Which pills reverse the analytic pill? Ive taken it and I'm not sure I can go back. It's weird down here lit, help

Which pills reverse the analytic pill? Ive taken it and I'm not sure I can go back. It's weird down here lit, help

I'm still very much inside the analytic hole but I think I can see the light. I've decided that it is entirely absurd to do analytic philosophy without getting into certain branches of mathematics (such as foundations or mathematical logic). Problem is: I'm already 25 and there is no hope for me to ever properly learn mathematics. So I've decided to seek new ways.

The amount of math that's directly relevant to analytic philosophy isn't hard to learn.

Absolutely not true. It really depends on the field you're interested in. I was mostly concerned with non-monotonic logic, and models of belief and decision. It's quite tricky if you want to really make a contribution.

What exactly is the math relevant to get into analytic philosophy?

I may be a brainlet, but it seemed like wittgenstein did analytic philosophy before it became big, in an attempt to push the logical arc of philosophy to its end. It seems that insodoing he put forward a very postmodern prospect, that words aren't subjective end-all tokens of meaning, which would sort of fundamentally render the style absurd

correct me if I'm wrong in this, I really like witty but I'm open to having my perspective radically changed

accept Jesus

stop thinking in binaries nerd. that itself is analytic.

Why would you want to reverse it? There's literally nothing wrong with analytic philosophy. Do not fall for the very toxic memes

What maths were you actually worried about learning?

This isn't physics and no one can be David Hilbert anymore.

If you really want to do some work in models of belief and decision you've got to learn a ton of set theory, algebra and several logical calculi. It's too damn unfeasible at this point because I'm basically a brainlet.

Plus, if you want to do philosophy of physics you HAVE to learn enough mathematics to understand where we currently stand in physics regarding things such as relativity. If you're not doing mathematical philosophy, you're just a fluke.

>set theory, algebra and several logical calculi.
That doesn't sound impossible for someone who has yet to start a graduate program.

> I'm basically a brainlet.
suit yourself

you sound more lazy than brainlet desu

The Technological Society by Ellul did it for me. Rigorous af.

Philosophical Investigations by Wittgenstein

Kierkegaard. Wittgenstein was completely infatuated with him and thought him to be one of the most profound philosophers to have ever lived.

Just realize that, while interesting and important in its own right, analytic stuff is not really philosophy.

>Analytic philosophy is metamathematics and just logic.
Come on man. Stop being this retarded. If you want to study logic and math of course you'll need to know math and logic.


Thanks for the rec, I love books like this

Dreyfus (RIP) is usually known as the philosopher who made continental theory accessible to analytical departments.