What do you guys think about the "Shut up and calculate!" movement in physics...

What do you guys think about the "Shut up and calculate!" movement in physics? Apparently physicists are not allowed to consider the philosophical implications of their work anymore and are simply to work harder on finding mathematical solutions. To me it makes the field seem very sterile and unappealing. Have they forgotten why humans started to seek knowledge of the universe in the first place?

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>why humans started
It wasn't in the interest of navel gazing. Science and math have their origins in commerce and war. Most people are principally concerned with doing stuff.

>It wasn't in the interest of navel gazing
That's literally all Plato did

plato didn't invent math
or science, for that matter
he's just one of the earliest recorded sources

The quest to find knowledge in a structured and logical way began with the Greeks.

that's just the narrative that classical education constructed. the reality is we don't know what people were up to before, but it is unlikely the greeks invented everything they wrote whole cloth

Stop being a faggot and calculate some shit bitch boi.

It's for applied physicists, they are not supposed to understand anyway, they even think uncertainty principle is a fundamental law of nature.

Uncertainty is fundamental. It's not that we are incapable of better resolution, it doesn't exist.


what about that shit

Nice b8

Physicists are at their best when they don't try to philosophize and just come to conclusions based on what experiment and theory shows, which is the limit of scientific understanding.

The thing is, if you had any philosophical integrity (i.e. you were not a subhuman but a real human being) then you would not concern yourself with "what the Copenhagen interpretation means to you"--that's an early 20th century topic! To be a truly a Great man, you must only concern with the cutting edge, i.e. shut up and calculate until you get to the highest level of physics, and then you can philosophize that...

As long as it comes out elegant that's all that matters.

not a quantum system, even if it is a good analogy


no physicist worth his salt takes the copenhagen interpretation seriously anymore anyway.

Astronomy, navigation and farming probably

There are half-a-dozen "interpretations" of quantum mechanics, all of which give the same answers. At one time, there were more theories. Some gave different numbers -- numbers not agreeing with Reality -- and they've been discarded.

Physicists DO think about what it all "means" but, there are, so far, no experiments which can rule any more versions out. Ideas which cannot be tested (The little man who follows me about, but turns invisible if I whirl suddenly to see him) are philosophy or metaphysics and wastes of time.

What else but "shut up and calculate" is left? It gives useful answers.
If you have a better (testable) idea, PUBLISH, by all means!

It's the result of letting too many jews in physics desu. They're good at the math but too soulless to consider philosophical implications

Knowing is good it's that simple
Knowledge is power

>believing ancient history is true

shut up and calculate, does not mean what you think it means.

A mathematical result can also be a philosophical implication

not this

I think it leads to relativism in the long run.


It does. He thinks scientists should not engage in any sort of speculation about what results imply and focus on gaining objective results. Which I think is crass because the search for knowledge is about more than just the scientific method. Do we want to live in a cold, corporate world where results only matter when they can be utilized to make a profit?

Its true.. Painting pictures. Just look at the measuring systems you use.

>when brainlets who don't know shit about quantum physics try to tell physicists what they should do

They understood the universe doesn't owe us to be smart enough to even comprehend it. So just calculating is all we can do for now. And what philosophical implications would you possibly draw from something you can not conceptualize? You can't. You can't get from an is to an ought either if we listen to Hume. I am very reluctant to even try drawing philosophical implications from any part of physics, because in the end, whenever somebody tried to, he reached nothing more than the philosophy he put in.


>What do you guys think about the "Shut up and calculate!" movement in physics?
It might be necessary, since Marxist ideologues have infiltrated universities so thoroughly. You simply can't expect a modern 'scientist' to say anything sensible anymore, so it's better to just have them rigorously prove whatever they can and be silent about what they can't.

not this

Nigga, uncertainty is a mathematically derived law, not physically. Heisenberg's inequality is about as fundamental as it gets.

Nah Babylonians did pythagorean theorem 1000 years before Pythagoras. Algebra or at least systems of equations was also Babylon

Nobody claims Pythagoras came up with the stuff. He wrote it down and made it famous.

eurocentrism is quite a drug I guess

>the pythagorean theorem is the only mathematical thing attributed to the Greeks
>who is Euclid

Maybe eurocentrism wouldn't be a thing, if others pitched in a bit.

And Archimedes, Erosthanos, Diophantine. And a bunch more, no doubt.

>europeans sucking their own cock
you do realise that this has nothing to with who was first right? Also this chart only shows that the highest amount of RECORDED scientifically "important" individuals lived in european countries.

>RECORDED scientifically
It's not science, if you don't record it. What are you even doing on this board?

>don't think
>don't speak
>just crunch numbers

And my axe!

Elements is a treatise, he didn't invent most of those theorems.

>It gives useful answers.
You mean know how is science?

Observe facts.
Make hypothesis to explain them.
Predict phenomena not yet seen.
Run experiment.
If experiment confirms prediction, have increased confidence hypothesis is correct.
If experiment does not confirm prediction, abandon hypothesis (or tweak it) and start over.

Science is not just facts. Science is organizing facts into as general a theory as possible. The important part is understanding the underlying principles.
Aristotle's epicycles were not science even though they could be tinkered with to follow the apparent motion of the planets fairly closely.
They were ad hoc. The various "circles" were adjusted AFTER the motions of the planets had been tabulated.
If a new planet were to be discovered, Aristotle offered no guidance as to its future behavior.

Whereas Kepler -- and later, Newton -- did. They established General principles.
THAT is Science.

It's just a phase before we figure out an intuitive explanation.

I came to this thread in case someone mentions pilot wave theory.


That's right, we invented everything, goyim! We've always been the best!

You fundamentally misunderstand what "shut up and calculate means" in the context of modern theoretical physics.

t. modern theoretical physicist.

Good thing. Modern philosophy and philosophy of physics are complete jokes.

>Make hypothesis to explain them.
This is exactly what "shut up and calculate" doesn't do.


>Aristotle's epicycles were not science even though they could be tinkered with to follow the apparent motion of the planets fairly closely.
Not sure about his. Epicycles were kinematics, and without solid kinematics you can't build dynamics.

No comment on his claim about modern philosophy besides that it's retarded, but philosophy of physics is a joke because it's written by amateurs. Either by philosophers who are amateurs in physics, or by physicists who are amateurs in philosophy.

It means they don't like the fact that empirical evidence supports the existence of God so they want to close their eyes and block their ears and bury themselves in calculations to avoid having to face the inevitable implication of their work

>Make hypothesis to explain them
Theoretical physics doesn't explain anything. They create mathematical models to predict the behavior of phenomena, they sure as fuck don't touch what those phenomena are in reality with a 10ft pole

Into the owen.
Why brainlets even try?