Do you think there will ever be a day where we could just upload information into our brains learning the information...

do you think there will ever be a day where we could just upload information into our brains learning the information immediately making schools colleges and universities obsolete ?

I hope so... The amount of knowledge discovered by humans is already much more than what a single individual can muster. If humanity will still be there in 20000 A.D. what will the study of human history look like? And what about mathematics? You may need an entire lifetime to just master a small section of maths enough to give a significant contribution. Same for other fields of research.

But the next question would be: is all knowledge deemed relevant actually relevant? Could you not live a fulfilling life without knowing all the answer?

But probably not as easy as the "mechanical educators" of fiction; the things that look like a woman's hair dryer helmet.
Everyone's brain is wired differently. Chemical cues guide the connections in a developing brain but they're more like a "how to" guide rather than a precise blueprint. It would take prolonged study before you could imprint (or read) specific information.

It's been a trope in SF ever since "The Skylark of Space". Asimov used it in "Profession". But the "most realistic" treatment was in "The 4th R" by George O Smith. It didn't "write" directly. You had to read the material the old-fashioned way. But the machine "echoed" it repeatedly. Gave the effect of reading the material over and over and over, hammering it into memory.

And if it's not developed, knowledge will just be divided into smaller and smaller sub-specialties. That's happening today. No mathematician can cover the entire field. Best you can do is try to keep up with general knowledge of what's been done so you can see if it might impact your own work. That was getting nearly impossible in the 50s, but then Google came along.

Yes the idea would be to use high intense microwaves that will imprint or sear the information onto the brain locking neurons into a pattern that will make you think you have always known about the 'thing' you wanted to learn.

I'm fairly convinced the technology will get there. But it will probably happen after a long time. Like, 100-200 years from now or something.
It would be interesting to see how people are going to view this. Everyone will essentially be forced to use it though, since if some accept it, the rest will be at an extreme disadvantage.

is it still rote learning if you can just upload it? implication is full understanding of brain

Think of the implication. If we can do that, what else could we do?
Give people fake memories, manipulating them to do things.
Making people believe stuff. Deleting memories, ect...

Though the advantages of interfacing the brain with computers is enormous. I wouldn't mind having arithmetic unit installed in my brain.

I guess? It still takes intuition to see trends and, from a scientific perspective, utilize this to advance research.

It will be a multi approach consisting of such things as speed reading, baby sign language, several other techniques, mnemonics, cognitive sciences of religion, many inputs being used, and many more...
It will be based on a Tengrist education system.

We already can, through visual input
viddy well little brother, viddy well

*hacks your brain*

Not a really good idea, right kiddo?

basically humanity being lazy brainlets? yes

reverse engineer the brain
upload it onto a computer

yeah, there will be a socket in a brain where you can connect artificial neural networks

It's naive to think that the human brain as we know it will stay biological in the distant future. I believe that humans will go one of two ways in the near/mid future. We will either be out competed by thinking machines or we will join them through transhumanism and eventually become completely digital. The human brain is an amazing machine that's evolved to fit a hunter/gatherer lifestyle and it is sophisticated enough to form planetary societies like we have today, but it is severely limited in areas that are extremely useful even in the present day. Human minds are already outcompeted in almost every field today by very specific machine minds, and it's only going to get worse for us in the future with the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning. I really doubt that there will be a hostile takeover like in Terminator, because there doesn't need to be. Once general artificial intelligence is here, we will either join it or fade into obscurity.

Will people use more percent of their brain, as they evolve? As far as I know, people use up around 10%. When would we use let's say 20? Does someone have any info on this, or is any research being done on this?

lucy wasnt real bro

this guy is fucking with us right ? how can you be on Veeky Forums and still believe in this myth ?

You could probably develop specific methodology and technology that you follow/use to learn something efficiently and effectively. "uploading" seems basically impossible at this point in time.

This was my first visit on Veeky Forums

Sorry but both options seem like fairytales to me.
Just can't relate.
Remember what people of 1900s thought our times will look like? I'm afraid it's the same thing.

Once neurological scientist figure out what knowledge in your head looks like they can create chemical patchs to install into your brian so you learn information instantly.