Why do Athiests dismiss the idea of there being a God or higher power but entertain the idea of living in a simulation...

Why do Athiests dismiss the idea of there being a God or higher power but entertain the idea of living in a simulation? Is simulation theory really a more rational idea than there being a cosmic entity of sorts?

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Who told you they do?

is that way

>Is simulation theory really a more rational idea than there being a cosmic entity of sorts?

Pretty much. I don't think anyone could conclusively prove or disprove either theory, but the simulation theory does seem more interesting.

I think conversations about the topic go something like this:

Conversation 1

Person1: I think the universe has a creator?
Person2: Oh? Why?
Person1: I just have a feeling.
Person2: gtfo

Conversation 2

Person1: I think the universe has a creator?
Person2: Oh? Why?
Person1: [simulation argument]
Person2: Interesting. Maybe!

I think atheists would be much more hostile to simulation theory if the people advocating always followed up by claiming that they had visited by the people running the simulation and had been given a book on how to wake up in the real world after the simulation is turned off.

>Is simulation theory really a more rational idea than there being a cosmic entity of sorts?
Simulations are actual things that exist. How is that a question?

>Person1: I think the universe has a creator?
>Person2: Oh? Why?
>Person1: I just have a feeling.
>Person2: gtfo

Strawman much...?

I'm sorry. That was totally a strawman. Let me try again, this time more accurately.

Person1: I think the universe has a creator?
Person2: Oh? Why?
Person1: My parents told me so.
Person2: gtfo

So basically God = Server Admin

Both equally silly ideas.
Made up entities with zero evidence for either.

I think some people just need to believe something or other takes an interest in their lives.
Once it was angels and devils.
Then it was flying saucers and alien abductions.
Great Programmer in the Sky is just another foolish meme.

CS major.
His post grad work.

Also the people who believe we'll have AI Gods by the year 2045. If AI today can't even can't understand a simple voice command then why should I believe that they'll be developing FTL drives and opening portals to other universes by the end of the century. BECAUSE ELON TOLD YOU SO!!!

Yes, because we have evidence that simulations exist.

None of them even close to the complexity of reality.

Kek, I wonder how many times he has had us on pause.
Or if he's a grieffing fucker who likes to wreck our plans just to see what we do in response.

Literally redit-tier

Quantum Weirdness disprove the Simulation Hypothesis.

Is believing in a God (generally speaking, not the Christian/Muslim/Jewish etc.) really irrational considering all that we don't know regarding the universe, reality, consciousness, and other things?

You think you can't simulate that? It didn't happened, you just have picture of it.


AI today have better reading comprehension test, than humans.


Read it and weep bitch!

That's because they're programmed to do that.

I don't want to fight with robot programmed to have perfect aim and having em shields.

>Person1: My parents told me so.
>Person2: gtfo

Eh... better but I would have gone for some like
>"This book written by a bunch of goat-herders from the middle of fucking nowhere told me so."

Here's the thing. Athiests are too caught up with trying to prove or disprove God's existence. Doesn't matter if god exists or not, what matters is if this so called 'god' interferes with people's individual lives. Which I don't think happens at all. Praying isn't gonna help or deter anyone's situation. Like thats the main thing athiests need to get their head around. The existence of an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent being is of no importance if he/she/whatever doesn't interfere with people's lives on this planet while we are living and when we die.

Theists try to get around simulation theory as though proving our lives have some form of divine meaning. Our lives do have meaning, there's no need to turn to degenerate nihilism because the world isn't created. Just that we need to stop thinking that prayer does anything more than comfort us, and a lot of people alive today aren't ready to openly accept that reality and that is ok.

Does anyone think flashing lights at specific high frequencies causing seizures could be an indicator of life being artificial?
Seems way too...computational. Like a binary glitch thing. A stack overflow, or a tweaked variable in the program that is the person having a seizure.

because any 'god' you postulate is tied to a wealth of attributes, assumptions, and inumerable other things that are completely baseless/fictional. I'd say entertaining the idea of living in a simulation is completely retarded (beyond a thought experiment), but theism (in particular, the attachments to the basic notion) are far more retarded.

entertaining the idea of living a simulation has no further prescriptions. Whereas theism almost always literally says you can't masturbate because um, god say it bad. In reality, these are just cultural/social items that you use the notion of god to justify. living in a simulation has nothing to do with this, aside from perhaps discerning the purpose of the simulation (which we could never definitely know).

>"Doesn't matter if god exists or not, what matters is if this so called 'god' interferes with people's individual lives. Which I don't think happens at all. [...] The existence of an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent being is of no importance if he/she/whatever doesn't interfere with people's lives on this planet while we are living and when we die."

I think that's the thing that a lot of religions and mythology get wrong about the concept of a "God". Why would a being that is so powerful give a shit about lesser beings that are microbes compared to it. And it is that a lot of religions try to confine an infinitely powerful being into a human role like a patriarch/matriarch. It would be impossible to anthropomorphize God.

If we're in any kind of simulation where we're the focus then probably many religious texts are somewhat real, maybe they're all various attempts by god to try to actually communicate with us and he pretty much sucks at it or rather humans always fuck it up with their own interests. (but he created us so he should have some idea of how we work and how to deliver info in a way that will provably stay) Maybe he got bored and just is letting us run because its murder to stop the simulation. Maybe p-zombies are real in which case theres a high probability you're one, or me from your perspective if you aren't one. spooky