What if gravity is actually just acceleration in another dimension and in this other dimension we are really moving...

What if gravity is actually just acceleration in another dimension and in this other dimension we are really moving away from what we perceive to be the direction of the gravity

this would explain why gravity is indistinguishable from regular acceleration, it is just regular acceleration but in a different dimension so that things in our visible dimension don't appear to actually be moving like a rocket or something

Thanks, I'm writing a paper on this and win nobel prize.

That's kind of what it actually is according to general relativity.

You can definitely describe it that way

spoiler: the other dimension creating gravity is time

that means everything in this other dimension would be constantly accelerating

How FAST would that be?

Can you imagine accelerating at a mere 9.8m/s/s for 4 billion years?

Now do it again but for a black hole and 13 billion years

dude that's some sick fucking speed

>What if gravity is actually just acceleration in another dimension and in this other dimension we are really moving away from what we perceive to be the direction of the gravity. This would explain why gravity is indistinguishable from regular acceleration, it is just regular acceleration but in a different dimension so that things in our visible dimension don't appear to actually be moving like a rocket or something

"Sorry kid it's already been done".

>dude that's some sick fucking speed

Yeah, we need a universal speed limit. How about 299,792 km/s?

No, actually it is not.

The image you chose for this thread sold me on the fact that you are a genius.


>What if gravity is actually just acceleration in another dimension and in this other dimension we are really moving away from what we perceive to be the direction of the gravity

cool sentence

One time I said, hey what if you look for buried treasure at pic related longitude but you use my mom and dad's phone numbers from when I was young in the latitude
then meme bro was like "DUDE WOAH!!!!!!"

>What if gravity is actually just acceleration in another dimension.

Gravity is incoherent dielectric acceleration.

Describe me Faraday's law in this term, or how to fucking induce it.

Elaborate desuka

>or how to fucking induce it

Induce what? Incoherent dielectric acceleration? Take a shitload of magnets and smash them with a hammer. Then clump all the pieces into a ball and spin it fast.

that's stupid just make the speed limit 300,000km/s why would you make it 299,792


my iq is over 100, unlike most people

Dude weed lmao


Your half right in that gravity does sometimes originate from higher dimensions but not always so.

There are many sources or causes out there in the cosmos as to why some gravity manifest themselves the way they do, there are regions(pockets)of the universe where the gravitational behavior is unlike anything you probably have ever observed, so doesn't always mean every gravity phenomena you stumble into is as how you described it to be.

I got to point out though that graviton particles are one of the very few in the universe capable of transcending into other dimensions. Just one of the many wonders of the cosmos of things going on out there beyond our limited four dimensional perception.

>Graviton particles

Gravitons are still hypothetical, we have to prove they exist before we can use them.

Love you Kevin