Benjamin Banneker was objectively the greatest mathematical mind

he was greater than gauss and euler, in the sense that he lived during a time of slavery and racial oppression and yet succeeded

Other urls found in this thread:

You need to define greatest
Greatest as in suceeding despite the greatest challenges to overcomb? In that case I'd have to say it was Ramanujan.
Benjamin Banneker has next to no contributions

"A substantial mythology exaggerating Benjamin Banneker's accomplishments has developed during the two centuries that have elapsed since his death (see Mythology of Benjamin Banneker).[35][87][88] Several such urban legends describe Banneker's alleged activities in the Washington, D.C. area around the time that he assisted Andrew Ellicott in the federal district boundary survey.[35][39][88][89] Others involve his clock, his almanacs and his journals.[88]"

euler was black


George Washington Carver overcame more.

I swear to fucking God, if anyone makes another fucking "niggers have low iqs" comment in this thread, we're deleting it. Veeky Forums is for scientific discussion and not a place for Alt Right circlejerks. That's what /pol/ is for...

>Benjamin Banneker

Had to google him up. While impressive that he succeeded in life, he was born as a free Black. He wasn't a slave, thought he had to face lots of prejudice.

I believe that far more impressive are people who succeeded despite being born in slavery or serfdom. That's something you have to admire, for such person had to overcome not only prejudice, but also legal obstacles.

Gauss has way more accomplishments

Banneker has nothing

so you honestly think Banneker is as good as Gauss or Euler?

>Scientific discussion
That's funny, because judging from the anti-intellectual banter Veeky Forums is you sure aren't doing your fucking jobs

Hi /pol/ falseflagger. Don't lay it on so thick next time

I think the mod's point is that this thread was obviously made by /pol/ to bait "niggers have low iqs" comments

I honestly never heard of him until just now. What did he do?

But they objectively do

So he is the black Euler.


The problem with a low average deviation isn't necessarily that the average is low, it's that to reach a high IQ like 160 or 165 you need a tremendously large statistical deviation.

This means that while 1,000,000 blacks surely contain more people with IQ's over 100 than 100,000 whites, 100,000 whites will have 4-8 people with IQ's over 160,000 whereas blacks will only have 1-2.

You can post those views on /pol/, why shit up a blue board with nazi shit?

They are not views, they are objective facts
And any scientific mind would not be biased towards the left or right, but would simply be objective

Because Liberal Creationism is pseudoscience and has no place on Veeky Forums.

You know what else isn't supported by the mainstream scientific community? UFOs. But tell me more about "the conspiracy to suppress the truth". Is Bob Lazar being suppressed too? Fuck off back to you paranoid delusional racist nutjob

It is a tested, provable, and proven fact.

>Blacks have lower IQ's than Whites
>Paranoid delusional nutjob
user, I'm just trying to do my fucking scientific job and people like you come shitting it up with politics!

>Liberal Creationism

Isn't that an oxymoron?

NO! We're not doing this shit again!

It's the belief that human evolution stopped 100 thousand years ago.

No. I was saying that the term "Liberal Creationism" is an oxymoron because most Liberals and either atheists or agonists and are perhaps the most outspoken opposition to the implementation of Creationism in schools.

They are not as extreme as the religious creationists. But they are human exceptionalists. They think that the evolutionary processes like anagenesis and cladogenesis do not apply to humans.

So they basically believe Humans just *poofed* into existence?

I'm going guys. Good discussions with the liberal creationists for those who stay.

I wish everyone on Veeky Forums was that civil.

This is actually a good argument. I support this thread.

Meh Descartes was more influential. Who cares about color the first college was in morocco

You mean ?

>Meh Descartes

You mean Rene Descartes.



Why the homophobia?

this is the first time i heard about him

don't complain about this shit when Veeky Forums is filled to the brim with absolute fucking dogshit offtopic retards spewing their retardation

>No moderator name
>Picture to gather extra attention
>Archive shows no posts about blacks having low IQs were made
Veeky Forums needs to do to /pol/ what Trump tried to do to arabs.
Lock up our board's fucking borders and prevent these stinky stupid migrates from entering. It is less than 10 lines of JS.

>it's that to reach a high IQ like 160 or 165 you need a tremendously large statistical deviation.
That's the case for people of any color, even Asians and Jews. That's more than 4 standard deviations above the mean. The average IQ between American blacks and American whites is not even one SD according to most studies.
>statistical deviation
What other kind of deviation is there in this context? kek, stupid /pol/tard.

stay on topic morons

>not V - E + F = 2

indeed, quite amazing this equation had escaped the ancient greeks. perhaps it was the negro perspective of euler that was absolutely necessary to its discovery...

>Benjamin Banneker

A competent autodidact and polymath, but NOT the greatest mathematical mind. Only brainlets and trolls would say such a thing.

Who was the goat mathematician in your opinion

>Not already knowing it was either Euler or Gauss

In all seriousness there's also Riemann, Cauchy, Lagrange, Laplace, Fermat... So many better candidates than OP's racebait.