

I'm assuming you already have a way to measure intelligence. You could try many different eugenics ideas on various populations of people. Then you just measure which approaches do well according to your measure of intelligence. In a sense, your are measuring which eugenics plan works the best. Then you select the best eugenics plan(s).
Basically, you apply eugenics to all of your eugenics plans.

natural reproduction is slow

artificial wombs and extreme embryo selection using ideal candidate parents and as high as possible at time embryo combinations to find the best.

Past that synth biology to create idealized out babies.

>Honestly, do you think we can predict what are going to be the most important characteristics of the human species on all points in the future and eliminate genetic diversity just because and implement eugenics?
>Thanks for your answer, now, please report to the sterilization clinic for a routine check-up...

if you think uganda knuckles is remotely amusing youre killed on thought

the best method would be to set the bar low. in my scheme, anyone who wants to have custody of children must meet the following requirements:
1. 18+ and legal adult
2. HS diploma or GED
3. must not be convicted of certain felonies

that's it. just by enforcing those basic limitations, you could make a huge impact.

I've always wondered why you have to prove that you are Jesus reincarnated to be allowed to adopt as a single father/mother but any pair of random people with functionating genitals are considered qualified enough to produce offspring. Sounds weird, but getting your genetic material reproduced is not a human right.

Which felonies?

>Sounds weird, but getting your genetic material reproduced is not a human right.
exactly. it's a privilege, not a right, just like driving.

we don't let just anyone drive a car, because incompetence/recklessness has costs for society. likewise, people who are incompetent/abusive in raising children incur serious costs to society, so reproduction should be regulated too.

Im thinking along the lines of rape, molestation, kidnapping, murders, etc. because of false convictions and other issues, you could limit this to repeat offenders.

Simple we let the free market decide, if someone doesn't produce enough of worth(the poor) they are clearly not intelligent enough. You could give some starting resources so geniuses from poor backgrounds get a chance.

: /

>take the smartest men
>have them give sperm samples
>when a couple wants to have a kid, send them a sample of smart guy sperm to put in the woman
It's that simple. The intelligence still could be dragged down by a dumb mother, but there's not much you can do about that unless you want to turn smart women into constant baby factories. It's a lot easier for a man to jack off than for a woman to carry a baby to term.

Best post itt

have to do positive eugenics

>want any form of gov support
sterilization. Right after having your first kid sign up the poor family for sterilization if they want any financial help

By castrating you.

Its a common mistake.

My father, who works at Nintendo, says about this that is very possible, actually, some of his employees are also >140 IQ millionaires, but their poor memory makes 'em forget they need no job and still go to office every week.

Are you the troll who tried to nigger baiting earlier in the thread? Even if you're not you can stop now. One troll is enough per thread.

Use emotional quotient tests

Spotted the mgtow

Instead of a single test have the user choose an area and then be judged in it.

Clack clack clack u du nut nu du wau

Knuck off, Fuckles...

Turing. Fuck off, you autistic moron.

Let only scientists and mathematicians breed. That's the most objective way, since IQ is only a "statistical artifact" at this point.

Starting /pol/ threads on Veeky Forums should be grounds for sterilization, for starters.

This is not very common but definitely possible. I read psychological evaluations (which include the results of IQ tests) regularly at my job. I’ve seen many evals that revealed people can have notable deficits in IQ subscales while still maintaining an overall “gifted” or even “genius” full-scale IQ score.
Rare but definitely possible.

>millionaire posting on Veeky Forums
>on Veeky Forums of all boards
I wasn't born yesterday you know.

LOOL why select for intelligence!?
We need to start working on cat girls

Who cares about memory and mental math.
Thats a computers job

Eugenics is just a fancy word for conscious breeding decisions, I mean that's possible, if you think otherwise think again.
So it solely depends on the preferred trait, the test is the trait in your case, what's intelligence?

I actually know a millionaire. He is 80 and we both volunteer math tutoring at the local school. He picks me too. He got rich by putting his saving into nvidia stock but you wouldn't actually know he is a millionaire by looking at him. I remember on the 2nd week of knowing him he was carrying a sack and when I asked him he plainly told me it was 36 thousand dollars worth of gold.

Do you even know niggers though?

Take the kids that are still alive at the end and send them to good schools that encourage their creativity

wait til they hit ~27 years of living and then decide.
if they're successful let them breed

It's simple just limit the number of children people can have by which tax bracket they are in.

If you are not filing joint then no kids.
< $19,050 - No kids.
$19,051 - $77,400 - No kids.
$77,401 - $156,150 - Can have 1 kid.
$156,151 - $237,950 - Must have 1 kid. Can have 2 kids.
$237,951 - $424,950 - Must have 2 kids. Can have 3 kids.
>$424,951 - Must have 3 kids. Can have 10.
Retarded people cannot reproduce.
Parents of retarded babies have the option of up to 12 month postnatal abortions.
The lack of children in the lower classes will create instability for the upper classes creating many opportunity for upwards mobility.
The lower class will have more time to work as they have no children thus more chances for promotion.

Prove God wrong
>Pro Tip you can't

>people give money to people
>everything collapses

That would lead to all men being either softies or homos.