Why is one group of people being smarter than another group of people such a crazy idea?

Why is one group of people being smarter than another group of people such a crazy idea?

Blue eyes don't cause higher intelligence, but if you are blue eyed you are much more likely to be white or be white and have no African or middle eastern genes, that's because blue eyes are a recessive trait

this could be a way to get around the ban against studying inteligence in races.

you could pick a trait that has a strong race bias and then test for intelligence in people with or without those features.

like basketball, or rap music or something.

Are you climate change holocaust denier nazi white supremacist cis white male?

Is it already unironically banned?

it's all empirical, show me the mechanism



Some nations have 'anti-racism' laws that inhibit free speech, intellectual debate and inquiry, ect. A particularly vicious prosecutor could probably have you jailed over something like this, in Germany. In the US, it's more a matter of never getting funding for such research, and few modern journals will wan't to publish it.

good fucking luck getting the study approved.

You could try the same strategy in finding racial correlations with risk in insurance/lending.

>blue eyes could mean you are brainy
People are okay with this.
>being white/male could mean you are brainy
People are not okay with this.

Of course, if you read the study what they likely found was just a small deviation from the average when looking at a group of blue eyed people. The intelligence of blue eyed people would still be a standard distribution, with almost half being under the human average, but that knowledge doesn't make blue eyed people feel warm and cozy and slightly inflate their egos, so it doesn't get printed.

>literally everyone listed is a brainlet

Actually, I can't recall a good scientist with blue eyes.



Holy shit that second paragraph is so stupid. How does an editor allow this to be published?

People should know, you can make a bullshit study to justify anything if you're biased enough or have an agenda. This is why there are so many bullshit studies in academia, people are usually biased or have an agenda.

user, you forget that non-whites don't have blue eyes.

In much of Europe you can get jail time for "inciting racial hatred". This is applied to anything and everything.

>This is applied to anything and everything.
But not everyone ;)

See top of pic.