How did the first ever electron come into existence?

How did the first ever electron come into existence?

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What now? Do you have any evidence they even exist? Has anyone ever seen one?

This all sounds like big foot, loch ness monster hogwash to me man.

I would say that at the beginning of the universe, a couple of millionths of a second after the big bang, before what we can see in the microwave background
Hypothesis quickly and ridiculously vague, keep in mind that who is telling you is studying biology at this time, do not kill me

You need to have seen something with your own eyes to believe in its existence? What are you, a terraplanist?

>How did the first ever electron come into existence?
You mean the only electron?

No he means the first ever electron

B-but there is only one electron

Holy crap, how I had not seen this before

There would have to be the same number of positrons as electrons for that theory to work.

There are. The positrons are hidden inside protons.

What are quarks?

positrons are just time reversed electrons so the electron moving back in time would be all the positron. And the most the number would be off could only be at most 1 which we wouldn't be able to notice anyway


Like all the other electrons out there.
Someone had to be the first.

>Someone had to be the first.
[citation needed]

No, a quantum physicist :)

What the hell is the electron?

electrons don't actually "exist", they're just a useful theoretical idea for modeling things (sort of like neurons)

you mean just how bricks don't actually exist, but are just a handy model to explain houses?

Very carefully

politicians don't actually exist, but are just a handy model to explain congresses

>the first
The only electron* brainlet hetroscum. It traveled back from the end of the universe in the form of a positron and it's capable of doing this multiple times then it loops back around. Think of a twisted up hoop of string curling around a bar multiple times.

There are, you stupid fuck.